Someone (pocket gamer) missed 3D Land's release instead. D:Whoever has a 3DS and not this game is clearly missing something.
I'm ok with saying this is better than 99% of DSiWare and probably WiiWare titles though ;D so good.
Someone (pocket gamer) missed 3D Land's release instead. D:Whoever has a 3DS and not this game is clearly missing something.
Guru Logi Champ did that to me. Loved it, loved it, and then bam, it got to the point where it just destroyed me.I'm just worried it's going to get the better of me eventually.
Kind of off-topic but....
I had .07 cents left on my e-shop balance so when I tried to purchase Pushmo I was charged $6.92 to my card. The thing is the money was never added to my e-shop balance even though the charge went through on my card...
Should I contact Nintendo or my bank?
What can I say, I'm a big MK ho' and half of 3D Land left me disappointed.It's like saying Mario Galaxy is good or ok... :sadface:
Heck, for a 2d Mario in 3 dimensions -- a simplified 3d Mario game without the exploration -- it does a better job than some Galaxy levels. (and it's an uneven comparison anyway, i should compare it to NSMB DS since both are portable Mario games).
Kind of off-topic but....
I had .07 cents left on my e-shop balance so when I tried to purchase Pushmo I was charged $6.92 to my card. The thing is the money was never added to my e-shop balance even though the charge went through on my card...
Should I contact Nintendo or my bank?
Contact Nintendo, if they see a transaction and no points they'll probably credit you. If they don't, file a chargeback.
Did you actually get the game? See if you can download it. You can now use the balance in your wallet and pay the difference with your credit card to buy stuff, leaving your wallet empty.
If you have some minutes to dedicate to this i made my first Pullblox.
It's very easy and ugly, but maybe you can share some tips with me.
Also, i wanted to try out the feature. it's fun. damn, there's gameplay even when you snap the QR code photo!
Intelligent Systems is still awesome.
:lol"Oho! Now this one's really on the right track," says Papa Blox.
I like the way you use the one giant block as the outside of the house. Keep it pushed too far in, and you can't pull the flag out. Pull it out too far and you can't reach the roof.
I'm stuck at 4-12. Can anyone give me a hint?
Here's my problem with it,
There are three big rectangular boxes and white boxes that I have to use as a steps. At the top there is one 1x1 blue box blocking my way because I step on the blue switch so it comes all the way out. If I dont press the blue switch, then the blue rectangular box wont come out. What am I missing here?
Whoops, it's 4-12 not 4-17.
Thanks a lot, I just spent 5 minutes figuring out how to do 4-17 again to try and help you
EDIT Here's a hint for 4-12.You're correct in thinking that you can't ever step on the blue switch. You'll have to figure out another way to pull out the blue rectangle. Try to step on the white switch and figure out a way to get on the white block that comes out from inside the blue rectangle.
Who still doesn't have this game after reading this thread?Pushmo is without question one of the best 3DS games we've played. It's great to see Nintendo step outside its comfort zone of critically acclaimed franchises and do something original that's both immensely entertaining and a neat showpiece for the hardware. Don't resist the urge. Download this gem immediately.
I just beat #142 and it's still smooth sailing for me. Some tricky puzzles here and there, but nothing too frustrating.
I had a similar experience with 107 - was cruising along and then suddenly got stuck there for an entire evening. Today I was waiting in the car for my wife to pick up something real quick, and it took me 5 minutes to solve it. Just give yourself a rest and don't try to rush it. It's not a difficult level at all.What the crap? I was cruising along no problem and then BAM!! 107 just punches me in the gut. This one is pissing me off. I will not give up, but i've already spent over an hour on it.
I had a similar experience with 107 - was cruising along and then suddenly got stuck there for an entire evening. Today I was waiting in the car for my wife to pick up something real quick, and it took me 5 minutes to solve it. Just give yourself a rest and don't try to rush it. It's not a difficult level at all.