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Pokémon Go |OT 3| "No Officer, I'm a Passenger"

There's a gym near where I work that almost always hovers around level 9 or 10. This morning...it was completely empty. Someone took down what was a level 10 gym yesterday and didn't bother to put their own pokemon in.

Jumped in that fucker as fast as I could.


There's a gym near where I work that almost always hovers around level 9 or 10. This morning...it was completely empty. Someone took down what was a level 10 gym yesterday and didn't bother to put their own pokemon in.

Jumped in that fucker as fast as I could.

I actually don't think someone did that. There was a time where I saw about three gyms all go down in a similar fashion. I never bothered to look it up but I suspect the gyms are on timers and go neutral every month or few weeks or so
What the fuck nobody wants to train around here

I'm the current gym leader one street from my home, train it to lvl. 8 and it gets taken by low levels. So I leave 300 prestige off lvl. 9 and I see people from the same team take down gyms half a mile away and put 2000cp Lapras and 2500cp Dragonites in it. What the actual fuck

Lol our problem is different. Once a gym reaches 50k prestige, no one bothers to touch it. And I can't blame them - it's a pain in the ass to get something down from that level unless you're a group of people. But I also think it's likely because everyone is housed in a gym already and probably content just grabbing cash from their own respective gyms daily.

It's too easy to defend so Niantic needs to put in more incentives to attack (in my city at least). Maybe a bonus for taking down high CP gyms.

I have taken down 30k prestige gyms before, but it takes up a huge amount of resources especially if they contain Lapras or Snorlaxes and I don't have any decent pokes outside of Hypno so it ain't worth the time at all until I have decent pokes to fight them


I actually don't think someone did that. There was a time where I saw about three gyms all go down in a similar fashion. I never bothered to look it up but I suspect the gyms are on timers and go neutral every month or few weeks or so

I doubt it's that. My Dragonite has been in a gym for a month and half and the Pokemon already in it above mine, much longer.

I bet it might have been a bot. At least, be my best guess.


Lol our problem is different. Once a gym reaches 50k prestige, no one bothers to touch it. Mainly because everyone is housed in a gym already and probably content just grabbing cash from it daily.

It's too easy to defend so they need more incentives to attack (in my city at least)
To be fair I live in the suburbs where gyms don't get populated very quickly, so there's usually someone from the other teams who are willing to take three or four Pokemon down. When a gym gets to lvl. 7+ though, it may take weeks to get taken down depending on the lineup. There's a small town nearby that's nothing but high level Mystic gyms. :lol

I have taken down 30k prestige gyms before, but it takes up a huge amount of resources especially if they contain Lapras or Snorlaxes and I don't have any decent pokes outside of Hypno so it ain't worth the time at all until I have decent pokes to fight them
I recently tried to learn to dodge even the basic attacks, since 75% off is still a huge amount over the course of a battling spree. Still need to get the timing right, since the intervals aren't always exactly 2 seconds, but it's fun to get more engaged in battles instead of just spamming attacks.
I actually don't think someone did that. There was a time where I saw about three gyms all go down in a similar fashion. I never bothered to look it up but I suspect the gyms are on timers and go neutral every month or few weeks or so

I wondered if there was something like that going on. I waited to see if someone was just taking their time deciding what to put in there but...nope. No one around and no Pokemon being added. I can only hope people build it up again with me in there.

P.S. I just dropped a lure and my GPS is freaking out and sending me away from it. It's like this game *knows* and just likes to mess with me.

Edit: And now my coworker just came in to talk about nothing and I didn't get to use the last 10 minutes. I'm done with today.


How terrible am I?
Few days ago I saw some lonely guy leveling up gym, im in same team biking past that gym.
Check does stuff fit there, he just levels it enough to fit his pokemon there, I put mine there and feel victorious and hope he doesnt kill me next time we meet.
I recently tried to learn to dodge even the basic attacks, since 75% off is still a huge amount over the course of a battling spree. Still need to get the timing right, since the intervals aren't always exactly 2 seconds, but it's fun to get more engaged in battles instead of just spamming attacks.

Oh yeah, dodging is a Godsend. Anything with a large cast time (so long as your phone or connection doesn't slow) can be easily dodged. Once you see the casting animation, I just continually dodge till it's over then I continue my Zen Headbutt spam lol

If anything, it's the stuff like Dragon Pulse or any short charge Vaporeon move like Water Puilse that piss me off. Sometimes it erupts with little animation so it's more difficult to time the dodge.

Either way, dodging is what helps me beat Snorlax or Lapras with just one Hypno, but those battles get tedious real quick since I'm just dealing mediocre (altho gradual) damage.
How terrible am I?
Few days ago I saw some lonely guy leveling up gym, im in same team biking past that gym.
Check does stuff fit there, he just levels it enough to fit his pokemon there, I put mine there and feel victorious and hope he doesnt kill me next time we meet.

So you stole his spot? You're really terrible.


