I'm really debating on whether or not I should sign up for the tournament. I really don't have a doubles team, but it could be fun and who knows, I might even win a couple matches.
When's the deadline for the signup?
Is there a compiled list of all the pokemon that have to be traded from bank?
I'm pretty sure you have an hour.
If your interest is in having fun, then you should definitely join.I'm really debating on whether or not I should sign up for the tournament. I really don't have a doubles team, but it could be fun and who knows, I might even win a couple matches.
When's the deadline for the signup?
We can use HA, we just can't use any non-native Kalos Pokemon (i.e. Volcarona can only be gotten through Friend Safari).And we can't use Friend Safari pokemon? Does that mean we can't use Greninja? I'm not planning on using it, just asking as an example.
If your interest is in having fun, then you should definitely join.
We can use HA, we just can't use any non-native Kalos Pokemon (i.e. Volcarona can only be gotten through Friend Safari).
If it's for Dex entry, sure. If it's for keeps, no.In addition to the Tepig, I am also looking for the Legends that can't be obtained via the GTS.
Can anyone help?
Still insolvent.
Can I grab one Muku? A Flash Fire Male?Okay, so have been getting 6IV Ponyta like candy while trying to get a shiny to pop. I have far more than I need to keep for myself. So below I'll give a bit about them. Not looking for anything specific at the moment.
All are Adamant and level 1.
All have moves: Low Kick, Double Kick, Flame Wheel, and Morning Sun.
x3 Run Away - 2 Females and 1 Male
x4 Flash Fire - 2 Females and 2 Males
x4 Flame Body - 3 Females and 1 Male
Okay, so have been getting 6IV Ponyta like candy while trying to get a shiny to pop. I have far more than I need to keep for myself. So below I'll give a bit about them. Not looking for anything specific at the moment.
All are Adamant and level 1.
All have moves: Low Kick, Double Kick, Flame Wheel, and Morning Sun.
x3 Run Away - 2 Females and 1 Male
x4 Flash Fire - 2 Females and 2 Males
x4 Flame Body - 3 Females and 1 Male
I'll take one too. Male.
I'm probably going to make a Jolly one, so its Ability doesn't really matter.
I guess I've got a spare Unburden Treecko or a Swift Swim Poliwag if you want them.
My FC:5000-3009-5859
IGN: Crimson
Where my gummnt bail out at?
Obrockma and Merkelsty had better fix this issue.
If it's for Dex entry, sure. If it's for keeps, no.
Could I get one with Flash Fire please? Gender doesn't matter.Okay, so have been getting 6IV Ponyta like candy while trying to get a shiny to pop. I have far more than I need to keep for myself. So below I'll give a bit about them. Not looking for anything specific at the moment.
All are Adamant and level 1.
All have moves: Low Kick, Double Kick, Flame Wheel, and Morning Sun.
x2 Run Away - 2 Females and1 Male
x4 Flash Fire - 2 Females and 1 Male
x4 Flame Body - 3 Females and 1 Male
Event Pokemon are not needed to complete the dex, just FYI
Cool, PM me your FC and IGNI would definitely trade them back.
Cool, PM me your FC and IGN
My FC is in a post above
Might have to do it later or tomorrow though
Could I get one with Flash Fire please? Gender doesn't matter.
IGN is Jaime
Sure. Give me a moment to add you then I'll be on.
Shiny Aegislash is amazing
I just saw one in a fight and now I'm feeling real eager to try and breed one
No problemI have to get to bed now actually.![]()
I agree. A number of the older gen shinies look so dull and ugly.Yeah, shiny Aegislash is super boss. In fact, I think they did a good job with shiny colourations in X/Y compared to previous generations; there's very few 'only slightly different' shinies, and not that many garishly bright ones either.
Okay, so have been getting 6IV Ponyta like candy while trying to get a shiny to pop. I have far more than I need to keep for myself. So below I'll give a bit about them. Not looking for anything specific at the moment.
All are Adamant and level 1.
All have moves: Low Kick, Double Kick, Flame Wheel, and Morning Sun.
x2 Run Away - 2 Females
x2 Flash Fire - 1 Female and 1 Male
x4 Flame Body - 3 Females and 1 Male
They even fixed Gengar and Farchomps ugly shiny colors with their mega forms!Yeah, shiny Aegislash is super boss. In fact, I think they did a good job with shiny colourations in X/Y compared to previous generations; there's very few 'only slightly different' shinies, and not that many garishly bright ones either.
May i have a male Flash Fire please?
I've done a major culling so don't have much to give but i will try give atleast a 5 iv
FC 5155-2938-0756 IGN Liam
Sure. Adding you now.
Thank you so much!
The dratini needs a little breeding to be done (wrong 5 ivs) but has a couple egg moves including Extremespeed
Yeah Milotic's gone up. I've been collecting Zygarde for some reason hahaOkay, after many days of trying to trade a Yveltal (which I traded a Milotic to get) I took it off GTS. I just straight up put a Milotic and asked for an Articuno that way, since I guess Xerneas and Yveltal are totally unwanted. And I got it. Going to try asking for other things with Milotic. These things are more like candy than those two.
