what team did you use
I got through it with Garchomp, Regirock, Regice and Registeel
what team did you use
what team did you use
...Shit. I missed Landorus. The first special Pokémon I missed... I didn't realize time was already up for it, damn busy holiday season messing with my sense of time... Where do I go from here? What are the chances of them bringing Landorus back? I feel like there's no point in playing this game anymore if there's no guarantee that I'll ever be able to catch 'em all now... =(
I wonder why Mobile was just given Mewtwo without getting the "try items out" stage to go with it.
Not being able to try out items = higher chance of wasted items = more $$$I wonder why Mobile was just given Mewtwo without getting the "try items out" stage to go with it.
The Garchomp competition on mobile has Phione added in as the 5th Pokemon but if you bring Phione with you it won't add another Pokemon. If you want to place at the top you'd better get back to hunting in the safari if you don't have Phione yet.
Are you fucking kidding me? Fuuuuck.
I checked and it's the same on 3DS so everyone can complain together.Are you fucking kidding me? Fuuuuck.
Lucario and the three Regis.what team did you use
Starting to close in to 80k coins again. I might take a break again since I've pretty much got nobody else to level up, there's no new content (I wouldn't be surprised if next week, there was nothing as well due to Xmas), and I have so many coins. Plus I wanna focus on Pokemon Picross & a few other games.
Oh was that why it took forever to evolve? Whyyy :-(They completely broke Heracross in this, too
Wow, new content this week, AND new EX stages? Kind of surprised being the week of Xmas. Least I got Luxray on my first attempt.
Also, they "broke" Heracross? How so?
Safari said:27%: StageDataEvent #246 (Roggenrola)
15%: StageDataEvent #245 (Boldore)
3%: StageDataEvent #244 (Gigalith)
28%: StageDataEvent #243 (Fletchling)
10%: StageDataEvent #242 (Fletchinder)
15%: StageDataEvent #241 (Numel)
2%: StageDataEvent #240 (Camerupt)
2% camerupt, ugh
Guess I'm spending the next two weeks doing Keldeo. Should be a small easy boost of XP and coins.
Spent all my coins trying to catch Regi Ice and I still couldn't do it. Just to think how many hours I will have to grind to get a reasonable amount of coins makes me think about quitting this shit forever.
No more money to try that unfortunately.Attack Power and Mega Start Lucario is all you need. I caught it with a MAX rating.
No more money to try that unfortunately.
Stop making me more depressedIt wouldn't take long to get that money though (on 3DS)
Spent all my coins trying to catch Regi Ice and I still couldn't do it. Just to think how many hours I will have to grind to get a reasonable amount of coins makes me think about quitting this shit forever.