How terrible am I?
Few days ago I saw some lonely guy leveling up gym, im in same team biking past that gym.
Check does stuff fit there, he just levels it enough to fit his pokemon there, I put mine there and feel victorious and hope he doesnt kill me next time we meet.

If you stole his spot (and he wasn't just training it up and was already in it) you are pretty horrible. If it was a level 6+ gym, meaning it would be much harder for him to get a new spot, then you are downright an asshole.

Please don't do that again. Really not nice.


What the fuck nobody wants to train around here

I'm the current gym leader one street from my home, train it to lvl. 8 and it gets taken by low levels. So I leave 300 prestige off lvl. 9 and I see people from the same team take down gyms half a mile away and put 2000cp Lapras and 2500cp Dragonites in it. What the actual fuck

Thats annoying.

I kind of stopped relying on my random "team" members and joined a group chat of people I have actually met taking gyms. We each monitor our home gym and request drops when we train a gym up so the slots don't get wasted.

Works great.

Last night some guy sent out an alert they where taking down his gym, I went there and reclaimed it, was leveling it up and people would just drive by and drop high powered mons in it.

Trying to play solo when the other side is coordinating is kind of futile.


Thats annoying.

I kind of stopped relying on my random "team" members and joined a group chat of people I have actually met taking gyms. We each monitor our home gym and request drops when we train a gym up so the slots don't get wasted.

Works great.

Last night some guy sent out an alert they where taking down his gym, I went there and reclaimed it, was leveling it up and people would just drive by and drop high powered mons in it.

Trying to play solo when the other side is coordinating is kind of futile.
All the facebook groups are dead. Hmmm. Gonna have to detective this shit.
Trying to play solo when the other side is coordinating is kind of futile.

Sigh, it is sadly true. Especially if you're part of a team with few members so it's hard to get a group going in the first place (damn Instinct memes brought us down... and well the color itself).

This gym aspect of the game is definitely NOT fit for solo'ers unless you got really lucky on getting high powered pokes.

Yep stole it but gotta do what you gotta do.

Lol but you have to agree that it's at least a dick move especially in the later levels where it takes 10k prestige to lvl up a gym.


reddit? or maybe craigslist as a last resort lol.
small 100k suburban town in europe. probably not lol

Sigh, it is sadly true. Especially if you're part of a team with few members so it's hard to get a group going in the first place (damn Instinct memes brought us down... and well the color itself).

This gym aspect of the game is definitely NOT fit for solo'ers unless you got really lucky on getting high powered pokes.
i don't care i'm going to farm until my snorlax is in the 3000 range and make him sit his fat arse in MY gym


Sigh, it is sadly true. Especially if you're part of a team with few members so it's hard to get a group going in the first place (damn Instinct memes brought us down... and well the color itself).

This gym aspect of the game is definitely NOT fit for solo'ers unless you got really lucky on getting high powered pokes.

Lol but you have to agree that it's at least a dick move especially in the later levels where it takes 10k prestige to lvl up a gym.

I know it is but at least there is some competition then, now there isnt when all gyms are taken by same team and nothing happens.


There's a new gym on my route to work that I just noticed today. It's within range of a lot of houses, so things are lasting literal minutes before being kicked out, but when I reached it, it was empty.

Sniping it with something tricky to get rid of would be both mean and futile, so I left a level 10 magikarp, grabbed my coins for the day, and cycled off.


Im not really sure the proper etiquette when 2 people are randomly training a gym. You should probably stick around till both of you can get in, but if you got there 1st and need to leave I think you are ok.

Vipu if you just strolled by and dropped a guy off that is wrong. But maybe he already had a guy in there and was just making a spot to make the gym stronger who knows.

You could of at least said hi and maybe had a good team mate to work together with :p


Just saw a Vaporeon just randomly popup at work. That was surprising. Actually my 2nd wild Vaporeon. My 1st being a near 2000 CP Vaporeon due to a Lure.

I now believe my rarest Pokemon I've caught in the wild, based on how often I've actually seen them in the wild are a Gengar, Jolteon, Poliwrath, Cloyster, and Wigglytuff. Heck, something like Snorlax has become somewhat common for me every few weeks now. I've caught 3 in the wild and seend a few more beyond that on the listings. Even Dragonair, I've seen like 5 of those.


Really losing motivation to chase wild Pokemon these days since their IVs are sooo bad. Yesterday caught a Dragonite and normally I'd be excited and run for it but I just walked to it thinking "Yeah, probably shit IV". Lo and behold, it was. I'm just glad that's not my first Dragonite or the only one I have.

Snorlax/Lapras are even worse when it comes with shit IV because at least with Dragonite you can evolve your own from a Dratini, which is not that rare in my area. But with Snorlax/Lapras you have to rely on 10k egg, which is hard to get or catch in the wild...somehow.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Maybe it's because the spawns have changed again, but my workplace is now a hotbed for ratatta, pidgey and weedle (+evolutions), blocking out all other possible spawns :p I left my phone open for the entire day pretty much and a venonat of all things was the only variable spawn from that. I used to catch abras, shellders and even the occasional squirtle from my desk. Even eevees have stopped appearing. The well has dried up, RIP catching mons at work.


