When retail packs are $2.89? Highly unlikely.ismaboof said:For $4.99 I bet we will
That's really weird.PounchEnvy said:It's a fresh Alienware laptop I don't think it's my laptop.
When retail packs are $2.89? Highly unlikely.ismaboof said:For $4.99 I bet we will
That's really weird.PounchEnvy said:It's a fresh Alienware laptop I don't think it's my laptop.
ismaboof said:For $4.99 I bet we will
What?Izayoi said:When retail packs are $2.89? Highly unlikely.
Supply and demand. :\ismaboof said:What?
They were like $10 when I was a kid!
Green Scar said:They have to do this, because otherwise, they are completely undermining the value of the physical cards. The only alternative is to release new sets/decks for free some arbitrary number of months/new releases after their physical release.
Not really. I will buy physical cards no matter what because I'm a collector.Green Scar said:They have to do this, because otherwise, they are completely undermining the value of the physical cards. The only alternative is to release new sets/decks for free some arbitrary number of months/new releases after their physical release.
You were getting ripped. I only payed three bucks per pack when they first started coming out.ismaboof said:What?
They were like $10 when I was a kid!
Eteric Rice said:I just hope we get booster packs and stuff. Getting one card per win is a little lame.
It's likely they'll let you spend your tokens on boosters or something.Soru said:Depends. Providing they don't make us pay for booster packs (which they might not due to the target demographic), it'll be based of a point system, points obviously coming from your wins. It would need to be less than 10 wins worth of points (10 cards in a booster, right?) to unlock cards at a faster rate than 1 card per win. However, one card per win usually follows a set pattern of cards to unlock which sucks.
Fidelis Hodie said:Not neccisarily since tournaments give out actual scholarships and all the people playing aren't really playing for the reason we are (i.e. . . . because of FUN). I'm not disagreeing completely, I'm just saying there's a lot more to keep the physical cards and official sanctioned tournaments alive if they push this and make a 3ds game too.
Green Scar said:Oh definitely, I'm not denying there can be a difference in those playing the card game physically and those playing digitally.
Two things: what does the bolded mean? And are you saying those buying physically aren't playing for fun?
Cloudius12 said:I had no freezing but really long wait times. Like right now, waiting, waiting...
My experience with real life tournaments is that they're a mixed bag. If you're looking for people who really are all about enjoying the game go to prereleases.Fidelis Hodie said:The majority of the older tournaments that I went too went past the point of fun and were about winning. Instead of looking up what four decks everyone else was running, my friends and I built our own decks instead whenever we went.
I watched a girl cry to her mom because she didn't know what deck I was running. I was just in it for the game and playing with my friends.
Now, I don't mean to make such blanket statements, it's just a mindset that seems to change when it becomes more of an obsession and less of a game.
Just my opinion.
Nirolak said:I didn't realize this was actually official.
Izayoi said:My experience with real life tournaments is that they're a mixed bag. If you're looking for people who really are all about enjoying the game go to prereleases.
I had a ton of fun at the Call of Legends one. Mostly just collectors and a few kids with their parents.
Cloudius12 said:Out of all the decks, I like the Water deck the most, while least favorite Grass :/
Yeah prereleases were always fun.Fidelis Hodie said:Hell yes. They're the only tournaments my friends and I will still go to. Love them to death.
We started going out and buying booster packs and having our own pre-release tournies in fact.
moonspeak said:If it weren't for money and time issues I'd probably still be going to tournaments and all that jazz, but if this whole online thing is most definitely free i'm so in. GAF would be an awesome community to have it's own tournament or something with this.
You're awesome. Can't wait for the BW prerelease. Going to be a blast. Plus the set is actually decent this time, so that's a big plus.Fidelis Hodie said:Hell yes. They're the only tournaments my friends and I will still go to. Love them to death.
We started going out and buying booster packs and having our own pre-release tournies in fact.
Refresh, stay tabbed-in until it loads.Shed_a_Ninja said:FUCKING 99%
Izayoi said:Refresh, stay tabbed-in until it loads.
Pretty much. It's not called a Beta for no reason.Shed_a_Ninja said:So the actual steps to relieve my frustration are:
Step 1: Hit F5 once after it reaches 99%/100% and hangs.
Step 2: Wait.
Ah... It's a good thing they don't let the AI use any SP cards.Shed_a_Ninja said:FUCK YOU SHELGON FYUCK OU
For me, it's Metagross. Fuck that thing.Shed_a_Ninja said:FUCK YOU SHELGON FYUCK OU
moonspeak said:This is also when Luxray SP was taking over the scene too.
If it weren't for money and time issues I'd probably still be going to tournaments and all that jazz, but if this whole online thing is most definitely free i'm so in. GAF would be an awesome community to have it's own tournament or something with this.
Izayoi said:Ah... It's a good thing they don't let the AI use any SP cards.
Izayoi said:You're awesome. Can't wait for the BW prerelease. Going to be a blast. Plus the set is actually decent this time, so that's a big plus.
Same here. I used to be so into the card game. Can't wait until the add online play with actual people. Kinda shocked Nintendo is doing this.JKTrix said:Dang, I haven't played the TCG in forever, but the first time I attached an energy card to Horsea it all came back. Not often I get a nostalgia bomb!
The tutorials are voiced. Voiced dialogue in a Pokemon game!
Pick whichever one you want. They're out in a week and a half or so. Go with the starter you chose in the game or something.Andrex said:So the B/W set is supposed to be good? Seems like the perfect time to jump in then, I guess. Any recommendations for a starter deck?
I've been playing it for a few hours now with no problems. Haven't tried refreshing, though.btkadams said:has anybody got this to work in the past couple hours? it's always hanging at 99% for me nowlol