Apparently the event got cancelled?
Yikes, when was the last time something similar happened?
Wait, why?
Apparently the event got cancelled?
Yikes, when was the last time something similar happened?
You need to register online on Global Link before the tournament begins. Your battle box and team is locked at the moment you go to play your first match. Once it's locked, you can't move the team unless you cancel participation to unlock the Battle Box.I started breeding Fletchlings, complete egg moves (only has 3 in total), adamant and gale wings. Aiming for a 6IV female parent since I want to keep the premier ball for style points.
But any occasional 5IV flawless like the one I got and am currently EV training I'm planning on starting a squadron of.
When is the deadline for that Christmas Delibird competition? I want to use multiple games but does that mean I have to run multiple teams instead of just moving the same team over? I've never done those PGL competitions before.
From December 3 up to the 10th.I started breeding Fletchlings, complete egg moves (only has 3 in total), adamant and gale wings. Aiming for a 6IV female parent since I want to keep the premier ball for style points.
But any occasional 5IV flawless like the one I got and am currently EV training I'm planning on starting a squadron of.
When is the deadline for that Christmas Delibird competition? I want to use multiple games but does that mean I have to run multiple teams instead of just moving the same team over? I've never done those PGL competitions before.
This. Shiny Xerneas code is MOKUYO7JI, Shiny Yveltals code is PUNICHAN, and Zygardes code is MEGAMEGA. After putting them in so many times, it's memorized. I farmed enough for the boxes, several for myself, many more for other folks. Haha. I don't think it'll make it else where which is why. But now I'm done watch them announce it. XP
Got a Timid Unburden Sceptile with 6 IV, Dragon Breath, and Synthesis on GTS. Yeah I think it's hacked.
I have no idea. Will go to my Gamestop this afternoon and ask whats going on.Wait, why?
Ah okay, is it based on game save or console or PGL account? I have one account for Canada, I haven't done one for Japan yet. And I have multiple games (although only one has all 8 badges, but I figure trading over eggs and then training and leveling them, afterward trade them back (also steamrolling the games to grind for 5IV/6IV SR Legendaries or Shiny SR Legendaries).
It's based on the game save.
Not sure if it's different in Japan, but in the global PGL site you can register one of each game to one account (for example, I have X, Y, OR and AS on one account).
The only requirement is that you need the PSS to access the Game Sync to receive your Game Sync ID.
For XY that's easy, but for ORAS you need to get to Petalburg and receive it from Wally, which takes around 20 minutes or something.
Whatever game you use you'll probably want to unlock the Mega Bracelet as well. Just trading the stone over won't be enough if you're planning on using a mega.
Just caught this in Friend Safari while trying to catch a female magician Braixen.
Those aren't hard to breed you know.
Got a Timid Unburden Sceptile with 6 IV, Dragon Breath, and Synthesis on GTS. Yeah I think it's hacked.
I got a Jolly Tyrunt with 5 perfect IVs (everything but SpA), Hidden Ability, with Dragon Dance, Thunder Fang, and Ice Fang. I really hope it's not hacked because I wanna use it.
Is there even a legit way of knowing if its hacked? I assume most competitive pokemon are just hacked nowadays.
I got a Jolly Tyrunt with 5 perfect IVs (everything but SpA), Hidden Ability, with Dragon Dance, Thunder Fang, and Ice Fang. I really hope it's not hacked because I wanna use it.
Is there even a legit way of knowing if its hacked? I assume most competitive pokemon are just hacked nowadays.
Is there a reason I cant trade Rayquaza? Every time i try it says its a special pokemon.
I was so close to having a Xerneas![]()
Is there a reason I cant trade Rayquaza? Every time i try it says its a special pokemon.
I was so close to having a Xerneas![]()
A question.
Where can I grind some level ups for my pokemon? I want to rematch the elite four but my pokemon are not strong enough.
I battle all trainers around the battle resort but its only once per day and not enough.
Is there a good place to grind?
Why would you run Venusaur without some sort of sun support?I don't know if I should be breeding/training this many things for the event battle.
I can run 5 games (3 JP, 2 NA), but is 4 overkill? Currently I have it planned for 4.
This is what I'm setting up under short notice:
Florges Bold / Leftovers
Talonflame Adamant / Sky Plate
Latias Timid / Latiasite
Scizor Adamant / Life Orb
Togekiss Bold / Sitrus Berry
Sceptile Adamant / Weakness Policy
Tyranitar Jolly / CScarf
Torterra Adamant / Leftovers
Talonflame Adamant / Sharp Beak
Scizor Adamant / Lum Berry
Braviary Adamant / CBand
Gardevoir Modest / Safety Goggles
Venusaur Modest / Focus Sash
Blaziken Adamant / Life Orb
Talonflame Adamant / CBand
Braviary Jolly / CScarf
Rotom-W Modest / Sitrus Berry
Gardevoir Modest / CSpecs
Blaziken Adamant / Life Orb
Talonflame Adamant / CBand
Rotom-W Modest / Sitrus Berry
Emolga Timid / Leftovers
Emboar Adamant / Expert Belt
Sceptile Jolly / Salac Berry
I have 6IV parents for many of them so it's easier and with KeySav I can see which eggs are flawless so it's easier to trade to my other games to hatch.
Lack of megas because only one of my ORAS games has all 8 badges (which is why you see Team 1 as a legit team whereas everything else is whatever I can get made from my assembly line).
I'm breeding love ball Ralts and Kangas by the way all with egg moves.
Of course I'll redo another set of Ralts in Dream Balls for a Gallade line.
I also hatched a 6IV female Fletchling with egg moves in a premier ball, hatched in one of my Japanese games for easier MM.
Why would you run Venusaur without some sort of sun support?
Why would you run Venusaur without some sort of sun support?
Oooh nice on the Ralts and Kangas on first and second part. If you have any extra (not worried about IVs) I'd love a female of a LB Ralts, DB Ralts, and a LB Kanga. It's females that pass on balls right? (Been a while on breeding, hah ugh.)
Just curious, but is it possible to bring a JPN console and system to McDonald's and get Hoopa on them too? I'm doubting it, but prepping for tomorrow when I go out on my day off to get one.
I don't think so, but you can try.
If it's Nintendo Zone, you need to use the Internet, which is region-locked. Only Local isn't region-locked.
You need to delete the ORAS exclusive move.
Dragon Ascent...?
Did you need a Xerneas? (Or was it a specific one?)
So.. I guess no one found a way to spoof this event, right?
edit: WAIT, looks like there IS a way to spoof this event!
Its not against any rule, right?
It will recognize any Wifi provider with SSID "McDonalds Free WiFi" and without password as a valid Nintendo Zone, first I've heard of Blissey gyms.
Ok, I don't think I can do that as long as I'm at my parent's house
I created an access point using my phone and it worked![]()
Oh, does it? I thought about that, but the iphone hotspot should require a password