I have an extra Mew code. Anyone want to trade it for a Celebi? I missed out last month 
I have an extra Mew code. Anyone want to trade it for a Celebi? I missed out last month![]()
NA/US region from GameStop.What region is the code? I may have an extra Celebi. Will check when I get home.
Hehe, so there was at least one positive of staying up for the "New Sun and Moon footage". It seems Japan is getting an event Landorus for their Worlds-qualifying online tournament.
I assume Landorus will be given out at Europe and America Nationals as well. Only thing I'm wondering is if any of its IVs and/or nature will be locked.
I was hoping for Mark's Machamp to be given at Nationals because it's, you know, different
That'd be pretty dang cool. I have a bad feeling they wasted the opportunity, but I guess we'll find out soon.
Can't believe there's only a month (and a half) until UK Nationals ^^
The timing of it has made me really unsure if I can go
I wanted to really invest in VGC this year, going to all events and even commentating more, but that went to hell when they announced a new generation.
Plus, I'm not finding this format as fun as I had liked. I didn't consider how much the Primals would actually dominate things.
Aww, that's too bad, but it's understandable.
I hope you enjoy covering Sun and Moon anyway, although I'm sure that's an oxymoron XD
Second SR on Jirachi that is Jolly and 31/31/31/1/31/31. Well.
What's a good nature on Jirachi anyway?
That's a keeper. Jolly is great for Iron Head/Zen Headbutt + Serene Grace spam.
I think I just had my best hatch ever:
What's another good nature for Jirachi? I got a Jolly one in X - had 31 in everything but S.ATK and Speed, figured "why not" and kept it.
Don't know what nature to get for my OR one. Go for a S.ATK nature? Mixed? idk.
Booked a hotel for Nationals. Going to do everything in my power to make this work.
Nice. Can I ask how much was it roughly?
Contemplating whether to go for just the one day or both. Don't have much income right now, so any money saved helps ^^
NIIIIIIIIIIIICE! This will save me from having to replay X to get Moltres, once I'm done with my current playthrough (which may take a while, as I got a bit tired of playing a lot of Pokemon in the last few months and working on my living dex). It's even better because catching the legendary birds in those games is a pain in the ass.We has events
US & Europe
Hidden Ability birds coming in the May newsletter.
Hoopa currently available through serial code HOOPA2016 until April 30th
Anyone got 2 mew codes for my myself and little brother
We live in Ireland so we get nothing lol
Should have come when they were plentiful during the event.Even the Maxsoft thing has completely run out, so not sure if many Mew codes exist that have not yet been claimed.
As for the HA birds.... yeeessssss! Wait, does that mean we get all three? Or they going to random them out in the newsletter?
Wording seems to imply all 3
YikesDouble room. £250 two nights.
YikesAre there hostels and such around there? I'm looking at San Francisco hotels for Worlds and it all seems to be around $270 - $300 a night for the cheaper rooms.
Going to be trying to get a shiny Espurr this weekend, (masuda method) if its male im going to give it away to anyone here that wants it... or just wonder trade it.
Going to be trying to get a shiny Espurr this weekend, (masuda method) if its male im going to give it away to anyone here that wants it... or just wonder trade it.
Joe how come you don't cover these events on the site or am I missing something?
What events?
Tournaments or big league / trading card game events.
Oh god, those prices...YikesAre there hostels and such around there? I'm looking at San Francisco hotels for Worlds and it all seems to be around $270 - $300 a night for the cheaper rooms.
We has events
US & Europe
Hidden Ability birds coming in the May newsletter.
For the Pokemon Trainer Club Newsletter, one needs to make sure the box marked:
"I would like to receive marketing email messages, including information about future online games, from The Pokémon Company International."
is checked, right?
Booted up my Pokemon Y save after like a year and my SD card was corrupted. Lost like 2+ years of work. Physical for me from now on.
Ordered OR to jump back in. I hated this gen.
We has events
US & Europe
Hidden Ability birds coming in the May newsletter.
Hoopa currently available through serial code HOOPA2016 until April 30th
How does one sign up for the newsletter? I have had an account on the site for three years now but haven't gotten a single e-mail from them. I see nothing about a newsletter either.
Log in to Should bring you to your account page when you do so. Then go to Profile Overview. On this page under Email preferences, click the box next to the wording: "I would like to receive marketing email messages, including information about future online games, from The Pokémon Company International." Save then done.
Awww.That's a bummer. I tend to stick to physical because I just can't go digital. I'm weird like that, but with stories of SD corruption, it makes me feel better sticking to physical. But I feel like PokeBank is also kind of a back up for me too, since I keep a majority of my stuff there.
What about this gen did you not like?