Well I finished the tutorial a while ago and haven't played after that, I wanna pick it back up and play, anyone have any tips for me? How to spend the premium money. Pokemon to get? etc? All help is valuable![]()
Here's how I've approached the game:
The optimize button is really helpful for most of the stages. Its only when you get MUCH further in the game that its choices are only so-so.
Try not to spend jewels for anything. I have only used them like 2 times I think. And one of those times was when I accidentally pressed 'spend jewel' to get 5 more moves on a stage after failing it lol.
Coins are important...kind of. There is a stage where you can grind for them (stage 37 I think, the one with meowth).
The reason I say only kind of important is that you really don't need to use them except for a few reasons. The first reason is for a timed competition in the special stages. Coins will help you get items that will really help boost your score and help you get that mega stone reward since you are being ranked against other players' scores.
Another reason to spend coins is for getting S-rank on stages. Like for the special stages I previously mentioned, you'll use those coins to spend on items. Getting S-ranks unlocks expert stages with powerful pokemon.
Another reason to use coins is to use it to buy great balls for such things as safari stages where there are certain pokemon that have such stupidly low appearance rates it'll be a hassle to not catch them when you actually manage to encounter them.
That's really all I've used coins for.
Best pokemon to get so far? Gengar and its mega stone. Its an early-ish game pokemon though its stage is pretty tough.
Try to check in game every day for free 500 coins and then 1000 coins after 10 days I think.
If there is ever a special stage that is about to expire and 1) you're running low on coins for items or 2) have no hearts and waiting for them to recharge would take too long, I would think that's a good time to spend those gems.Oh thanks! So what should you spend your stones on if I would need to?
Oh thanks! So what should you spend your stones on if I would need to?
Pretty sure dusclops is a lie.
Lies!I caught two.
At least 28 and 29 are doable without coins. Haven't tries 30 yet.Back up to date on main stages but basically out of coins so those three expert stages will just taunt me for a while
At least 28 and 29 are doable without coins. Haven't tries 30 yet.
We just got a new fighting mega.are we ever getting a new fighting type? i mean, c'mon
are we ever getting a new fighting type? i mean, c'mon
We just got a new fighting mega.
But we just got a new Fighting Mega and an 70 base attack Fighting type!
hey, let's not act like they haven't been trickling out (useful) fighting types in a very conservative fashion so far, shall we
Don't worry, it actually is hard; keep at it.Either I suck at EX stages more than I thought or Xerneas is freaking HARD. I swear I wasted over 40 hearts on him and I only beaten him like 5 times. I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong. My team is Mawile 6, Nidoking 6, Nidoqueen 6, and Dialga 5. Yveltal wasn't this bad D:
I just want to catch that majestic deer so bad because it's one of my favorite Pokemon but I'm close to giving up for good.
Either I suck at EX stages more than I thought or Xerneas is freaking HARD. I swear I wasted over 40 hearts on him and I only beaten him like 5 times. I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong. My team is Mawile 6, Nidoking 6, Nidoqueen 6, and Dialga 5. Yveltal wasn't this bad D:
I just want to catch that majestic deer so bad because it's one of my favorite Pokemon but I'm close to giving up for good.
still have to s-rank aerodactyl and wasted a complexity-1 and +5 moves on him earlier, only to get an a-rank again
fuck his bloated hp
I still don't get Banette, by the time it's evolved you've basically got no turns left to make use of it, in my experience. I generally get between 5,000 and 7,000 with Gengar anyway and that seems okay enough.
I used Mega Start and moves +5 with Mega Aerodactyl, Sceptile, Palkia and Dialga. All were max and it took me 2 tries, well 3 if you count my attempt while Aerodactyl was only Lv. 7.
If you're gonna use C-1 and Moves+5, it's better just to buy everything and put the result beyond a doubt. It's not really much more expensive to get DD and Mega-Start as well when you've spent 9,500 coins already anyway.
Obviously that depends a bit on whether you're using Gengar who evolves in a couple of turns anyway, and how bad the disruptions are, but generally speaking it's better to be safe than sorry - especially in a trainer battle.
i think i just got really unlucky with the matches/combos, c-1 and moves +5 should totally be enough for that stage
Oh yeah for sure it should, but in case it isn't it's better to be safe than sorry. Instead of wasting the 3,500 coins, you're going to have to waste another 9,800 now (at least!)
Coins, keep playing the Meowth stage (level 37) as you can earn 130, 330, or even 530 if you're lucky enough.
EXP, I guess Ampharos (level 130) since it's a stage with 50 moves, meaning more EXP to earn. Though maybe try to ear EXP while grinding for coin. It won't be as fast, but you'll earn both at the same time.
There's also the weekend, with Saturday being Victini for EXP (ALWAYS USE EXP 1.5) & Sunday for Meowth (use Moves +5 to hopefully make a bigger profit).
Its important to know that its always 50 EXP. Its only related to the possible moves, not to the moves you actually did.Awesome. I just thought you got some unspecified amount of exp for winning a level every time. Didn't realize it was related to how much you make matches.