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Pokémon Go |OT 3| "No Officer, I'm a Passenger"


Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Had more or less given up on the game, randomly turned it on today and caught a CP 1754 Lapras 93% with Frost Breath and Blizzard right outside my house.

Okay then.


Gym stagnation has finally set in my town. The gyms that are clustered all belong to one team or the other. I suppose it makes sense when everyone can settle and cash out 100 coins every day. I feel bad for all the low level players though.

Personally, I haen't achieved my goal yet so I'll still keep playing. Make Instinct great again!
For Lapras, do you have a strong fire type with fire moves? Arcanine and Flareon both work. Lapras doesn't have any water type moves so at worst they'll take normal damage from dragon pulse or else they'll just resist everything Lapras can throw at them, and since Lapras is half ice type it'll take neutral damage from their attacks.

Lol I haven't caught or evolved a Flareon and my only Growlithe has some poor IV's - this strats currently a no go :/

Snorlax is weak to fighting. I use my magmar if the snorlax is low enough CP. Otherwise, I use my gyrados with dragon breath.

Magmar with fighting moves is also not weak against ice.

I do have a magmar! But again the IV's are low so I'm hesitant on pumping him up (and his moves are only karate chop and fire punch)

Lapras -> Omastar/Kabutops
Snorlax w/o Earthquake -> Rhydon
Snorlax w/ Earthquake -> Dragonite

Omastar and Kabu seem to make sense with their rock moves but don't have either of those... and the pre-evo's I have currently have low IV's.

I think I have a do Rhyhorn! I think it has decent IV's but still low on candy for an evo

Not enough candy even for a dragonair lolol

As an aside though, I am so damn pleased with my Exeggutor. 98% IV, Zen Headbutt and Solarbeam. It absolutely shreks Vapes, and with dodging really can put a dent in Slowbros and Lapras's.

Gym stagnation has finally set in my town. The gyms that are clustered all belong to one team or the other. I suppose it makes sense when everyone can settle and cash out 100 coins every day. I feel bad for all the low level players though.

Personally, I haen't achieved my goal yet so I'll still keep playing. Make Instinct great again!

Yea same for my town. Honestly, if it wasn't for my ridiculous "loyalty" to my original team I probably would have switched because I can only think of the income Mystic teams are getting while I try to scrape by on 10 cp every one or two days. And honestly my end goal is just to have a big storage, big pokemon counter and... well lots of money. Instinct is all about the broke life lol


OMG my high level 97.8 IV Eevee evolved into Vaporeon AND it has Hydro Pump. So happy :D



From the spawn changes earlier this week, I don't think I had any spawns removed from my home but they did change around a bit around the apartment complex. Gotta investigate more. :p


That's every 100th catch, as I understand it.

Thank you, that makes sense!

I had enough candy to evolve Poliwag to Poliwrath. 82 percent IV with 7/15/15... and with the best offensive moveset = bubble/hydro pump.

At 105/110 now... I ain't getting a lapras until I hatch it as an egg, am I? And I ain't getting Dragonite until I get 100 Dratini candy...


You know, at this point in the game, movesets of defending Pokemon don't seem to matter so much...the really important thing is having a high enough CP to sit at or near the top of a gym. Most active players have abandoned the game. Meanwhile, most gyms are level 10, and staying that way. Now and then, someone tries to tackle one and knocks out the bottom-level defender, but then they usually give up, with the result that the gym gets trained back to level 10 but with an even higher leveled Pokemon taking the new slot. The result is that people just stop challenging all level 10 gyms, even if the Pokemon in them aren't actually all that tough.

I've been eyeing off a level 10 Mystic gym in my area that went untouched for a week. When I finally had time to tackle it this weekend, I was actually easily able to demolish the entire thing without using any Revives, because it was half-filled with Arcanines with Bulldoze! Just the fact that they all had very high CP and looked intimidating was enough to deter the few people around who still play the game, which is why it just sat there for ages. I plonked my Dragonite with Dragon Breath and Hyper Beam (technically the worst defending moveset for a Dragonite) on top of another gym a week ago, and it's still there, because hey - it's a high level Dragonite, and no-one wants to challenge the gym! It used to be difficult for me to claim more than 10 coins per day, but these days I'm usually able to get 100.


