I thought you couldn't skip those stages anymore.
Maybe you can't, got a skip at stage 45 and all of a sudden it's +3 after seeing nothing but eights and sixes before.
I thought you couldn't skip those stages anymore.
I can confirm got +15 twice, one of them went past level 75, which gives disruption delay. I'm not sure if it counts as a mini-boss or not, but usually those were not skippable.I think there's screenshots floating around of +15, which is the only way a 500 stage escalation will be sane.
I can confirm got +15 twice, one of them went past level 75, which gives disruption delay. I'm not sure if it counts as a mini-boss or not, but usually those were not skippable.
150 I needed the +5 turns item to beat. Went with Gengar, Absol (SL3), Yveltal (Lvl. 15) and Darkrai (SL4). I found that my Hoopa Unbound wasn't good enough for that stage at skill level 3. I will probably use the next few boosters I get from Eevee on him.It looks like it's every 50th stage that's a boss stage. 25, 75, 125, and 175 give items but can be skipped.
I'm up to 150 now and I'm not sure I can go all the way to 500 without Hoopa-U to deal damage. That's 8 boss stages to go with at least Attack Up necessary for me. Those items are sooo tempting, though.
I got a +15 anger to trigger for Mew on stage 66, meaning I got to skip to 81.
I barely beat Mew 300 with a Steelix strategy. Once the metal blocks stop falling he becomes completely useless. Using Tyranitar as mega would be much safer.
Mega Beedrill got me past 300 with only a +5. You could make the argument MBee is as valuable as MRay or MGengar when sped up. Great on timed stages but another option on three pokemon stages or low turn count stages like this EB.
I don't know about you guys but I like how this Mew EB is set up. Sure the prizes aren't quite as nice as they have been in the past but the levels are short, the skips are massive and the boss battles don't break the bank. (200 took DD and +5, everything else up to 300 been itemless or +5)
Candied Camerupt or Beedril can do it, if you have Block Smash+ Mew, you can use your standard Gengar team with it.What team did you use to beat 250 itemless or with a +5 item?
What team did you use to beat 250 itemless or with a +5 item?
Candied Camerupt or Beedril can do it, if you have Block Smash+ Mew, you can use your standard Gengar team with it.
Edit: 350 made me go nuts. Applied a few strategies that all left me dry just a move short. Ended up going +5 moves, DD, Attack Up with Gengar, ended up beating him with 12 moves. Lost a bunch of coins on him there![]()
Same.A lot of the strategies for this escalation battle rely on having a fully candied Mega Bee which I don't have. Ugh.
I could get mine to top performance (sitting on 26 mspeedups). Is it useful in normal gameplay or in other competitions? I just don't want to spend them, then never never use it again at all.
Right now, I'd rather spend them on MSalamence because it will be useful for weekend meowth and for the next competition.
Fucking hell guys, I've managed to save 12 SpeedUps so far for Rayquaza and now y'all are telling me I should be wanting to use them on Beedrill?!
It's one of the few Megas where type doesn't matter, you can bring it to any stage. Having a Mega in one match is huge.
I went on a spending spree of items because I kind of feel like I can see the end game too for myself and there's no point in waiting for something that may not come.
Very convincing arguments. Done.Yeah, there are 4 S class mega, Rayquaza, Gengar, Tyranitar, and Beedril.
I bought power +, moves +5 and used MRay I think. I could have easily done it without the M+5.any tips for mew 150? did 100 itemless and i'm feeling stingy again
Do Rayquaza first. It''s incredibly useful. Choosing between Beedrill and Tyranitar would be a tougher call.
I wish you could pay a jewel to get candies back you'd used, or something. I love Banette for weekend Meowth but feel silly having given him twelve candies when giving five to Mewtwo would have been a better plan.
any tips for mew 150? did 100 itemless and i'm feeling stingy again
My advice for people who want to do 500 on the Mew stage: Don't. I ended up using 2 jewels on it thanks to terrible RNG. 450 is probably a better place to stop. Definitely the last time I go all the way on an EB.
I'll add to the chorus of M-Bee proponents. It got me through a lot of EB stages and saved me coins on a Mega Start for some boss stages. It's quite difficult to combo with M-Bee, though, and I ended up having to switch back to M-Gengar for 470+.
My advice for people who want to do 500 on the Mew stage: Don't. I ended up using 2 jewels on it thanks to terrible RNG. 450 is probably a better place to stop. Definitely the last time I go all the way on an EB.
I'll add to the chorus of M-Bee proponents. It got me through a lot of EB stages and saved me coins on a Mega Start for some boss stages. It's quite difficult to combo with M-Bee, though, and I ended up having to switch back to M-Gengar for 470+.
I need ever raise max level I can get my hands on and clearing 500 nets you 3 of them
Best of luck to you, then. I should add that my team for 500 was M-Ray (Lv. 8, SL1), Yveltal (Lv. 13, SL2), Darkrai (Lv. 10, SL4), and Zoroark (Lv. 11, SL2) plus all items. I probably could've done it without the extra jewels if Sleep Charm had activated, or if I had stronger Pokemon.
Beedril also allows for itemless Survival mode, which, if you have time to spare is the best way to farm exp.
No Hoopa-U, unfortunately. I'm about 100 stages away from it. If I had it, I probably would've swapped Zoroark out because the disruptions at the end are such a pain. I don't have M-Tyranitar, either, and some recommend it over M-Ray for 500.So do you not have Hoopa-U or did you opt to bring Sleep Charmer instead?
No Hoopa-U, unfortunately. I'm about 100 stages away from it. If I had it, I probably would've swapped Zoroark out because the disruptions at the end are such a pain. I don't have M-Tyranitar, either, and some recommend it over M-Ray for 500.
Woot cleared stage 500 of the Mew escalation battle with 5 moves to spare!
Now to grind my coins back quickly then I can get to the new main stages
What team did you go with? I'm leaning MRay over MTyranitar if I decide to make it that far.
M-Ray (Lv 10), Yveltal (LV 15, Block smash + SL2) Darkrai (Lv 10, SL4) Hoopa-U (Lv 10, SL5)
Did you even need Darkrai for the last 5 moves once DD wore off? I was thinking of boosting Zoroak to SL3 and trying to make the most of Sinster Power when there's room to combo.
It's only one point difference in power. Darkrai could potentially save your ass in those last 5 moves but Zoroark may do enough damage that you never get to that point.Sinister Power is 40/65/100 at SL3. I kind of regret going above SL2 since that's 35/60/100. Darkrai has more AP than level 13 Zoroark too.
I think Sleep increases damage done?
At least it's just coins.I'm dumb. Used Steelix on 350 but brought Darkrai and kept activating Sleep Charm.
At least it's just coins.
I lost a RML. Up to level 4 farming Salamence, unbeaten in all those matches. Mindlessly matching as presents drop. And when a red box finally drops, freeze doesn't want to proc, no more MAmpharos falling from the sky, barriers got out of hand and loose by a sliver.