thanks folks!
I think I'm really enjoying this game - it's pretty fun!
anyway, how do they determine the Ranks? (S, A, B)
I'm around Stage 33 now or so and I've been getting a string of Bs
Nice! I wasn't sure if you could do it at your level : P
Good luck with Kyogre...
For ranks, I believe it's just turns/time left. As a rule of thumb, S rank is within half the number of allowed turns. So 8 or less turns for 16 turn stages or 7 or less for 15 turn stages.
You can "cheat" by buying the turns/time +X item to increase your turns/time and improve your rank. Just remember that it doesn't help with catch rate at all.
Mega Glalie what the fuck
I checked up on my Mega Lucario score. It's specifically 11981 which puts me at 12647th place with 2 days to go. I'm a little wary, especially with last minute pushes as the deadline nears when people decide to break out the stops and use items. I'm going to see how it is at 1 day left before I decide to use the cash or my free -1 complexity.
I suppose I am pretty proud that I have a competitive score despite me having not unlocked any of the strongest pokemon.
Wilflare, winning with more turns does improve the catch rate, but the turns added with +5 moves doesn't count towards that, only your starting turns really matters.
And Mega Slowbro is such a bro. I haven't been following the earlier thoughts, but he's has GOT to be a favorite Mega for many people, if not most.
Most of these "time-exclusives" repeat themselves anyway so I wouldn't worry.Stupid question: I was busy during the last weeks (looking for Amiibos, for once) and haven't discovered the game before today. Now, I read there're time-exclusive.
Any chance I can do something about it or am I too late, like... almost each time I touch something related to Pokemon? Any advices?
(I'm in Europe, btw, and the software pop up today, although I've played my 3DS at least a dozen days ago, strangely)
hmm I defeated Slowpoke... and the game says I got the Mega stone... but it's not showing up? T_T
Do you mean Mega Slowbro? You don't actually catch the regular Slowbro until a later stage. It's weird, but that's how it is.
oh oh well.. lol i'm rushing thru the game - it's fun.
hoping I can get all events...
up to like 6 jewels now... holding on to them as much as possible
Use all the items.
Yeah, there's no point using jewels until you have 12, because you're getting less bang for your buck otherwise. You'll get to 12 just by playing through the map.
used complexity -1 and got to top 300 in NA. Guess I'm safe.
I'm glad to hear that. I've never played a mobile f2p game so I didn't know how these things usually work.Most of these "time-exclusives" repeat themselves anyway so I wouldn't worry.
Top 3000 on UK game and Top 6000 on Japanese game. I think I'm set![]()
share some tips please
my max is only 3800 :/
Use all the items.
Always try for 4+ matches where possible. Go with Mega Slowbro. Its ability really helps clear the board when there are multiple Slowbro there. Otherwise just be quick and keep combos going.
Though I'm nothing on the top Japanese players, they're insane. Top score is 64,000. I miss when my score was in the Top 150 in Japan. Haven't improved on that score, but 5,800 people have beat it.
Currently sitting at 11,697/111k with a score of 11,037. Not sure if I should use a complexity -1 and DD just incase like 50k people have the same idea and do it in the last 10 minutes, or try and ride it out and save my coins.Managed to get to 53rd out of 100,000+ in Europe after using the Complexity -1 and Disruption Delay, and there's only 16 or so hours left till the event ends so I think I'm good for top 20,000.
Haven't played this since release, but now I want that Kucarioite! I got a score at about 10k and I'm at 17k place. Pretty good for a first try without items. Also got Kyogre. Did I miss anything? Already hot Mew
I don't know how people have so much trouble on Kyogre, I managed to catch him first try and finished the battle with like 16 moves left. I'm going to give him another shot.You didn't miss a thing
I'm still struggling with kyogre myself, he wont be caught.
Also struggling on Gastly's level... is he supposed to be a "gear check" kind of pokemon? What a nasty roadblock...
I'm still on map 60-ish, so strong pokemon aren't available. Either way, I just got a lucky catch at 50% after a super long combo that took around 30 seconds to finish. His HP was destroyed.
I started a second game on my old 3DS and got Kyogre while on around Stage 30 of the regular stages. It's really weird seeing people struggle at stages that seemed pretty easy, and them seeing others breeze through stages that gave me a hard time.
I really suck at the timed stages. Are you people with 15k+ scores just really good, or you've got the right Pokémon levelled up? My max is about 10.7k without items. I see some of you people saying "Yeah, I'm in the top 2000, hopefully that's good enough."
Are you kidding? I'm in the top 14k and I'm hoping there isn't gonna be 6k people beating my score in the last hours! I'm pretty sure you guys are totally safe!
Well CRAP, I finally beat my old score by about 500 points on Mega Lucario, but it seems the way I matched a Mega Slowbro made it glitch, because it didn't do its move, so I switched it & now the timer is done, but one is still glowing & won't activate....
Yesterday I was 12,000.
Today I am 15,500.
Welp. RIP in peace Lucarionite. I guess I should waste all my coins for one final battle. RIP in peace coins.