Yeah, once you finish 30, no more coins.
At 42 now, feeling like I should save my spare 10 hearts I got for the time being.
who is looking forward to the unown safari?
Once again the accommodation wifi is not cooperating with the 3DS.
Goodbye daily coins, goodbye cool Pokemon, goodbye contests.
Can't you tether to your mobile?
I switched over to Steelix with Jirachi using Mega Boost+ a while back & pretty much have no issues. But I'm also using a MAX Dialga & everyone else is lv. 8. I'm almost at 140 at the moment.Stage 90+ is annoying with the metal blocks. Gengar isn't great and mawile takes too long to evolve. Takes some luck to beat the stage
What teams are you using for Mega Abomasnow? I tried (itemless) all-Fire Blaziken, Gengar+Pyre, and Diancie+Optimize for kicks. All-Fire got me the highest score. Should I bring Reshiram?
the escalation battle has been trash if you're just interested in the mega stone. basically a waste of fifty hearts and the coins needed for lvl. 50. the trend to scale down the item rewards between 1-50 is a bad one
Some of the stages in Roseus Center are insanely hard and stupid. I finally manage to beat Exploud after giving up and spending a bunch of coins on pretty much every item only to find out Deoxys is even harder.
At least let me have small moment of reprieve before breaking me again D:
3- the DD and Moves +5 they give you before getting to 50 make 50 almost trivial
1- lvl 50 can be done itemless (not that easily though)
2- you only need to use 40 hearts as they give you 10 on the road to lvl 50
3- the DD and Moves +5 they give you before getting to 50 make 50 almost trivial
261-300 are mostly much fairer than dozens of stages before. When they introduced 10 stages at a time they could have afforded them being significantly harder (oh and they constantly went overboard there), but when they added 40 stages at once the balance was handled much better.
Sometimes new updates are officially revealed a few days in advance, sometimes stuff for two weeks is included in an update.Any idea what's coming this week? People seem to find out a day or two before, somehow.
The stages may have been easier, but the catch rates dropped off a cliff. Almost nothing offered higher than 25% even for an s-rank.
I really hope we get at least one more week before next major update. 40 new stages, 2 escalation battles, a competition, there really was a lot to do recently.
time to finally bring the latest mobile features to the 3ds version, how about it
"We heard you, 3DS players! You wanted features from the mobile version, so today's update includes:
The ability to spend two hearts on one level
Rocks in the Meowth level
Reduced coin prizes in each level
We hope you enjoy these great new features and continue to support Pokémon Shuffle."
I just hope they follow it up with with Mega Beedril, our first Poison mega evolution.Beedrill is easy to beat but has a low catch rate and is disappointing once you do catch it.
Beedrill is easy to beat but has a low catch rate and is disappointing once you do catch it.
Typed this post up while waiting for a combo to finish.