CET is the timezone of France, I think I would know what time it is where I am right now9am CET was 27 minutes ago.
The current time zone in France is CEST not CET. You forgot daylight saving time. Its currently 8.31 CET.
CET is the timezone of France, I think I would know what time it is where I am right now9am CET was 27 minutes ago.
The current time zone in France is CEST not CET. You forgot daylight saving time. Its currently 8.31 CET.
Sadly, it seems the game mega-bombed in Japan, with just 10% of units sold. Oh well. I don't want to hear any complains about how iterative and formulaic AAA games are when this or Wonderful 101 fail.
Jesus Sony, you fucked up by not pushing this more. Looks way more interesting than Knack.
And word of mouth.Maybe great reviews will help it sell more :[
That's too bad. And unlike 101 this was actually promoted quite well in Japan.Sadly, it seems the game mega-bombed in Japan, with just 10% of units sold. Oh well. I don't want to hear any complains about how iterative and formulaic AAA games are when this or Wonderful 101 fail.
Jesus Sony, you fucked up by not pushing this more. Looks way more interesting than Knack.
Anyway, great review. The power up thing sort of reminds me of Mario in how you would need to come with specific power up from other levels to find secrets and you lose them in a similar way.
My preorder is ready, cant wait.
Nice, the only thing that made me sad about the retail version is no manual, instead they use the reversible cover as instructions :/
Nice. I can barely afford one copy, let alone double dip lol.
Does anyone know what the 3D in this is like? Do the visuals take a significant hit like many other games?
Gamespot 9/10
Our review is up, no time to do a full translation but you get our conclusion and more importantly all our videos
Driftwood liked it quite a lot!
My review (spanish), 9/10: http://www.vandal.net/analisis/ps3/puppeteer/16552
Gamekult gave it a 7/10, mostly because of a meh/unoriginal gameplay:
This should be the PS4's family friendly game for launch. Knack looks like Cerny's pet project and like a very, very underwhelming one. On the other hand, Puppeeter looks fraking fantastic. Don't dun goof on me, Sony!
Gamekult gave it a 7/10, mostly because of a meh/unoriginal gameplay (or so they say, they also gave TW101 a lolworthy 6/10):
Hey, Knack looks great. It's a pure old school platformer from the same school as Crash, Croc, Spyro, etc. Give it a chance before completely writing it off, I think it will turn out to be one of the must own titles at launch.
I hope it does well. In all of the PS4 hype, I hope titles like this don't get forgotten in the wayside.Puppeteer would have actually sold pretty well as a PS4 launch title I think. It might still sell well on PS3. Sly 4 was a similar deal with a lower price and I remember that profited somewhat.
I've played Knack, and while I think it's pretty fun and agree that people are underselling it, this just seems so much more compelling to me.Hey, Knack looks great. It's a pure old school platformer from the same school as Crash, Croc, Spyro, etc. Give it a chance before completely writing it off, I think it will turn out to be one of the must own titles at launch.
Meh/unoriginal gameplay? Does not compute!
This game should be a cross generation tittle between the PS Vita, PS3 and PS4. This game is just too good to bomb so badly
I hope so. I miss the good ol' platformers, but Knack has not made a good impression on me. Don't think I wish ill on the game, let alone on Cerny. It's just that Puppeeter looks like something special while Knack looks more like a hit-or-miss throwback, but that's just my opinion. I wish both games do more than well.
I've played Knack, and while I think it's pretty fun and agree that people are underselling it, this just seems so much more compelling to me.
Puppeteer feels like one of those gem of titles you would really remember fondly from childhood. Seems like it has so much more personality, love and care and from what we can see, the gameplay is pretty good too.
Between the Last of Us, The Puppeteer, Ratchet & Clank and Beyond, the PS3's last year of exclusives is just stellar both in quality and variety. Bodes well for PS4.
Between the Last of Us, The Puppeteer, Ratchet & Clank and Beyond, the PS3's last year of exclusives is just stellar both in quality and variety. Bodes well for PS4.
You forgot a "tiny" game called Gran Turismo 6.
No love for Rain? Tearaway?
No love for Rain? Tearaway?
Tearaway on PS3.? ... ;o)
Tearaway is N64-exclusive dude, not PS3-exclusive.
Gameplay is fine, it's a proper platformer.Gosh, I'm a little concerned that the presentation is picking up the slack left by the gameplay. I'll probably keep my pre-order anyway, but that isn't what I was hoping for.
Ugh, I hate games that do this. I get that they don't want to put a manual in the box but at least don't mess up the boxart with this crap.
Good God, that looks hideous.
That's how it should be done.
Are the controls floaty like LBP? Or tight like a 2D Mario game or Super Meat Boy?
The worst part about that box art is that you can see the negative space that's being wasted up top where they could shift the art upward a bit and the cover wouldn't suffer for it at all. YET THEY STILL JUST LEFT IT AS IS!! Yes Sony, this is launching at a cheaper price point but that doesn't mean you should skimp on the quality of the cover!The giant Move logo on the front of the U.S box art already does a pretty good job of destroying any good box art.
Are the controls floaty like LBP? Or tight like a 2D Mario game or Super Meat Boy?
None of the above
More like Klonoa. Not floaty but there's also no momentum.
Nice, enjoy it and please post impressionsWow so I don't usually post that often, but this just made my day so I felt like I had to share this story on GAF.
I was on my way home from my university classes today and decided to stop by walmart with my girlfriend because we both had to pick up some random stuff for the weekend. While I was walking by the electronics, I noticed they had removed all of the glass cases that the games are usually locked behind and just walked a bit closer to look at what they had. (Not too sure why, but they were moving the whole department around and I think they have just chosen to get rid of them because of the hassle of constantly unlocking and locking them.) When I got to the PS3 section, I noticed this game sitting like right in the middle of the shelf and just quickly picked up a copy because I didn't know if it was actually supposed to be out there or not and was sure that the manager was going to notice it sooner or later and take it off because he was literally one or two shelfs over.
The only thing that I was worried about was it not being able to scan because of release date restrictions, so, preferring to take the honest route I asked the manager what the game was doing on the shelf since it wasn't supposed to be released until Tuesday. He told me that while he knew this, but because he saw my eyeing the game he decided that he would just wait until I made my decision to remove it off the shelf, and that if I wanted the game he would sell it to my right now since it was on display. I was actually so shocked since these things don't usually happen for me, but the manager was so nice about it...I'm sure he must have been the head of the department or a manager of the store or something, but then he was also talking to me about him wanting to play the game as well and hoping that it sells well. It was just so surprising that somebody in Walmart actually knew what they were talking about and at the same time sold me the game pretty early.
Definitely made my day. Just got home so I will hopefully be loading it up in an hour or so and am definitely willing to answer any questions that anybody has about the game? I don't know too much and am going in pretty blindly, so I don't know if I will actually be any help or not but whatever haha.