Does that only apply to rating battles?
I believe so
Does that only apply to rating battles?
I believe so
2542,1797 and 0949 have active hatchers on Reddit. Would gladly take one for my shiny dex, preferably 0949Zorua (M) - Naive - Illusion - [2542]
Zorua (M) - Naive - Illusion - [1797]
Zorua (M) - Naive - Illusion - [2283]
Zorua (M) - Naive - Illusion - [0949]
Zorua (M) - Naive - Illusion - [4081]
Zorua (M) - Naive - Illusion - [3737]
Oh, I completely missed this: "Additionally, Pokémon in Standard format battles will return to requiring the blue pentagon, meaning you cannot bring them into your game via the Poké Transporter. "
Blue Pentagon is back on Battle Spot as of Tuesday
I just wanted to express my appreciation for MasterSheen taking the time to get me a shiny koffing. I have wanted one for years, and he made it happen!
Muku you have to decide for yourself.
In my collection I have unique events and a few cloned legits (for high-profile events that I wouldn't get in any other way). I am ok with it as long as the event was legitimately received.
Remember though: IF you clone you end with two cloned pokemon. There is no original and its clone, there are just two cloned ones.
2542,1797 and 0949 have active hatchers on Reddit. Would gladly take one for my shiny dex, preferably 0949![]()
Sure I canSure, hmm could you find someone to hatch one of my 6IV? I'm just going to say screw it. I guess could you also hatch one of the 5IV for my own shiny dex?![]()
Thats exactly the point. Everyone can do whatever they want. Trade legits, legit clones, touched or hacked, but you should always tell the other person the origin of the event and what exactly you are offering. If I know someone isn't honest I will never trade again.Mainly because my events I farmed that are pure. What folks do with it afterwards is up to them. But I trade with the intent that I want the same in return. I guess a lot of folks just don't know what to call clones without saying it up front. Legit/untouched fine, but at least admit they're clones. Eh just something that came up today I find interesting. It's a gray zone.
MEGAMEGA is the password for Zygarde
Sure I can
If you want you can use this link:
If there is an active thread for the Egg TSV I can contact the person and let it hatch for you.
Btw I have one PAL Hoopa and 7 shinies waiting for you![]()
So anyone interested in these Zorua eggs, I'll hold them for you.
They are all male, naive, in premier balls, with the following egg moves:
- Counter
- Memento
- Sucker Punch
- Extrasensory
Zorua (M) - Naive - Illusion - [0227]
Zorua (M) - Naive - Illusion - [1797]
Zorua (M) - Naive - Illusion - [4081]
Zorua (M) - Naive - Illusion - [3737]
The number in the square brackets is the matching TSV, if yours matches, you will hatch said Zorua as a shiny. =)
I don't want anything for them, this is just for me to give them a good home or I can just release them after I hatch them.
MEGAMEGA is the password for Zygarde
Hey guys, if I am using stockpile with weezing, does the increase in def/sp. def go away once I stop using the move? Similar to the build up to using spit/swallow?
And what do you guys think for my build...
Nature: Bold
Item: Black Sludge
Pain Split
Shadow Ball/Flamethrower (can't decide)
252 EVs HP, 252 EVs Sp. Def
Hey guys, if I am using stockpile with weezing, does the increase in def/sp. def go away once I stop using the move? Similar to the build up to using spit/swallow?
And what do you guys think for my build...
Nature: Bold
Item: Black Sludge
Pain Split
Shadow Ball/Flamethrower (can't decide)
252 EVs HP, 252 EVs Sp. Def
Zygarde question! Is speed important for him? I've not used him so not sure what is an okay stat to lose some stuff on and all. Farming for one for my group, and I've got a nice Adamant one... except the speed.![]()
31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 24 / 5 - Just wish that SpAtk was 5 instead.
Yeah, Zygarde needs it for Dragon Dance sweeping with Adamant.
The Stockpile boosts will stay until you switch out. They act like normal stat boosts. Any reason you aren't considering Sludge Bomb for your attacking slot? Poison is actually a viable offensive type these days.
Well, I was thinking flamethrower would be great against steel types (the only one that would wall me) and shadow ball would take care of my only weakness?Looks good, but I'd run Sludge Bomb in the attacking slot.
Well, I was thinking flamethrower would be great against steel types (the only one that would wall me) and shadow ball would take care of my only weakness?
I have one shiny Xerneas and one shinyYveltalBacon Bird to give away. Came from a round I was specifically getting a Zygarde for something, If interested, let me know.
Muku, please? I'd absolutely love to have shiny Xerneas and Bacon!Congrats on Friday the 13th Zygarde!!
I'm applying the finishing touches to my team but I'm still looking for a 6th member. This is what I have:
Any recommendations? Thanks!
What is the best moves for a Smeargle?
I'm planning to use one to help capturing legendaries
I was first thinking about Dark Void, but then it occurred to me that I have no way to teach it lol
So, maybe spore? Or paralysis is better than sleep in this case?![]()
So I guess Soak is also necessary
So, False Swipe, Soak and Spore
I'm not sure about the last slot. Aside from Legendaries with Pressure, I think ability-nulfilling moves may not be very useful![]()
Caught about a box full of Dittos. Two adamant, one modest. Just need a jolly one now.
Have a jolly Synchronizer? Also, when I was catching my Dittos I used multiple methods. Quick Balls, Dusk Balls and old school catching methods alongside Luxury Balls haha. But can't say I really had any difficulty. Didn't do anything like turning them into magikarp haha.
I figured the time I'd spend getting a Jolly Synchronizer (breeding a Jolly male with a Synchronizer female and hoping for the right ability) would be the same as just catching more Dittos and praying to RNG. I may just give up though; getting tired of catching them while missing out on daily events.
Are you in an area where folks won't have the Eon Pass to StreetPass?
How is yalls shiny Xerneas/Yveltal and Zygarde farmings going? Or waiting a bit on that?
I was doing a run a day, but I've been slacking. Trying to end up with a box of all three at least.
Not sure what to do with the spare Xerneas and Yveltals. Normally I'd give them away, but I was doing that on Facebook and it's tough arranging times to trade in my own town, let alone on the Internet.
Pretty much. Would have to travel a few hours for the 'chance' at it. And it's been raining very heavily the last few days so would rather not take my 3DS out the house anyway.
I was doing a run a day, but I've been slacking. Trying to end up with a box of all three at least.
Not sure what to do with the spare Xerneas and Yveltals. Normally I'd give them away, but I was doing that on Facebook and it's tough arranging times to trade in my own town, let alone on the Internet.
Haha, sounds like here. Not tempted to take it out during all the rain we've been having. But then again it's normal for this area and I'm overly protected of my 3DS's. But I hear ya. Not sure if it still does though, as I obtained mine while still in Japan. I'd say if we were close you could StreetPass me for it for a quick and easy Eon Ticket. I keep passing it between my US and JPN copies now that I have it.