Definitely seems that way. It should be up in the morning! : )
I'm probably the only freak who did this, but did anyone else entertain themselves during the Rayman Origins loading screens by attempting to "hide" Rayman behind the various silhouetted objects as quickly as possible?
I was a little disappointed that the load screens in Legends are a little less conducive to that stupid habit.
...if anyone wants to have more friends for PSN leaderboards, feel free to add me (Palette_Swap).
I'm probably the only freak who did this, but did anyone else entertain themselves during the Rayman Origins loading screens by attempting to "hide" Rayman behind the various silhouetted objects as quickly as possible?
I was a little disappointed that the load screens in Legends are a little less conducive to that stupid habit.
I actually did this too, but I'm very happy the load times are so miniscule in Legends. Origins felt like it had to load 5 times as long as Legends for a level.
My friend, you did the right thing.
Damn after playing ps3 demo, not sure which version I want. I loved the non touch controls.
Man, this and Tropical Freeze releasing in the same year is just perfect.
how does co-op work on the non-wiiu platforms? is it the same but with more players that can't control Murfy, or can anyone control him, or is one player relegated to tapping a button?
Everyone can tap B, it makes for a very annoying experience. It's my only gripe with the game, the murphy levels are highly frustrating with multiple players who just want to have fun.
Thanks. There's nothing quite like a co-op game where you can screw everyone else over, for better or worse.
Ask yourself, what do you want from a game like this? Personally, I gravitate toward crisp controls, smart design, and rewarding challenges -- features frustratingly absent from Rayman's latest adventure.
Going to world 4 now. Man I hope it gets better.
Finally someone that has actually played through origins before and is not just swayed by every other sites review scores,
this half a game deserves to be slated.
No other development team would get away with this on neogaf,
you'd all be furious that there is only half a new game here,
and a dumbed down one at that.
clearly unfinished and made easy just for the review scores and casual players.
I've never felt so disappointed in a title, especially given how good origins was.
and don't give me origins levels to make up for the lack of new content, it just angers me even more.
If this was made by anyone else other than michel ancel,
and if didn't look this pretty, neogaf would be tearing this game apart.
So GAF my time for gaming is limited. I've never gotten around to playing my copy of Origins but just got Legends, do I play the Origins levels that come with Legends or skip them and play Origins instead?
So GAF my time for gaming is limited. I've never gotten around to playing my copy of Origins but just got Legends, do I play the Origins levels that come with Legends or skip them and play Origins instead?
I'm nowhere near completely finished, but I did just get through the last main levels. I have to say I'm disappointed. The complete lack of challenge and typical Ubisoft game design is sadly very prevalent in this one. There's always one way to go through a level, fail at a particular jump and it's back to the checkpoint. You're always going though the levels like the designer wants you to, not in a way you choose. You look like a badass doing it, but there's really nothing to it.
If I die in Mario and have to do the entire level again, I don't mind, because the games support quite a few playstyles and it's fun to discover them yourself. Rayman supports one playstyle, fail at doing so results in dying. If I had to play Rayman levels all over again it would be boring as hell thanks to this. I never actually go back to levels because of this. Once is enough.
I touched on this before, but now that I've seen most levels it still rings true: there's way too few platforming levels and way too many runner and Murfy ones. They add to the variety sure, and a problem Origins very much had (all levels felt the same). The added Origins levels should have been a neat bonus for newcomers, but they feel like the developers actually knew that they had too few levels and added these. It feels very cheap to say the least.
Still a good game, but "platforming genius"? Don't make me laugh.
I couldn't explain exactly my disappointment with Rayman Legends but this is one of the main reasons. As I wrote in the review thread, the vast majority of the levels have kind of a Simon Says feel to them like Prince of Persia 2008. The levels are designed with the player holding the run button at all times in mind. As a result it becomes a game of jumping when you see a hole and punching when you see an enemy without having to control the length of your jumps. The game is too choreographed.
I'm nowhere near completely finished, but I did just get through the last main levels. I have to say I'm disappointed. The complete lack of challenge and typical Ubisoft game design is sadly very prevalent in this one. There's always one way to go through a level, fail at a particular jump and it's back to the checkpoint. You're always going though the levels like the designer wants you to, not in a way you choose. You look like a badass doing it, but there's really nothing to it.
If I die in Mario and have to do the entire level again, I don't mind, because the games support quite a few playstyles and it's fun to discover them yourself. Rayman supports one playstyle, fail at doing so results in dying. If I had to play Rayman levels all over again it would be boring as hell thanks to this. I never actually go back to levels because of this. Once is enough.
I touched on this before, but now that I've seen most levels it still rings true: there's way too few platforming levels and way too many runner and Murfy ones. They add to the variety sure, and a problem Origins very much had (all levels felt the same). The added Origins levels should have been a neat bonus for newcomers, but they feel like the developers actually knew that they had too few levels and added these. It feels very cheap to say the least.
Still a good game, but "platforming genius"? Don't make me laugh.
hmmm... troubling impressions
about the one-directional level design, I pretty much felt that was the case in Origins too, and it was disappointing. Dunno why I got my hopes up that Legends would be better in this regard.
Could you please type sentences like a normal human being? Your posts are annoying to read.Legends is no where near as good as origins in this regard.
If you felt origins was one directional then legends is going to seem like a piss take.
remember those occasions of wall running up pieces of falling objects,
jumping in-between them and dashing with skill to get to the tops of things.
swinging on ropes, then wall jumping and scrambling up walls.
legends has it in one level.
everything else is just forward and jump, and press punch to either kill an enemy
or to hit a teensy cage (yes cages have now been placed straight in front of you)
If you thought origins was simple.
legends isn't better in this regard, it's far, far worse.
Dont forget these two gems:
the game has been dumbed down
to suit the skill level of a typical ign reviewer.
The level design in the Invaded levels is amazing.
Don't go for just the 40" limit. Go for getting as high as you can in the rankings. The amount of depth there is in optimizing your runs in these levels is amazing. The difficulty you want is waiting here for you.![]()
I don't think the optional difficulty in 30 second time trial levels really makes up for the overall difficulty level of the full game (in my opinion of course). It does help though, just not the same.
Could you please type sentences like a normal human being? Your posts are annoying to read.
Could you please type sentences like a normal human being? Your posts are annoying to read.