Makarov Cubone
Neo Member
This is ridiculous. What the fuck are they waiting for? Has the San Francisco tracker even changed at all since it was rolled out in late summer? If not, what's the reason for not rolling it out further? What are they even testing for at this point?
That's always just been a Looking Busy tracker to get people off their backs. I don't think there was ever any intent for it to have a wide release, since it's not all that different from the scanners they're fervently against, but with the added fault that it's reliant on Pokestops, and I think they might have just enough self-awareness to anticipate their inability to sway people from places that aren't as Pokestop-dense as Niantic HQ away from scanners with a similar system of inferior utility. Unfortunately for everyone, they got preoccupied with fucking with scanners instead of working on their own game and making a tracker in the patience window it bought them, and then bugs were introduced in the recent patches that make even triangulating an unreliable mess.
If they're waiting for something before doing the things that their game needs, it's looking a lot like they're waiting for their userbase to self-cull to a certain target population.