The Pokemon newsletter. You can sign up at
I signed up months ago, i never got a March or April newsletter.
The Pokemon newsletter. You can sign up at
I have a spare NA Mew code for you guys as well. Apparently my brother didn't want it and the card hasn't been scratch off.
PM sent.I'll take it if you still have it.
Thank you, Nintendo Playstation
Thank you so much ;-;
I don't even know what to say
Thank you
I have a spare Darkrai code. The gamestop people gave me 4 of them while looking at 3ds games with my son. 3 of them wend to him and his cousins but I know that people end up not able to get out to these things. Let me know. It is a US code.
Looking for one, hope you still have it : )I have a spare Darkrai code. The gamestop people gave me 4 of them while looking at 3ds games with my son. 3 of them wend to him and his cousins but I know that people end up not able to get out to these things. Let me know. It is a US code.
I'm looking for a Darkrai code... I'm from South America (Colombia) and we have no chance of getting that promo.
First reply gets it. I will PM you the code. Hope you love it!
Shiny Xerneas & Yveltal hitting Nintendo Network in North America this month
Shiny Xerneas & Yveltal hitting Nintendo Network in North America this month
Is it even monthly?I signed up months ago, i never got a March or April newsletter.
IVs locked on the current Zygarde distro? I'm SRing for Adamant and it looks like I'm pulling the same (or uncannily similar) IV spread each time.
Weird. Pulled up outstanding and HP, Attack, and S.Def four times now. That's some crazy odds.Nah, it just has the standard 3 guaranteed perfect IVs that all legendary Pokemon have.
Is it even monthly?
New Battle Competition
Johto Open
Region: International
Registration Period: May 19th 2016 - May 26th 2016
Battle Period: May 27th 2016 - May 29th 2016
Battle Type: Single Battle
Battle Limits: 15 Battles per day
Pokémon Restrictions: National Pokédex #001-#251.
Banned Pokémon:Mewtwo, Mew, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Celebi
Banned Items: Mega Stones
Entry Gift: To Be Announced
This competition is a Single Battle competition and allows for you to use any Pokémon in the Pokédex from #001 up to #251 excluding Mewtwo, Mew, Lugia, Ho-Oh and Celebi. Pokémon are lowered to Level 50 and you cannot have any Mega Stones. You can play up to 15 matches a day.
IVs locked on the current Zygarde distro? I'm SRing for Adamant and it looks like I'm pulling the same (or uncannily similar) IV spread each time.
So I've been thinking of running a Neogaf ORAS tournament to celebrate the coming of the new generation. Wanted to gauge interest here and in the ORAS thread before making a tournament thread, as well as see if anyone would be willing to help me provide prizes (Probably just pokemon is fine, but if someone wants to contribute eshop points or something that'd be fine too). I was planning to do VGC '15 format (because VGC '16 is more annoying in general due to the two ubers being a requirement, and the fact that even with Gen VI's guaranteed 3 perfect IVs on legends, you still can't breed them so you'll still need a lot of soft resetting to get a usable legend). I'm also interested in helping breeding good IV pokemon for people who want to participate, but don't have the time or patience to breed, and was wondering if anyone would be willing to help with that as well.
If you're interested in any of this stuff, please send me a pm with details. If you have any suggestions or questions, please let me know
Oh, and please provide suggestions for the date of the tournament if interested
Ha! Was just complaining to a friend about how depressingly random finding Cresselia is. I was close to just abandoning any prospects of getting one in 6th gen and just settling for extracting one from B/W.
Like three minutes later, I hit up the Internet for some passersby and there it is. The quest continues.
Still haven't ran across the island with Persian. If any of you guys see it, hit me up.
Are you in need of a Persian/Meowth? I could breed you an HA female if you'd like.
In celebration of the debut of Pokémon the Series: XYZ, three powerful Legendary Pokémon from the Kalos region—Xerneas, Yveltal, and Zygarde—can be downloaded via Nintendo Network for Pokémon X, Pokémon Y, Pokémon Omega Ruby, or Pokémon Alpha Sapphire video games during the month of May. These Pokémon are all Lv. 100, and know their signature attacks as well as other powerful moves. Each Pokémon will be available via Nintendo Network for one week only:
May 2–8: Zygarde
May 11–17: Shiny Xerneas
May 20–26: Shiny Yveltal
US? Niiiiice! First the legendary birds, and now this ^^For exact dates on the Legendaries this month:
Yeah, I'm in the market, I guess. I'm about three quarters through a Living Dex at this point. Up until now, I've been trying to be pretty strict about only using 'mons with that I've caught or collected myself. And so far, only in XY/ORAS. Meowth/Persian is really causing me some grief, though. Random-ass availability and only on a single island. Been looking nearly daily for weeks and still haven't seen it. It's the last mirage pokemon I'm missing.
Nice. The best year for Pokemon events in NA just got even better.Shiny Xerneas & Yveltal hitting Nintendo Network in North America this month
Can I have your extra?So, I ended up with two extra. Stores around here sure are stingy. Not sure if codes come from TPCI or not but ugh. One has already been spoken for so I only have one extra to give out. Let me know if interested.
I might have to go downtown next weekend for a doctor's appointment. If I do I'll take a detour back down to the two GameStops and get more codes.
Can I have your extra?
Yeah, that's from the NA press release.US? Niiiiice! First the legendary birds, and now this ^^
So, I ended up with two extra. Stores around here sure are stingy. Not sure if codes come from TPCI or not but ugh. One has already been spoken for so I only have one extra to give out. Let me know if interested.
I might have to go downtown next weekend for a doctor's appointment. If I do I'll take a detour back down to the two GameStops and get more codes.
Went to Gamestops today, got a few codes, learned about the shiny XY legendary events. Good day. I'm in a pretty cheery mood overall actually. My living pokedex is finished.*
*Finished as in I got the shiny charm. As of the Darkrais from today, I'm sitting at 711. I'm still missing: Mew, Phione, Manaphy, Shaymin, Arceus, Victini, Keldeo, Meloetta, Genesect, and Volcanion. All of which are scheduled to be filled up through the year bar the first and last ones.
The thing for the legendary birds, it's just making an account and saying you want to get the emails right? My fiancee wants to get all of them but she hasn't seen anything from the website yet.
The emails will be sent out next week I believe