Ha ha..! Nope, I'm not even GOING to try. As soon as I saw the car/track combo I had flashbacks to that hateful Forza 3 career race with LMPs on the narrow Amalfi village cobbles. It's the moment I started falling out of love with that franchise.
Yeah, I'm a fucking pussy. What of it?
Give it a go. Ya never know. I've had my G27 for a while but I still don't feel like I've quite got on top of the whole quick reaction/correction stuff with it yet. You might fare better or at least be happier with it.
I actually liked this challenge more than the previous ones!
Yeah, those hills on the first few corners are tricky to get right. A little more throttle than needed or any excessive movement in steering sends you careening into the wall..
I figured you might enjoy it as it's bit more of a wily sort of car/track combo.
Just that whole first sector. First uphill bit is easy, flat out. 2nd corner is deceptively tight, but the main problem is that you crest the hill and the car goes light, meaning you cant just put the power down. You've gotta really *feel* for when the car is gripping and ready to go. Then Turn 3, which has been a nightmare at the top of it as I try and get it settled for the change of direction into Turn 4. If I manage that, which I often don't(lol), then you're running over another crest, with a bumpy bit of road all on the exit where I'd like to be able to getting the pedal down. I think the car is bottoming out quite a bit too, which isn't helping. I might actually go into the setup just to raise things up a bit and see if it helps.
I'm fine for the rest of the lap, except for the last corner. Dive deep into the braking zone to line up a good late apex exit but it's hard to not step the rear out here as the grip goes away significantly at this low speed.
Still not happy with the lap yet, but improved to 1:04.831 :