It's insulting when the start button starts to glow. Give me a little more time before making my stupidity official! >:I
You're very close to unlocking it (at #109), bar getting stuck somewhere (as I did on #107).
107, eh?Of course, if you do get stuck, you can always just skip it.That's what I did (got stuck on #107, skipped it for a bit so I could unlock the larger levels first, and came back to it later). Depends if you want to beat the puzzles or unlock the extra stuff for user-made levels more, I suppose.
Pull the pink block three spaces out. Pull all the blue blocks two spaces out. Jump on the far left blue block and pull the pink block from there back inside.
Here you guys go. It's of moderate difficulty. Enjoy! (you may experience some slowdown).Please don't try to break it -___-
giving it a whirl now...
Here you guys go. It's of moderate difficulty. Enjoy! (you may experience some slowdown).Please don't try to break it -___-
giving it a whirl now...
beaten.its a beautiful looking level designed your level with tons of ladders that didnt need to be used at all. took about 1:20 minutes tops.
and yes....there was slowdown. first time ive ever seen it.
noooo lol I tried to counteract there being a lot of ladders. I'll fix it on yoshi 2.0
i cant wait to give it a try. im going back in to see if i can play the stage "properly".
I'm curious to see how you took advantage of the ladder though..hmmm
-pull purple out all the way
-pull black out all the way
-pull out the pink switch and hit it
-go into the blue upside down ladder
-while on the "roof" hit the white switch
-jump down, pull the black section surrounding the flag twice
-jump in the hole, pull the flag block once
-push the black wall surrounding the flag all the way in
-jump down to the blue ladder again.
-jump off the roof, land on the flag.
Ahhh haha there's too many solutions because of the ladders seems that simpler is better in the case of making one solution.
hey gaf. i got about 562 or so different pictures of puzzles. some of the pics have more than 1 level on them. should i just upload the gallery link here or post the pics?
I made my first 32x32 puzzle today! I based it around pixel art I did of one of my characters.
Theres two variations because I stumbled upon an idea I kinda liked while making the first one but it would have completely ruined the solution
I think they're both pretty simple and straight forward (B moreso than A)
I can add either to the collection post that is linked in the OP if you want
Intelligent Systems came up with a smart use for 3D in Pushmo, too. Since the various blocks are of different colours, youll always be able to tell them apart from one another. However, as you can probably tell from the screenshots, when youve got several blocks layered one on top of the other in complex shapes, it takes a little concentration to understand how theyre arranged and how much space there is between them. I tried playing puzzles with 3D turned off, and while its certainly doable, turning the 3D on immediately throws everything into perspective and makes it easier to understand where each block is in 3D space. Aside from experimenting with the 3D slider in some of the early puzzles for this playtest, I never turned 3D off.
oh god this started to get hard
This is right up there with the best Nintendo first-/second-party downloadables like Boxlife, Pictobits, and Fluidity. Anybody who likes good games and has a 3DS really ought to buy it.
Stumped again
Trouble with #102
Whoever has a 3DS and not this game is clearly missing something.pocketgamer review said:Pullblox is not just the best eShop game available for the Nintendo 3DS - it's now the best game on the entire system.
I'm ok with that quote.pocketgamer review said:Pullblox is not just the best eShop game available for the Nintendo 3DS - it's now the best game on the entire system.
Whoever has a 3DS and not this game is clearly missing something.