Alright, I will try to wake up earlier. About 8-9 hours from now.
Sounds like a plan, but please don't feel like you have to wake up wake up that early just to trade with me.
Alright, I will try to wake up earlier. About 8-9 hours from now.
It doesn't get priority.Almost certainly Crawdaunt for priority and Knock Off (nothing likes switching in on that, except Granbull apparently >_>)
It doesn't get priority.
Aqua Jet?It doesn't get priority.
It got Aqua Jet this gen, which makes it absolutely terrifying with a Choice Band, Life Orb or Dragon Dance boost. It can also take a Brave Bird from Talonflame before going down, meaning its a pretty effective last resort if you need to break the bird.
I read that as Priority Knock Off lol. My bad.Aqua Jet?
Also I took out a Granbull with Crabhammer. So good
*Builds first team*
Oh shit! I've got 3 steel weaknesses!
*Builds second team*
omg! 3 fire weaknesses! FFFFFFFFF!!
I have 3 ice weakness on my current team, but I also have 2 Pokemon that resists ice, so as long as you have Pokemon you can bring in to take those attacks, it'll be fine.
Also, steel is such a rare offensive type that it does not really matter.
Almost certainly Crawdaunt for priority and Knock Off (nothing likes switching in on that, except Granbull apparently >_>)
Oh, I fought a really annoying siglyph(sp?) last night. I might want to make one myself even though I hate the way it looks. Lol.
I think I have spare one with Stored Power/Psycho Shift in a Luxury Ball. You would just need to relearn the egg moves.
Oh, I fought a really annoying siglyph(sp?) last night. I might want to make one myself even though I hate the way it looks. Lol.
I just bred a Xatu and watching closely they're very similar, one has magic bounce and the other magic guard, what's the difference?
I just bred a Xatu and watching closely they're very similar, one has magic bounce and the other magic guard, what's the difference?
Magic bounce reflects status moves
Magic Guard only allows direct damage to hurt you.
I think I have spare one with Stored Power/Psycho Shift in a Luxury Ball. You would just need to relearn the egg moves.
Looks like Sigilyph completely outclasses Xatu, oh well :/
That was a random disconnect.
Does Magic Bounce really reflect abilities like Intimidate? Its description only says it reflects moves.
Sounds like my vivillon when RNG says fuck you.Yup, you were gonna murder me anyway. I always lose my Venomoth too damn quick.
I've been trying out a team in the UU simulator before I start in X/Y. Mega Aggron and Florges work incredibly well together.
Aggron is a reliable lead with Stealth Rock. Eats up physical moves and hits back hard with Heavy Slam and Earthquake. If I'm threatened by a special attack, I just switch in Florges and she can take it. If something wants to Toxic Florges, I can use Aromatherapy or switch in Aggron because he's immune.She also makes up for Aggron's lack of recovery with Wish passing.
Not decided on what else to use yet. Almost certainly Crawdaunt for priority and Knock Off (nothing likes switching in on that, except Granbull apparently >_>)
Looks like Sigilyph completely outclasses Xatu, oh well :/
something weird
i have Kangaskhan with Scrappy
when i mega evolve him , i can't damage any ghost type , is it because of Parental Bond ?
and when i face a horde with my Kangaskhan , he tilt for some reason
something weird
i have Kangaskhan with Scrappy
when i mega evolve him , i can't damage any ghost type , is it because of Parental Bond ?
and when i face a horde with my Kangaskhan , he tilt for some reason
I'm pretty sure I have access to one. I could get you a lucky egg if you don't mind waiting a bit.Ok, I made an oops and accidentally put my lucky egg on gts. Does anyone have a chancy safari so I can replace it?
What are you missing?Any volunteers to make pokedex trades? We list our missing entries and exchange back and forth, I did it with Mich and it was awesome, Oval charm in an afternoon![]()
not gonna lie, I liked the pre-Pokebank metagame better >_>
although VGC banning Friend Safari Pokemon was lame
I'm pretty sure I have access to one. I could get you a lucky egg if you don't mind waiting a bit.
They're actually pretty easy to get. Chansey throws them at you lol
Anyone happen to have a Spiritomb in their Friend Safari? Been trying to find one for a while now and not a single person I've talked to has it.
I don't, but I did get one over Wonder Trade. I could breed you one this evening, if you'd like.
Edit: I've got one lolNice, thank you. I don't mind waiting. I'll post friend code tonight.
First pokemon game since r/b. This is fun as hell.
Ah dude, sorry
I think I may have deleted the friend who had it
or he/she may have deleted me
dw I've got it covered lolOh my God, I am feeling oddly generous. I have a friend with a Chansey Safari; I can TRY to get a Lucky Egg via the Compoundeyes/Frisk method. But I have to breed a Spiritomb for someone first. Regardless, I should be available this evening.
dw I've got it covered lol
Send me a trade request when you're readyAh, got it. By the way, I realized that Palkia is the only legendary I'm missing. If you ever get it, I'd like its data for TOTAL LEGENDARY COMPLETION. Oh, and Unown as well. But no rush!
Send me a trade request when you're ready
I must've missed trading you Palkia
That would be lovely, thank you!
My friend code is 2036-6914-5805. Let me know if there's anything you'd like for it, I'm sitting on a very random, mostly useless assortment of pokemon atm.
That'll be this evening, probably! But yeah, I'll PM you.
Ah, I see! Um, well, any Pokemon with their Hidden Abilities, or Pokemon Bank breedable Pokemon such as Elgyem and Tynamo would be super rad. I'll PM you my FC when I'm ready, which, again, will probably be this evening PST.
What are you missing?
I wouldn't mind helping out with some, but I'm not willing to do 150+ because it's arduous.A lot of mons, +150 probably, I'm just too lazy for GTS.
I've found this tool that helps a lot when building a pokémon with good coverage, it sure has helped my troubled Bouffalant.