Hey guys, I'm looking for Alakazam, does anyone have a decent Kadabra they'd be willing to part with?
Its not against any rule, right?
It will recognize any Wifi provider with SSID "McDonalds Free WiFi" and without password as a valid Nintendo Zone
Its not against any rule, right?
It will recognize any Wifi provider with SSID "McDonalds Free WiFi" and without password as a valid Nintendo Zone
Does anyone know how to do this using your PC as a Wifi hotspot? I've made the hotspot, but it's secure and requires a password. I don't know how to create it without a password or make it unsecure. I could just play with my router settings but I would rather not.
Can anyone help me? I'll RNG you Mew and Deoxys shiny in Emerald along with anyone other interesting RSE legendary shiny.
You will probably need to fiddle with your router settings. That's how I did it for GAME Charizard last year.
Also, new acquisitions!
(Hint: I have 3 of the second one.)
I guess I will fiddle with my router settings and then quickly change them back. It's annoying because my router settings are in Japanese. And it gets really weird when computer terms get translated into Chinese characters. X(
I'm trying to figure out how to do a virtual hotspot but it always requires me to set up a password. I don't know how to do it unsecurely, stupid iOS needing security. =(
I guess I will fiddle with my router settings and then quickly change them back. It's annoying because my router settings are in Japanese. And it gets really weird when computer terms get translated into Chinese characters. X(
I'm trying to figure out how to do a virtual hotspot but it always requires me to set up a password. I don't know how to do it unsecurely, stupid iOS needing security. =(
I did using my phone, which is a pretty old Android 2.3.3
Don't you have anything? Maybe a friend? It only takes 5 minutes to set up
You should be able to use any computer that has Wi-Fi as a hotspot. I used my macbook, though it only allows you to either be connected to Wi-Fi or share through it, not both at once, so I used a tethered connection, my iPhone in this case, then cut on internet sharing.
Don't have a NA 3DS, so I wouldn't say to oneNow that folks are setting up hot spots, I imagine everyone here that was needing a Hoopa yesterday doesn't need one now..?
I know nothing about anything technological or otherwise.
Can someone explain to me how everyone is getting Hoopa with going to McD's?
I have a new HP Laptop and a Moto G phone if I can used either of those.
Woooooooooooo! My hustle lives again, not only will I give you that Diancie I redeemed for you, I'll also throw in other shinies (Xerneas, Yveltal, Deoxys, Mew).
I'll try this now to see if I can set it up on my PC.
You can use your phone to create a hotspot (I think it is in settings > network settings or something like this.. Mine is much older so Idk if something is different), then if you use the name we mentioned and use no password, and connect your 3DS through it, you can redeem the event
Wait so you can get event Pokemon using your cellphone as a WiFi spot? How does that work?
You can use your phone to create a hotspot (I think it is in settings > network settings or something like this.. Mine is much older so Idk if something is different), then if you use the name we mentioned and use no password, and connect your 3DS through it, you can redeem the event
I somehow missed this post
Its.. what how
Thanks wow
Also that Diancie, sorry for taking so longI really forgot
Btw, did it work?![]()
Its not against any rule, right?
It will recognize any Wifi provider with SSID "McDonalds Free WiFi" and without password as a valid Nintendo Zone
Do I need to change the network name (of my phone hotspot) for it to work?
This may be strange, but what about renaming your router in a time no one would notice, like past midnight?No it didn't work, my only recourse is to temporarily rename my router and make it unsecure. I could ask my friends though if they have an android phone.
Unless someone knows how to turn a Laptop into an unsecured hotspot, it requires a password, I can't leave it blank, unless there is some command to make Windows 10 to enable it.
I need more tech assistance here!
@lupinko I got two Hoopa's to soft rest and a Quiet (eng) and Modest (jpn - think it's cloned), after I figure out what nature I "need" I can give you whichever one you want if you can't get it working. I ended up just messing with my router.
Let me know cause I won't soft reset my X Hoopa just yet. Though not sure how picky you are. lol
I adore you right now.
Spent forever hunting a Hoopa down via GTS, and instead of wondering if Quiet is a good nature for an OR Hoopa I can just get my own. THANK YOU.
Honestly thought my Router was locked down (It's ISP supplied)
Yes, Network name needs to changed to what you were told above.
This may be strange, but what about renaming your router in a time no one would notice, like past midnight?![]()
Hoopa can be anything but best as a mixed attacker, so preferably:
But Jolly/Adamant/Timid/Modest work too.
Quiet/Brave is only if you want to do some Trick Room shenanigans, but you could do that with a 0-3 Modest or Adamant too.
Defensive builds aren't wise for Hoopa since it is quite frail.
wired on my laptop. Lol
Does anyone have spare gen 1 and gen 4 HA starters? Thanks![]()
Out of those which two would you go for? Or would you reset two Hoopas the same nature?
I'm assuming a Hasty/Naive may be best.
Anyone with a shiny Xerneas or Yvleltal willing to trade for a Hoopa?
It works. I did it a few days ago.
What nature and IVs?
Its quiet nature. Im not sure how to check IVs, but here are its stats.
DEF: 80
SP. ATK:179
I can breed ya both, did you want them in fancy balls female or just one of each in general?
For Gen 4 I have HA starters with egg moves:
Turtwig - Adamant
Chimchar - Jolly
Piplup - Rash
For Gen 1, only Squirtle is complete with egg moves (and premier ball).
I also have Charmander and Bulbasaur with HA and some egg moves.
Bulbasaur - Calm
Charmander - Timid
Squirtle - Modest
South East Asia is probably getting Arceus soon and Hong Kong is getting Shiny Jirachi this month.
Take those stats and go to an IV Calculator. Serebii has one, Metalkid has one (for some reason just use this one), but any work. Tell the calculator that you're using the Pokemon, the nature of it, the level, and plug in the stats into the corrosponding boxes and it should have a calculate button which will show you how the stats are.
I'd look it up for you and share what a calculator says but you're missing the Hoopas HP, which is also required to see where on the spectrum it lies. So all those stats + HP plugged in and you'll know what your Hoopa is.
What nature and IVs?
this is hilarious. just did this and it worked.