Okay, after many days of trying to trade a Yveltal (which I traded a Milotic to get) I took it off GTS. I just straight up put a Milotic and asked for an Articuno that way, since I guess Xerneas and Yveltal are totally unwanted. And I got it. Going to try asking for other things with Milotic. These things are more like candy than those two.
If you don't mind grinding for BP in order to get the evolution items, I heard that Porygon-Z is also a great Pokemon to put on GTS for legendaries.
The PGL balloon popping game was heaven-sent for me. An hour's time and about 10,000 PokeMiles netted me 3 Up-Grades and 2 Dubious Discs, among other very useful items (like Metal Coats). It's much more useful to me than the Maison. Once Bank gets out and I can rack up some BP that way, I'm headed straight for Lansat and Starf berries.If you don't mind grinding for BP in order to get the evolution items, I heard that Porygon-Z is also a great Pokemon to put on GTS for legendaries.
The PGL balloon popping game was heaven-sent for me. An hour's time and about 10,000 PokeMiles netted me 3 Up-Grades and 2 Dubious Discs, among other very useful items (like Metal Coats). It's much more useful to me than the Maison. Once Bank gets out and I can rack up some BP that way, I'm headed straight for Lansat and Starf berries.
...wait. You can use PokeMiles without Bank to get items like that? I demand more knowledge.![]()
Holy shit. Lol.http://3ds.pokemon-gl.com/
I Game Synced a little over 72,000 PokeMiles.
I bought 50 Rare Candies with 12,500 Miles (250 each).
I used about 30,000 PokeMiles earned in-game from wonder trades and all that, spent about 3 hours playing the 3 levels of the balloon popping minigame and received multiples of the following items:
84 Evolutionary stones (all types), Metal Coats, Razor Fangs & Claws, Reaper Cloths, Sachets, Whipped Dreams, Deep Sea Scales & Teeth, Up-Grades, Dubious Discs, Prism & Dragon Scales, King's Rocks, Everstones, Protectors, Electirizers, Magmarizers and about 600 berries.
I Game Synced a little over 72,000 PokeMiles.
I bought 50 Rare Candies with 12,500 Miles (250 each).
I used about 30,000 PokeMiles earned in-game from wonder trades and all that, spent about 3 hours playing the 3 levels of the balloon popping minigame and received multiples of the following items:
84 Evolutionary stones (all types), Metal Coats, Razor Fangs & Claws, Reaper Cloths, Sachets, Whipped Dreams, Deep Sea Scales & Teeth, Up-Grades, Dubious Discs, Prism & Dragon Scales, King's Rocks, Everstones, Protectors, Electirizers, Magmarizers and about 600 berries.
I've only spent 500 miles so far on playing the balloon game. I should really invest in PP Ups.http://3ds.pokemon-gl.com/
I Game Synced a little over 72,000 PokeMiles.
I bought 50 Rare Candies with 12,500 Miles (250 each).
I used about 30,000 PokeMiles earned in-game from wonder trades and all that, spent about 3 hours playing the 3 levels of the balloon popping minigame and received multiples of the following items:
84 Evolutionary stones (all types), Metal Coats, Razor Fangs & Claws, Reaper Cloths, Sachets, Whipped Dreams, Deep Sea Scales & Teeth, Up-Grades, Dubious Discs, Prism & Dragon Scales, King's Rocks, Everstones, Protectors, Electirizers, Magmarizers and about 600 berries.
I Game Synced a little over 72,000 PokeMiles.
I bought 50 Rare Candies with 12,500 Miles (250 each).
I used about 30,000 PokeMiles earned in-game from wonder trades and all that, spent about 3 hours playing the 3 levels of the balloon popping minigame and received multiples of the following items:
84 Evolutionary stones (all types), Metal Coats, Razor Fangs & Claws, Reaper Cloths, Sachets, Whipped Dreams, Deep Sea Scales & Teeth, Up-Grades, Dubious Discs, Prism & Dragon Scales, King's Rocks, Everstones, Protectors, Electirizers, Magmarizers and about 600 berries.
I Game Synced a little over 72,000 PokeMiles.
I bought 50 Rare Candies with 12,500 Miles (250 each).
I used about 30,000 PokeMiles earned in-game from wonder trades and all that, spent about 3 hours playing the 3 levels of the balloon popping minigame and received multiples of the following items:
84 Evolutionary stones (all types), Metal Coats, Razor Fangs & Claws, Reaper Cloths, Sachets, Whipped Dreams, Deep Sea Scales & Teeth, Up-Grades, Dubious Discs, Prism & Dragon Scales, King's Rocks, Everstones, Protectors, Electirizers, Magmarizers and about 600 berries.