You know, at this point in the game, movesets of defending Pokemon don't seem to matter so much...
Movesets matter for one thing: resources. Whether it's people who take down the entire gym or not, by making them spend more potions and revives, you can retake the gym and force that player to spin a lot more stops to be able to retake it again. So if you're able to check the gym every day, you can eventually starve challengers, force them to give up and make it your own. Well, you know, if you have companions to help you fill the gym with strong defenders. You can't do it with too many gyms though, since you'd be resource hungry.

In a way, CP and movesets go hand in hand. The higher the CP, the harder and more often you hit. The better the moves, the harder and more often you hit. It just depends on the gyms in your city. If even the bottom defender is usually 2300+ CP, then yeah, only the top tier Pokemon are viable. In suburban areas though, I see 1200-1800 CP at the bottom of lvl. 10 gyms more often than not.


*Lapras talk*l

Metal Claw Kingler resists or is neutral to Lapras and deals SE damage, don't know how viable it actually is but it's the second strongest steel dps after Dragoinites Steel Wing according to trainer tips.

No clue about the effectiveness and no numbers to back it, but a pund Jynx might be viable too for resisting the moves and dealing neutral damage. Or maybe another water/ice/fire type has a better neutral move but I don't have time to check it now.


Movesets matter for one thing: resources. Whether it's people who take down the entire gym or not, by making them spend more potions and revives, you can retake the gym and force that player to spin a lot more stops to be able to retake it again. So if you're able to check the gym every day, you can eventually starve challengers, force them to give up and make it your own. Well, you know, if you have companions to help you fill the gym with strong defenders. You can't do it with too many gyms though, since you'd be resource hungry.

In a way, CP and movesets go hand in hand. The higher the CP, the harder and more often you hit. The better the moves, the harder and more often you hit. It just depends on the gyms in your city. If even the bottom defender is usually 2300+ CP, then yeah, only the top tier Pokemon are viable. In suburban areas though, I see 1200-1800 CP at the bottom of lvl. 10 gyms more often than not.

Most of the time people don't even bother trying to seriously tackle a level 10 gym though (at least not in my area). The sight of all those Pokemon puts them off. The Pokemon only get replaced by gradual erosion, as the bottom Pokemon is kicked off and replaced by something with an even higher CP - thus Pokemon that were in the middle of the gym gradually sink down to the bottom.
So I had one final string of evolutions I could do to take me to 131 in the Pokedex and to level 27 and now I think I've finished with the game. Aside from the regional ones I'll be missing


I could grind 6 of those through walking a buddy but that's an awful lot of walking. The others I've never even seen on the radar and I've had about 8 10km eggs in total since day one so feels out of my control to find then.

Fun game while it lasted though. Hopefully they add trading and I'll finish things off down the line.
Finally have enough candies to evolve a Gyrados after walking with my Magikarp over 100 kms :)

It's Geodude/Gravler/Golem time since even a god damn simple Geodude is rare here.


I finally got the last two sandshrew I needed last night. Sandslash was number 140. Only need Charizard and Venusaur which who the fuck knows when that will happen. I'm satisfied all the same. Hopefully they implement trading so we can get the other regionals more easily


We were down near the coast this weekend and I went down to the coast for like 15 minutes (it was raining, so we didn't stay long). As a suburban player (in-land) it's fucking night and day the shore experience. We went out to lunch at the harbor and I saw 9 pokemon I've never even seen before show up on my radar. We drove down the street about 5 minutes from the place we ate and a Dratini, Dragonair, Kaputops (the pre-ev) and a half dozen water pokemon are just hanging out altogether. Wish I made time during the summer for more visits.


Niantic said an update is coming. Interested about the egg thing.



Pokémon GO is in the process of being updated to version 0.43.3 for Android and 1.13.3 for iOS devices. Below are some release notes and comments from our development team.

Professor Willow discovered that Eggs have different patterns depending on the distance required to hatch them.

Pokémon type icons have been added to the information screen for each Pokémon.

Low battery indicator added for the Pokémon GO Plus.

Minor text fixes.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Went to the park today to farm Charmanders, still a bunch of people playing and going from one spawn point to the next. It was pretty cold so I didn't expect that kind of turnout. So Charizard is the first starter I could fully evolve, it has ember and flamethrower. Thought that was a junk combo at first, but apparently it's a good defensive moveset.

130 caught. Slowly getting there.


For us with Go +, the low battery indicator will be very useful. Wish I had it before going to Universal Studios.

