It's not a different game, it's the same game with 30 levels cut out.
Which are 60 second (or under 40 if you get gold) Time Trial remixes (often mirrored) of portions of the main game, right?
It's not a different game, it's the same game with 30 levels cut out.
Which are 60 second (or under 40 if you get gold) Time Trial remixes (often mirrored) of portions of the main game, right?
Yes. They are time trials that remix the levels with new enemies/traps/obstacles/patterns and are the most challenging content in the game.
Which are 60 second (or under 40 if you get gold) Time Trial remixes (often mirrored) of portions of the main game, right?
Opinions and whatever, but for my money the game is fantastic. We can sit here quibbling about variations in difficulty and how there's "only" five worlds (each with about ten levels) and that the daily/weekly challenges are just segments of the main levels (they sometimes share bits of structure, but they don't play the same) but you're still looking at a stellar game.
Okay, I was probably going to buy it regardless of what I said. As long as I have enough content, plus the invasion levels sound right up my alley.If you adored Origins you will likely adore this game too. The core game is fun, like I said before, it's just more of everything that made Origins great, and there is certainly enough in it to justify $60. It just has a few shortcomings but they aren't too detrimental to the experience.
Origins has 61 altogether (including treasure chases and livid dead).
I think the length issue might be due to the ease of the unlocks. Its really easy to acquire all ten teensies and 600 lums a stage, and doing so racks up the unlocks really quick. I remember the first time through Origins I hit walls where Id have to go back and get more electoons constantly. Its way easier to avoid that in Legends.
Started playing and I didn't get my trophies, apparently the servers are down.
Origins made you work hard for a good score,
this one doesn't care if your good or bad.your still getting gold.
And this is the case throughout the whole game until maybe the last 3 levels.
So, the Vita trophy list basically confirms the missing levels. Now we just gotta know why and if Ubisoft will patch them in or give us the option for payed/free DLC.
Anyone on PC able to connect to the Ubisoft servers? They challenges haven't worked for me since release![]()
Join the club. I and at least one other GAF member can't access challenges and leaderboards on the PC. Also, couple of people that replied to my Steam Community thread addressing that, so it doesn't seem to be a widespread problem. Which sadly means that we'll probably be left with a game that doesn't work as intended.Anyone on PC able to connect to the Ubisoft servers? They challenges haven't worked for me since release![]()
Anyone on PC able to connect to the Ubisoft servers? They challenges haven't worked for me since release![]()
I am very happy that Legends is a bit easier in terms of getting gold medals because it made me not see everything in Origins. I still find a lot of levels tough to master and am having a great time replaying some of them to do so.
I guess I don't like games that are too hard or unforgiving anymore as my play time is limited because of real life. This game if perfect for that! I love the sequence restarts, so great!
I do agree they could have included a harder mode for you guys that want a much bigger challenge. Less lums, no sequences, maybe even better hidden things.
Hope it gets patched in. This series pretty much exists for me as a portable experience, playing it on console/ PC just doesn't do it for me,
Am I the only one who hates the movement of the character? It feels too floaty or something.
Then Rayman 1&2 must have given you a hard time of waiting. Not to mention Rayman 3 which to my knowledge still wasn't released for a proper handheld console.
Origins was not too hard by any means, it just gave you a challenge if you were a perfectionist and wanted all the gold medals and hidden treasures.
A bit sad that it seems that Ubisoft ordered this game to be designed so that even a potato could complete it 100%.
Welp, the art, visuals, music and fun factor still seem to be there.
Am I the only one who hates the movement of the character? It feels too floaty or something.
Maybe it was just me but I'll peg getting under 40 seconds in Infiltration Station Invaded down as being as hard as the hardest stuff in RaymanOriginsLegends (fixed). A lot of simple mistakes can happen in those last two rooms especially after playing it for like 30-40 minutes
That seems to be a common complaint with people who didnt like Origins. I dig the controls, and Legends feels even better than Origins but its definitely not everyone's cup of tea.
I dunno it took me about 30-40 minutes to do which was about the time i spent doing the Chase and Livid Dead in Origins for the first timeI definitely agree with you about Infiltration Station - Invaded. I think I cleared it with like 0.01 or 0.02 seconds to spare. Cut it real fine.
Can't login to the Ubisoft servers to do the weekly challenge. Got on fine this morning.
Am I the only one who hates the movement of the character? It feels too floaty or something.
Nearing the end now. It's an amazing game. However, I am inclined to agree with the sentiment that Origins was slightly superior.
Three reasons for this:
1) The oft-mentioned difficulty. Legends is just a tad too easy. A few difficulty spikes (mostly in the Invasion levels) make sure it's no cakewalk, but Origins at its hardest was a true nailbiter while still remaining fair at all times. Legends never* quite reaches that level. We're (two player with my gf) usually getting all Teensies and sufficient Lums in our first go-around. When we don't, we only very rarely need more than one extra playthrough. This is partially due to experience (100%'ing Origins), but it's also obviously much easier to do.
Also, I'm really, really missing the Tricky Treasure chases. Sure, the invasion levels are kind of similar (and a definite highlight), but they're not quite on the same level of awesome (they re-use layouts, for one).
*I still have one world to go though. Also, the Challenges ameliorate the problem to some extent, as do the Origins remake levels.
2) Too much Murfy. These sequences, even when played the way they're meant to be (which in my opinion is on Wii U, in co-op mode) would have been fine for occasional variety, similar to, say, the mosquito-levels in the orginal. As it stands, though, they just pop up too often and overstay their welcome.
3) Repeated mechanics/less surprises. I realize the development team was in a tough spot here, as it would have been equally disappointing if the game hadn't included, say, air floating levels or underwater chases or sequences with a bunch of platforms falling down while you make your way up (in fact, I just expressed my disappointment with the lack of Tricky Treasures). Still, while it would have been impossible for Legends to be as fresh and surprising as Origins, I feel it should have been slightly more fresh and surprising than it is.
That said, I feel it's close; certainly, the one great innovation in Legends, the Music Levels, is absolutely genius (they, also, are a bit easy, but that's probably by design: they feel like rewards more than challenges and that's fine). And there's still quite a few new twists and ideas (although a significant portion of them are in the Murfy sequences)... so yes, I do feel a bit guilty asking for even more.
I don't want to sound too down on the game, as it would have been a winner even if it had just been an Origins level pack... and it certainly is more than that. In fact, the two games together reflect the pinnacle of 2D-platforming as far as I'm concerned. Super polished.
So what I'm hearing is that is game was such a cash in it probably should have stayed exclusive to the Wii U? People complaining that the Murphy levels were "tacked on" due to the game pad and somehow don't work on the 360 and PS3 versions are the most brilliant trolls on GAF yet. I mean, they had since February to improve the game and it sounds like they made a quick port which was probably completed in late March and haven't touched the game since.
Added a note about missing levels on Vita version to warn people.
Added a few reviews as well.
Those dark Rayman invaded level and that last world, just wow.
So hard and so fun!
Those dark Rayman invaded level and that last world, just wow.
So hard and so fun!
Just like Origins, I really wish they put in a little more... story. Or any excuse for getting more funny cutscenes. Seeing the same animations/cutscenes every world became pretty boring pretty fast.
Btw, does anyone know where the last teensie and the king is in Spoiled Rotten?
Glad to see a few people starting to come to there senses regarding legends botched difficulty and fake length.
I don't like to constantly hate on any game,
but if people don't start speaking up(because reviews haven't)
then other developers are going to start taking this route in the future.
Is the Vita version delayed in NA? Amazon still says the 3rd.