Everyone is talking about the new stages that have been added weeks ago and I'm still stuck on Mewtwo Y ._.
This is actually the second wave of new stages we're talking about
Did you try using Complexity -1 yet?
Everyone is talking about the new stages that have been added weeks ago and I'm still stuck on Mewtwo Y ._.
This is actually the second wave of new stages we're talking about
Did you try using Complexity -1 yet?
Even further behind AGHHHH
I don't want to spend any more coins :/
I fear the addition of more limited special stages
I guess I'll just keep trying to level up the ones I'm using for mewtwo.
My guess is that they omitted to use 3D to save on the development budget since it's a free game. Same with Boxboy, which is offered for only $5.
If my theory is correct, then these competitive stages will come ever 3 or 4 weeks.
As such, if it is every 3 weeks, that gives 21 days to build up coins. 21 * 500 = 10500 + (500 * 2) Bonus every 10 days = 11500 which is enough for Competitive -1 and Disruption Delay, the only two that work in the competitive ones.
Plus Meowth twice a week
..or the fact that there is basically nothing in the game worth doing in 3D. All that is on the top screen is a bit of info, you spend 99% of the time looking at the bottom screen, so what's the point.My guess is that they omitted to use 3D to save on the development budget since it's a free game. Same with Boxboy, which is offered for only $5.
Welp, time to burn through my coins then![]()
Guys, how do I get past Milotic's stage? This is dreadful....
Guys, how do I get past Milotic's stage? This is dreadful....
Well first, you should bring feebas.
Then it's the standard approach to shuffles stupid difficultly spikes : use items.
Ah see there's my problem, I've somehow missed Feebas... I didn't even realize he was available to catch. Does anyone know which level offhand?
Feebas is level 158.
Nope.Do we have any confirmation whatsoever as to whether event/competition stages like Mega Lucario and Blastoise will eventually come back around? I was ranked somewhere in the 16000~ range at 10 PM last night and thought I had it in the bag until this morning when I checked the results and somehow got pushed all the way down to 20250th. Needless to say I was pissed.
I just hope I'm right and they aren't a bastard and do it next week when Rayquaza ends.
My English game will suffer to that if so.
180. Seems when main stages are added, they do it in increments of 15, or half of a "world".So what's the total number of stages following the update?
Only people that didn't get the stone got a Jewel.Did everyone get their jewel from blastoise event? I don't think I got mine.. I have 3, had 2 before hand and have beat the new Mega, so I should have 4 now but I'm missing one
Ah I thought they fixed that after the same bug happened with the lucario competition
*turns on Shuffle*
"Oh, I got the Blastoise Mega Stone... Guess I should probably catch Blastoise now."
I didn't really find Shuppet all that bad. The stage doesn't have a timer but it's really annoying having to check each covered tile.
I hate you.
By the way, does anyone know how to connect your 3DS to work wifi. (ie with Windows (AD) credentials.)
#19333. Phew![]()
Yeah, easy S-Rank.Stage 175: Oh god, this is gonna be frustratHAHAHAHA THE COMBOS NEVER STOP!!
Just finished 176 & yeah, that was a bit annoying. Got an A & caught the Pokemon, though.Yeah, easy S-Rank.
176 is the annoying one. I gotten a glitch on it twice in two tries.
I think I found a glitch while trying to capture Timburr
Not all the Slowbros mega evolved.
Me three. This glitch happened to me three times in a row now.Happened to me too.