to finish this parenthesis, I havent had the pleasure of getting behind the wheel of a rt 12 S yet (the ruf in forza 5), but I do understand enough to know this:
with 685hp, 880Nm of torque, rear wheel drive, rear engine and a 40-60% weight distribution at best, and with two big turbos giving you all that huge torque at around 4.000rpm, no matter what porsche hole you are trying to fill playing with that car, it aint no fuckin' carrera

its a beast!
and I seriously doubt that in case one would attempt to enter a turn like that on this car (pull down a gear or two, turn wheel, full throttle) in real life , the behavior would be that ...weight shift gives rear tires ..claws.
to understand better, remove about 400Nm (half) ot torque from that engine, and you still got yourself enough torque to be a drift car on these great japanese shows.
but 880nm coming out of turbo spool to the rear wheels.... you dont turn this car like a normal car (or porsche) under load.
in fact, I think its one of those cars where you are on an absolutely straight road, and you hold strongly the wheel directly straight, and you still got sweat on your forehead as you keep the gas depressed on full and go through the gears. 8)
its no carrera, no matter if it looks like one.