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Pokémon Go |OT 3| "No Officer, I'm a Passenger"

My luck with eggs continues to be the absolute worst... todays hatches are Meowth, Goldeen, Weedle and Vulpix.

Not been getting any babies at all. I hatched more before the supposed event.

Feels like 80% of my 5k hatches are Meowths and Goldeens, I thought the chances of hatching varied Pokemon had supposedly improved?
This should answer your questions:

I just need 3 babies to finish my DEX


Haven't played anything during the last hours, with the starters event. How common are starters among all the wild pokemons? 10%? 20%?


After 5PM EST, in a span of 15 mins I caught 3 Charmander... I need about 9 of their candies more to evolve him into Charizard. Finally!

A few Pokemon I can evolve to get their evolutions and the 'caught' number increased by 1:

But Pokemon like Porygon, Aerodactyl, and Lapras may as well be unicorns for me because I've never seen them here. And I won't be able to get Tauros unless I go further enough north in Florida. Shiiiiiat. Oh well.
The daily bonuses are pretty garbage.

The weekly bonuses should be like, from catching you get a rare spawn (treated like an incense one that only you can see), and Pokestops should be a free item (incubator, incense, lucky egg).


Has the event started? Because I just got 93% Wild Blastoise with Water Gun/Ice Beam. Wished it had been Hydro Pump instead - but beggar can't be chooser and I already have 86% Blastoise with Water Gun/Hydro Pump anyway.

Also got 82% Santa Chu with Quick Attack/Thunderbolt. Shame he's not much of a use as a defender due to low max CP.
I hatched a whole bunch of eggs

Ponyta........yay, 1 candy to a rapidash

Other eggs I can't remember but meh

At least I scored my first charmander, charmelon and have enough Bulba candies for ivysaur.............but a venus ran away from me :(

I need more ultra balls lol


Meowth, Abra and Paras. At least give me something I can use. Luckily also a Smoochum from a 10 km.
Also found a couple of Bulbasaur and two Kabuto.


As the last day of the year, I'm super duper happy with my egg hatching run.

Got a Cleffa, Togepi and Igglybuff in a row!

Now left Smoochum and Elekid to complete the baby Pokemon list which I still haven't got a single 10km egg...


Hatched 25 eggs and not a single baby. Not that I didn't expect that, but eh. At least I've gotten a Scyther which should get me closer to Scizor, silver lining and all.

Walking around with only one single stage Pokemon missing is a pain though.
Smoochum Is deciding to be a prick and not hatch at all after about 50+ eggs, around 3 of them being 10ks. Still got 3 more to go, but I think Smoochum will elude me.


Really good day today.
Hatched a Igglybuff, Smoochum and Togepi.
Caught a Ivysaur bad IV though so not going to evolve it.
Caught a bunch of Bulbasurs and Charmanders.
Bulbasur- 82 candy
Charmander- 59 candy
Should have a Charizard and Venasaur in a few days.


It's already 2017 at my area so happy new year PokeGoGAF!

Keep on walking that eggs to hatch more

The day you have enough candy will be the day they release the rest of Gen 2...

It's ok I need to walk approx 350KM to get 35 more candies since the tracking are not accurate sobs.
Family wants to start NYE early but all I wanna do is go to the park, drop lures and incense and get some starters.

Well played Niantic. I know it's a week long event but I want them noooooow.

I kinda want to hit 29 before the end of the year, I totally could with another hour long trip to the park.

Also 8km away from Wheezing...


anyone has a chart of these daily streak bonuses?
If I knew what they were I would be more willing to keep my streak going

Taken from https://rankedboost.com/pokemon-go/daily-quest/
Catching A Pokemon Every Day: 500 XP, 600 Stardust
Catching A Pokemon Every Day For 7 Straight Days: 2,000 XP, 2,400 Stardust

Visiting A Pokestop Every Day: 500 XP, A number of additional items
Visiting A Pokestop Every Day For 7 Straight Days: 2,000 XP, A greater number of additional items

So far I never missed my streak and that helps in speeding up my progress from lvl 29 to 30.


Snagged a couple of Bulbasaur so Venosaur at 1930 CP is done. I need one more Bulbasaur so I can level it up twice.
Snagged a Charmeleon, so I'm happy enough with the Charmander line. Both Charmeleon and Charizard could be stronger but at least I have them in a living dex.
Need four more Squirtle to evolve 1003 CP Wartortle to replace weaksauce 89 CP Blastoise
I'm still hating 5 KM hatches, two more turned into nothing. First 2 KM also turned into Spearow but second was Cleffa :)
Been at this park for 20 minutes and not one starter.

Fuck you too Niantic.

*Edit* 40 minutes, two lures and an incense later and I've gotten one Bulbasaur. Like seriously what the fuck.


I only have a Wartortle and 16 candy so I just hope a random Blastoise appears on the wild. I don't care if it has 10 CP I just want it for the Pokédex D:

I believe I now have the most self indulgent, waste of time, energy, stardust as possible pokemon...just one more power up.


She is like "am i stronk :D????" Damn I really fear this pokemon. It's a pain to defeat with those HP.


Have seen quite a few more starters around, have mainly been catching Charmanders though. Haven't seen any of the evolutions of any of the starters though, just the base Pokemon.

Also finding Pokestops are skimping on the eggs, I can hit like five or six stops before I get an egg.


Neo Member
A Charmander and Bulbasaur spawn in the same spot every half an hour or so at work but f all at home, only at the nearest pokestop which I cba going to.


Oh snap. I just sat down in the pub and saw a silhouette in the nearby.

The only silhouette that remained.


Gen 1 is now done.


Already caught like 5 Charmanders today. Also caught a 802cp Bulbasour with 82+ IV. Going to evolve it. Now a 2100ish Venusaur!


This event is really nice since my area doesn't have a lot of the starters besides Squirtle. Got an Ivysaur (only Decent) and finished off a Blastoise (only Strong). Saw a Wartortle in the wild too. Basically every corner of my city has starters, it'd only take a half day of walking to get final evolutions for all three.

To bad it's 20 degrees with snow on the ground, I probably won't be going back out. Hope they do this again sometime.

I'm really getting boned on the 5k eggs though, I still don't have dugtrio, machoke, and victoribell. 10k continues to be a joke, like the 5th Magmar I've hatched and I've never seen the other 10k Pokemon in the wild, it's absurd. 190 eggs hatched.
So apparently the park is just not wanting to spawn any starters.

We have like 10 stops and two gyms there, and I saw one of each starter in an hour.

I'm currently in line at a swap meet because the fairgrounds was confirmed as a Squirtle nest.

I will get this Blastoise before New Year's Day.
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