How is this for luck...finally get home from up the PS4...plug in the t500...and blue light on the power wheel...WTF!? Ahhh!!!
Thrustmaster wants $136 for a new power supply!?...WHAT!?
How is this for luck...finally get home from up the PS4...plug in the t500...and blue light on the power wheel...WTF!? Ahhh!!!
Well, this os bad news as the game needs some patchingGot my PS4 copy today.
I was very happy to not come across a day one patch.
A first since I bought the system last Fall.
Well, this os bad news as the game needs some patching
Got my PS4 copy today.
I was very happy to not come across a day one patch.
A first since I bought the system last Fall.
It's showing up at the NA PS Store, GAF tell me if you found the game/handling fun while racing on the dualshock4, it would help me decide if I should get it
Cars handle well with the DS4 (with the help of the assists on cars that naturally have them) Cart racing is pretty dreadful so far though.
There is a day one patch. It's about 817 MB.
Just need a few more encouraging replies like yours and I am all set to purchase it by tonight.
I was pretty on the fence about it myself. But after about 10 races while the game was installing I was already in love. It's really solid. I'm not enjoying carts (others seem to love them) but it's a different kind of racing and I'm sure if I went in and further tweaked the controls for the carts it would be fine.
Anybody have some basic controller setups for PS4? I see people saying Carts definitely need some tweaking. Just wondering what basic assists or tinkering would be recommended for a somewhat novice driver.
Anybody have some basic controller setups for PS4? I see people saying Carts definitely need some tweaking. Just wondering what basic assists or tinkering would be recommended for a somewhat novice driver.
No, no throttle at all. I meant at the end of braking into a corner.OK here's what I discovered about the car after doing about 20 laps. It feels... fine? Turn-in is a bit slower than expected and benefitted from stiffening the front suspension a couple of notches, but that's all really. Obviously with a car like this and with TC off you'll need to be careful powering out of any corner, are you sure you weren't prodding the throttle too early without realising?
On some tacks there is a flow to to turning, straightening up, braking hard and immediately turning and accelerating again. I would need additional brakepoints before those spots then... not easy. Could feel rewarding to train myself just get faster with this one car though. I guess I'll give it another try and let you know if I came out a better driver.The BAC Mono is one of the finest cars in the game. You need to break sooner than with other cars and take the corners in acceleration, but keeping your rear in place. It's tricky, yetvery satisfying.
So I own a Thrustmaster T80 for the PS4. It is pretty much the cheapest wheel you can get for the PS4 (cheap is a relative term here, it is the least expensive wheel peripheral, but still more than a game).
So far I am really enjoying the game and I am doing the career from the beginning and as such am doing the carts.
Although the wheel itself does not have rumble or force feedback, it is very damn responsive. I feel like I am no doubt driving realistically.
I tried using a controller and I was just all over the damn place. With the carts.
The difference was night and day.
If there are other people out there like me, who just could not see spending the price of damn near an entire console just for a wheel, but were also very hesitant to purchase a cheap wheel because it lacks features, let me assure you my purchase was very, very much worth it. Zero regrets.
Thrustmaster wants $136 for a new power supply!?...WHAT!?
So I own a Thrustmaster T80 for the PS4.
You are being sarcastic right? I hope so, but in case you are not being, what I was saying that for my own experience, the difference between the controller and the wheel, even the cheapest one available, was night and day. That means completely opposite. The wheel was positive. The controller not so much.So are you saying the car handling is fun and definitely enjoyable even played on the dualshock4?
Not a problem. Glad someone found it helpful. I know the T80 gets shit on by the enthusiasts of the genre, but for myself, someone who is definitely not an enthusiast, it really serves its purpose damn well.Cool, thanks man. I got one as a gift and hopped in here hoping to see some impressions on it with this game. Glad to see it does the job. Had a lot of fun using it in #DC.
Does anybody else find it strange that Formula A is Tier 2, and LMP1 is Tier 1?
You are being sarcastic right? I hope so, but in case you are not being, what I was saying that for my own experience, the difference between the controller and the wheel, even the cheapest one available, was night and day. That means completely opposite. The wheel was positive. The controller not so much.
Now make no mistake about it, I am sure if I played with and tried one of the hundreds of suggested controller settings out there I am sure I could get to a point the controller was enjoyable.
I am talking first impressions. Out the box. The wheel felt good. Very good, and it is not the best wheel you can get.
And I would imagine there has to be a couple of people like me, who enjoy the racing genre, but are not diehard about it. Who just want a wheel to experience the game the way I believe it should be experienced, but also do not want to spend $300+ to experience it that way.
So for those people like myself, the T80 is a very happy medium. It does the job, and much better than I had hoped tbh.