Also, I have begun my final 10 countdown on Charmander candy. By Friday I should have 124!


We were down near the coast this weekend and I went down to the coast for like 15 minutes (it was raining, so we didn't stay long). As a suburban player (in-land) it's fucking night and day the shore experience. We went out to lunch at the harbor and I saw 9 pokemon I've never even seen before show up on my radar. We drove down the street about 5 minutes from the place we ate and a Dratini, Dragonair, Kaputops (the pre-ev) and a half dozen water pokemon are just hanging out altogether. Wish I made time during the summer for more visits.

I went to the Baltimore inner harbor area for 5 days and Magikarp is still the mon I caught the most of out of any other mon and I hadn't caught any before going! I got over 360 in 5 days and I don't even have that man pidgy, rattata, weedle yet!

Got 45 dratini there too.

I evolved to gyrados with dragon breath and I am sitting on 700 candy.


Could have used FPM last night.

Saw Snorlax "nearby" but "nearby" in Niantic shitty-ass tracker means it could be anywhere. As the 1st pokemon on the list isn't even the one that's actually nearby and a few steps forward/backward brings up an entirely different pokemon not even on the list. Totally shite tracker.


Could have used FPM last night.

Saw Snorlax "nearby" but "nearby" in Niantic shitty-ass tracker means it could be anywhere. As the 1st pokemon on the list isn't even the one that's actually nearby and a few steps forward/backward brings up an entirely different pokemon not even on the list. Totally shite tracker.

Dragonite spawned on my street. Tried to find it to no avail. Logged on gaf and the fast poke radar message was there 9 minutes before (right when I started wandering aimlessly around looking for it).


Evolved my 95% Growlithe into my first Arcanine! Bite / Flame Thrower


Not too upset though, and I've got an 88% Growlithe I'm going to try to get the candies to evolve too.

On a side note, Wigglytuff is freaking awesome with Pound/Hyperbeam. 893 CP Wigglytuff was easy beating a 1850 Snorlax in a gym today.


I've now relocated all the spawn points in the 200 meters radius from my house, including their spawn times, after the spawn point change last week. There are now a total of 34 spawn points within the circle. (None of the spawn points are directly within reach from my house.)

It seems like the "good" spawns consistently are 10 minutes, while the "bad" are 15 minutes or longer.

Using the time it pops up in Pokemon GO, I now use a very clinical approach to catching the Pokemons I need, walking directly to the spawn. My current goal is to get "gold" on Black Belt, Ruin Maniac, etc.

There also was a Dragonite spawn, but I should be wiser than trying to grab it. Since I knew exactly were it spawned, I got about 8+ minutes trying to catch it. It was just a huge waste of all my Raz berries, Ultra Balls and most Great Balls as well, before it ran away at the 10 minute despawn. The second time that happened to me with a wild Dragonite...

Could have used FPM last night.

Saw Snorlax "nearby" but "nearby" in Niantic shitty-ass tracker means it could be anywhere. As the 1st pokemon on the list isn't even the one that's actually nearby and a few steps forward/backward brings up an entirely different pokemon not even on the list. Totally shite tracker.

"Nearby" means within 200 meters radius from where you are located.

The position on the list doesn't mean anything, and that's the way it has been since they removed the "steps" and increased the number of spawn points about 2-3 months ago. Furthermore, seeing a Snorlax on the list doesn't tell you how many Snorlaxes there are in the 200 meters radius, even though it's very likely it's only 1 in the case of Snorlax. But theoretically, it could be 10 within the radius.
What if the egg hatching patterns means, what you will get from the egg for example if you try to hatch a 2km egg and you just need 30 minutes, you will get a starter, but if it takes a day or more you get ratata...
Pinsir I don't mind but when I had three 10k eggs and they hatched a Jynx and two Onix is when my relationship with the game turned sour. Onix might be useful when they release Gen 2 but Jynx is the worst Pokemon you can hatch from any egg.
It was yet another Snorlax (1746 CP; 13/13/12; Lick, Bodyslam)
I'm not complaining but I alreay hatched 5 and caught one so I got more than enough candy.

If it would have had Zen-Headbut instead of Lick I might have leveld it up as my 2nd Snorlax

But I think my 2676 CP Snorlax does it's job since I usually don't have more than one gym at a time right now anyways.
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