Heh, worse comes to worse and it doesn't work, I'll get it in March/April when I'm in Japan.
Heh, worse comes to worse and it doesn't work, I'll get it in March/April when I'm in Japan.
Nice.Good time of year to go as well. Going to enjoy hanami while there? (Would definately recommend it.) Carry it with you at all times. You'll be getting puzzle pieces and all a ton. Wish I'd done it more towards end of my stay.
Haha, indeed. (I chose end of March - start of April specifically because of Sakura season
) I really want to see what it's like to be in a place where 3DS' are all around
(compared to here at least lol)
Interesting. The Relic items weren't available in Gen VI until now. I wonder if its a sign of them to be available in "Z" or just a one-time thing.This Delibird has the moves Present and Happy Hour and holds the Relic Gold item
A special Delibird. Time to join. lol Finding Red, Green and White Pokemon will probably be hard...
Can anyone enter? Would just do it for the Delibird, even if I don't have any competitively-trained Pokemon.
Can anyone enter? Would just do it for the Delibird, even if I don't have any competitively-trained Pokemon.
Just need to do three battles![]()
I looked around, but couldn't find an answer: what's the minimum number of Pokemon eligible for a team?
Hopefully it's closer to 3 than 6 so I can breed less dud Pokemon.
:O :O :OGuess who is commentating the London Regional Championships on Saturday![]()
Guess who is commentating the London Regional Championships on Saturday![]()
Guess who is commentating the London Regional Championships on Saturday![]()
Is there gonna be a stream?
How do you claim prizes for these events? I did the halloween one and never got the candies?
We have so many traded left to do .Shiny Diancie better be local instead of Internet, grrrrrrrr.
I have to make use of these NA games to in addition to my JP ones.
So, still need a chlorophyll bulbasaur for breeding. Anyone willing to help? Pm me if willing
Shiny Diancie in Japan? Guess Japans Christmas gift this year is a bunch of shiny legendaries.![]()
Hey guys,
I just go my New 3ds and Pokemon alpha saphire yesterday.
I chose mudkip but I kinda regret it and wanted to ask if someone has a spare
torchic that he could trade me, because I dont want to start over.
I don't have any valuable pokemon to trade for though ._.
Hnng, I need Shiny Diancie, even she it looks kinda ugly.
Do I send my ORAS cartridge to Japan or wait in case it's a worldwide event?
The XY&Z Legends not coming here (yet) doesn't fill with me with confidence : S
I actually like shiny Diancie.Though she'd be going into my Shiny dex. I doubt it'll be a worldwide event. Just seems rest of us don't get to enjoy some nice things. Though, would like to be proven wrong. I mean we did get shiny Rayquaza. Means a little less for my WHF ones, but at same time I think they retain value for folks who care.
Really hope we get it outside of Japan, but not holding my breath. Not surprised on anime shiny codes, just because those don't tend to go anywhere else.
I'm a Diancie fan, but the shiny colouring doesn't look as good as the original colouring to me. Maybe she'll grow on me...
Last time I sent my cartridge away was to pick up the Paris Vivillon, which I definitely don't regret doing. Even though everyone got Poke Ball Vivillon eventually, not everybody got one with Paris as the OT ; )
So I suspect it's a similar case with WHF Rayquaza and probably Shiny Diancie too.
That said, now I feel dumb for SRing normal Diancie for nearly a year...
LOL, did you ever end up getting a good Diancie? I assume so. But eh it works! Least you should have one that meets your needs. Though SRing for that long is far too hardcore for me. For really good legendary. I'll SR all year though for a shiny legendary though if I need too. Cresselia is testing my patience right now.
Is it possible to pass down Sludge Bomb from that Zoroark when breeding?
Right, thanksNo.
Soft reset for it if you want a competitive one.
It's pretty busted in general. Nasty Plot with Sludge Bomb will OHKO many pokes.
So, I wanna get back to breeding some Pokemon for fun, and I'm wondering, what's the easiest way to go about that in ORAS? I totally forgot how the method in XY worked except it used the Destiny Knot and Everstone but I forgot all the specifics.
Also how do those Tournaments works like the Christmas one? Never took part in those, but do you have to battle at certain time or do you just battle whenever you get a chance to earn points?
So, I wanna get back to breeding some Pokemon for fun, and I'm wondering, what's the easiest way to go about that in ORAS? I totally forgot how the method in XY worked except it used the Destiny Knot and Everstone but I forgot all the specifics.
Destiny knot passes down 5 ivs between both parents, not 3. You always get 3 passed down at random (1 from father, 1 from mother, and 1 from either one)I've started breeding myself so I can offer some tips:
-Day Cares: there are now two Day Cares! One between Verdanturf and Mauville, and one at the Battle Resort. The Battle Resort Day Care has a super-easy hatch path: bike to a certain spot, press Up, map rotates for you. The path at the other one is pretty bad; lots of obstacles.
-Hatching: Catch a Slugma with Flame Body at the Fiery Path. Go to the Mauville apartments to get the Hatching O-Power. Give the O-Power away on PSS to level it up to 3.
-Everstone: it's on the bottom floor of the Granite Cave, and as a reward from Inver battles at Mauville City
-Destiny Knot: get it from New Mauville by re-battling a trainer. (transfers 3 stat IV's to the child)
-Power items: redeemed with Battle Points (transfers 1 specific IV to the child)
-Ditto: from Mirage spots (use the Eon Flute and soar with Lati@s, find the places with a sparkle above it)
-Egg Moves and Hidden Abilities: if you don't want to chain breed and stuff, DexNav at a high enough Search Level will reveal hidden Pokemon, possibly with maxed IV's, HA, and an Egg Move. Only works for wild Pokemon.
Destiny knot passes down 5 ivs between both parents, not 3. You always get 3 passed down at random (1 from father, 1 from mother, and 1 from either one)