Would I love to one day get a proper wheel? Absolutely.
However I am completely content with the T80 right now and in fact I am even glad that I own it.
Not a problem. Glad someone found it helpful. I know the T80 gets shit on by the enthusiasts of the genre, but for myself, someone who is definitely not an enthusiast, it really serves its purpose damn well.
You are being sarcastic right? I hope so, but in case you are not being, what I was saying that for my own experience, the difference between the controller and the wheel, even the cheapest one available, was night and day. That means completely opposite. The wheel was positive. The controller not so much.
Now make no mistake about it, I am sure if I played with and tried one of the hundreds of suggested controller settings out there I am sure I could get to a point the controller was enjoyable.
I am talking first impressions. Out the box. The wheel felt good. Very good, and it is not the best wheel you can get.
And I would imagine there has to be a couple of people like me, who enjoy the racing genre, but are not diehard about it. Who just want a wheel to experience the game the way I believe it should be experienced, but also do not want to spend $300+ to experience it that way.
So for those people like myself, the T80 is a very happy medium. It does the job, and much better than I had hoped tbh.
Would I love to one day get a proper wheel? Absolutely.
However I am completely content with the T80 right now and in fact I am even glad that I own it.
Not a problem. Glad someone found it helpful. I know the T80 gets shit on by the enthusiasts of the genre, but for myself, someone who is definitely not an enthusiast, it really serves its purpose damn well.
Been playing on the PC with a DS4 and I'm enjoying it. Only tried some hot laps before switching to the steam guide for controls, but after doing that, it controls as well as any other racing game with its own minute details in the physics engine.
Project CARS - Controller Setting Guide
On PS4 dualshock I'm using the settings below (posted earlier) and very happy. Only addition is turning on steering assist least for now. Try that with the Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe DTM on Nordschliefe and let me know what you think....
Not a problem. Glad someone found it helpful. I know the T80 gets shit on by the enthusiasts of the genre, but for myself, someone who is definitely not an enthusiast, it really serves its purpose damn well.
Yeah, same here. Nobody here recommends it because the super expensive one is a thousand times better but holy hell is it way more fun driving with a non force feedback wheel than a controller. Can't wait to give it a go with the this game now.
I even liked the wireless speed wheel on the 360. It was laughed off as a Wii wheel, but it was fun for what it was and was cheap.
Ok so these settings are the ones I've stuck with now. Better than all others I've tried. DS4 PS4 here. Give them a go and let me know.
Control configuration.
Steering deadzone - 15
Steering sensitivity - 20
Throttle deadzone - 10
Throttle sensitivity - 30
Brake deadzone - 10
Brake sensitivity - 15
Clutch deadzone - 10
Clutch sensitivity - 45
Speed sensitivity - 65
Controller filtering sensitivity - 30
Force Feedback - 100
Controller input mode - 3
Advanced - Off
Field of view.
Hood camera - 70
Cockpit camera - 77
Helmet camera - 70
High speed shake - on
World movement - 100
G-force effect - 50
Show helmet - no
Helmet depth of field - no
Helmet look to apex - 0
Helmet leaning - 75
Camera leaning - 75
Steering assist - off
Braking assist - off
Traction control - off
Stability control - off
I switch between mostly cockpit and helmet cam depending on how far back I am in the cockpit. Essentially using them as two cockpit views, with slightly different FOV's.
Is there an option in the game to remove the splattering crap on screen? I saw a gameplay video that made me vomit. Cockpit under the rain, even if I was behind a windshield, there was drops on screen. I am so tired of this shit.
Not fussed one way or the other, it's an enjoyable game, regardless.
I've spent 4 hours dialing in the FFB so far and still am not quite happy, but I'm getting close.
There is a good racing game here though. I am sure I will be playing this for a long time if they fix the control/UI/glitch issues that exist currently. The physics/sound/A.I. all seem pretty good.
I got my setup completed the other day with the T3PA-Pro pedals:
The feel of the brakes with the conical mod is much better compared to the stock brake. You will improve your lap times and make fewer mistakes, without a doubt. The T3PA-Pro is also very heavy and solid. The regular T3PA are very similar in function other than not being invertible.SWEET setup. Got my TX wheel in today and love it so far. How do those pedals feel compared to the stock that came with the wheel?
Spent most of the day tunning, updating firmware and running practice laps. I think I'm close find a sweet spot.
What's you camera view?
The feel of the brakes with the conical mod is much better compared to the stock brake. You will improve your lap times and make fewer mistakes, without a doubt. The T3PA-Pro is also very heavy and solid. The regular T3PA are very similar in function other than not being invertible.