Question, albeit a stupid one, but how do I check Pokemon's attack power?
I hate M Glalie.![]()
I've gone back to trying to S rank every stage because this is a wall I've yet to climb.
You could try using a Mega that easily clears out hazards, even if it's not very effective like Audino. I tried this for a bunch of different Pokemon and it helped a lot, although you also have to have some luck when it comes to actually catching them.
Also you should definitely be using Haunter so that you get free hits when Gengar creates them.
Question, albeit a stupid one, but how do I check Pokemon's attack power?
I just tried a team with Mega Altaria, Haunter, Zoroark, and Absol. Lost both times, but I think I'll stick with it and see if I get any better with them.
I've fought Gengar over 50 times by now. It's pretty frustrating.
Just tried two more times. First time I won with 3 moves left, which is decent (of course, I didn't catch Gengar). Second time I only did 40% damage. This new team seems to rely a lot on luck. If the disruption Haunters line up with my own, and if there are enough Altarias to set off the Mega early, then I have a pretty good chance. But I don't know if the chance of these events happening is any better than the steady damage of my all Dark team.
Anyone catch Gengar with a good team, or was it mostly luck?
this is accurate.Hell. They're like hell
No Sableye? Gengar is weak to it so I guess it would make your life easier.
Did you use a +time bonus?Uh... remember what I said about not wanting to know what the 15 second EX stages are like?
I tried fighting Entei. Lost the first try but beat it the second try. It's not necessarily difficult, but... I won with 2 seconds remaining. Want to know how much those two seconds increased the catch chance?
How are you even supposed to catch it :L0%. That's right, and it only has a 1% base catch rate.
So yeah...
this is accurate.
I've got all the EX pokemon before it (except Blaziken) at least.
Did you use a +time bonus?
Because I'm pretty sure they don't count toward the catchability bonus.
Nope, no bonuses. I'll try again in 10 minutes and see if I can get better than 2 seconds, but if that much time doesn't add any catchability I don't know how this is possible.
Okay, that's weird.Nope, no bonuses. I'll try again in 10 minutes and see if I can get better than 2 seconds, but if that much time doesn't add any catchability I don't know how this is possible.
Now that's just really evil if trueIf I'm remembering correctly it adds percentage for multiples of three for those 15 second ones. So if you did one second better you would've gotten some.
If I'm remembering correctly it adds percentage for multiples of three for those 15 second ones. So if you did one second better you would've gotten some.
Okay, that's weird.
I beat Suicune within 8 seconds and remember the catch rate increasing to +30% and I did manage to catch it.
So I don't see why Entei would be different considering all legendary dogs seem to follow the same format.
Okay, that's weird.
I beat Suicune within 8 seconds and remember the catch rate increasing to +30% and I did manage to catch it.
So I don't see why Entei would be different considering all legendary dogs seem to follow the same format.
Now that's just really evil if true
Is there a trick to S-ranking Grovyle (stage 72)? Or do you just have to get lucky? I Googled and found a suggestion to use Treecko (which does only 1/2 damage) to take advantage of the other Treeckos in the stage but I couldn't make that work either.
It's very frustrating to keep wasting hearts trying to S-rank this annoying stage. I hate F2P. Just let me buy the damn game! Yes, as a matter of fact I would like some cheese with my whine! XD
Thanks, but it chooses the 'mon for each column randomly. I put Treecko in the last slot this time and it didn't assign it to any of the three starting columns.You have to put theecko in the last slot so it triggers the combo from the start, this way you can beat it in 2 turns and get a higher chance to catch it. This also gives you an S rank.
I think there might be confirmation bias going on of how common <50% chances are but maybe it rolls twice for some lower odds to make you feel lucky.Sometimes it just feels like the catch rates in the game are biased towards 50% for any non-100% values. Does it feel the same to you guys, too?
It's like the exact opposite of the thing that semi-recent Fire Emblem games do with regard to accuracy.
Has anyone ever actually tried to,tally up the actual probabilities?
So, finished off Mega Mewtwo Y...
And that's it? The game's over? Besides Extra stages and collecting every Pokemon?
So, finished off Mega Mewtwo Y...
And that's it? The game's over? Besides Extra stages and collecting every Pokemon?
So, finished off Mega Mewtwo Y...
And that's it? The game's over? Besides Extra stages and collecting every Pokemon?
I'm there at Mega Mewtwo Y right now. Not as frustrating as Mega Glalie but I'm still having a tough time delivering the final blows. Guess I know where to spend my remaining coins.
Complexity -1, Mega Start, and Disrupt Spell (whatever the name is) helps.
I used the free Complexity -1 for it.
I feared the worst due to the game's pricing structure. But it's actually just like Candy Crush Saga: addictive fun that doesn't require any payments at all.
So I think I'm going to admit defeat and just use coins to get through Mega Glalie. His ice block disruption really is designed to be unfair. Add in the fact that you have to juggle 6 Pokemon (presumably 4 of which are super effective and 2 of which do ~22 per 3 match), and you've got yourself a stage that I'm nearly convinced was designed to force you to use coins.
I have gotten him to a sliver of health, but it really and truly was 100% luck. Skyfalls are the ONLY way to beat him without items, and even then, you are at the mercy of RNG. I've had rounds where huge skyfall chains have triggered yet still only done <50% damage to him.
So with that, once my 5 hearts are regenerated for the day, I'll be going all out on him and spending coins like a boss to move past that dude.