I've already had to replace my battery. Died during middle of my vacation to Universal Studios. Incredible timing... lol

If yours starts to randomly blink red for no reason, it's telling you it's nearly dead.

Case in point:
Disconnected every time I tried catching something a few days ago, which was around the same time I reached lvl. 30.

Means it's literally about to die. Get a replacement battery soon (they are cheap and any grocery store has them for like $2). For a full day mine did that, then wouldn't work. But, when I replaced the battery it worked fine again.


Maybe it's because the spawns have changed again, but my workplace is now a hotbed for ratatta, pidgey and weedle (+evolutions), blocking out all other possible spawns :p I left my phone open for the entire day pretty much and a venonat of all things was the only variable spawn from that. I used to catch abras, shellders and even the occasional squirtle from my desk. Even eevees have stopped appearing. The well has dried up, RIP catching mons at work.

Yes, they changed the spawn points today. Just after the change, I got a Lapras and a Snorlax spawn at almost the same time, close to my house. :)

Now I need to relocate the new spawn points and spawn times around my house. Some of the old points/times still exist though.


There's a gym near where I work that almost always hovers around level 9 or 10. This morning...it was completely empty. Someone took down what was a level 10 gym yesterday and didn't bother to put their own pokemon in.

Jumped in that fucker as fast as I could.

It's possible the gym was broken in some way and it was reset? I say this because the gym at my office is currently "stuck," unable to be battled - I happened to have gone into it just before it broke, so I'm not complaining, but I imagine at some point they will register a lack of activity as a flag and reset it?
have the spawn locations changed in the last day or two?
the two hourly pokemon that used to spawn at my place dont seem to spawn there anymore, either they changed the spawn times or the spawn locations
How terrible am I?
Few days ago I saw some lonely guy leveling up gym, im in same team biking past that gym.
Check does stuff fit there, he just levels it enough to fit his pokemon there, I put mine there and feel victorious and hope he doesnt kill me next time we meet.

I'm glad I don't live around you. That is total douchebag behavior.

On a separate note, I haven't played today or yesterday. Has there been a nest change?


I actually don't think someone did that. There was a time where I saw about three gyms all go down in a similar fashion. I never bothered to look it up but I suspect the gyms are on timers and go neutral every month or few weeks or so

Not sure about that. There is a gym near my house, my brother and I took it over a month ago and it has stayed mystic (made sure of that).


I've seen 2 gyms next to each other go neutral and no one added any pokemon.

I've seen other gyms in the area that have gone neutral and no one takes them over.


Silph Road is confirming another nest migration has happened.

I like that, maybe that will help me get to 140.


*takes a deep breath*

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I only recently confirmed there was a charmander next 10 minutes from me, and tomorrow was the first night I was possibly free to go out. (granted I was likely going sunday but still -_-)

on the flip side I have 2 sorta nests (they aren't true nests that spawn constantly but are nest like that change with the nests and spawn semi frequently) that one was eventually confirmed as sparrow and the other was assumed to be rattatta, so maybe those got better.


I've seen 2 gyms next to each other go neutral and no one added any pokemon.

I've seen other gyms in the area that have gone neutral and no one takes them over.

I do that to gyms, if there are gyms that are constantly shifting teams anyway and I've already collected the money for today.
Got my first Snorlax its a cp 1657 with zen headbutt and hyper beam. My trainer say it wont make much headway in battle but i figure she is just jealous (like my wife) is it worth lvling up?

Kaze Kyou

Just read up that the newest update purges nearby spawns when travelling above a certain speed.

No wonder nothing shows up on my daily commutes now. That time when I caught a bus from work and randomly encountered a CP 2400+ Dragonite (which ran away after two Ultra Balls ;__;) will never happen again.
Just read up that the newest update purges nearby spawns when travelling above a certain speed.

No wonder nothing shows up on my daily commutes now. That time when I caught a bus from work and randomly encountered a CP 2400+ Dragonite (which ran away after two Ultra Balls ;__;) will never happen again.

Nothing has changed for me, I still get Pokemon from the bus as I ever did before.
And I get a lot more km from taking the bus for about a few weeks now.
Before the bus drive gave me about 100-200m now I get almost 1km from it, lol.


Got my first Snorlax its a cp 1657 with zen headbutt and hyper beam. My trainer say it wont make much headway in battle but i figure she is just jealous (like my wife) is it worth lvling up?

The problem with leveling up a low level rare is the candy. You have to find or hatch other ones to get the candy to level yours, and by the time you actually get it up to a decent level you're likely to have gotten a better one by then, and you'll end up wishing you had saved the candy for it instead.
You have to be fucking kidding me. I learned of a Charmander nest 30 mins away over the weekend and didn't have time to go until tonight. I'm still 41 candies away and with the trackers gone I haven't seen or caught a Charmander since.
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