If anybody wants my BN&B code that came with this game, shoot me a PM. First come, first serve.
Bed and breakfast code?
If anybody wants my BN&B code that came with this game, shoot me a PM. First come, first serve.
The load times may end up being what ruins this game for me. I keep failing a boss battle, and the reload takes over 2 minutes. On top of that, the checkpoint is a few seconds before an unskippable cutscene. Why do devs keep doing this crap?
The game itself is quite enjoyable, but the load times are atrocious.
Yes, Xbox. Really, really bad.Are you on the Xbox?
It might be system related to Xbox since my load times on PC are very short, both death and zone change.
Yes, Xbox. Really, really bad.
This game would have been awesome with just a few extra things to do in the open areas and actual loot for the main character. The stuff that is in the game has been really fun but it just feels like there should have been more to do. Maybe have some unique enimes roming around that drop special items if your able to kill them. Plus I would have really liked to be able to craft different armor and weapons for the main character and not just her pets.
This is a great base for a game though and if they get to do a sequel it could be really awesome.
Default system hard drive too I assume?
Taken from the Xbone version:
Mack made a new friend
I have to climb THAT?
Uh oh
So after 6h 22m and 37% done with the game, I have Mack, Seth, and Duncan and the 4th frame. Currently fighting a boss but died so quickly. I'm going to go back around and level up after I take a break. Gotta upgrade these parts more. I love the fact that I played that long and I'm only at 37% through the game. The combat gets really hectic at times where I'm like, shit I should have done this or had this corebot instead. Loving the game.
Okay so I bought the game digitally on my XBONE now how do I download on my PC?
While logged into Windows using the same account you have your Xbox gamertag associated with, Go to the Windows Store, search Recore, and click Install.
I don't think the store's working for me. It's saying "The thing you're looking for isn't here."
How do I update the xbox store?
Taking a wait and see. The impression I got from the rather lengthy discussion of the game on the bombcast this week was that Jeff and Brad both LOVED the game for the first few hours and then it fell apart completely.
Better than my issue. Sound cuts out sometimes. Sometimes the games won't have sound at all and I have to restart my PC to fix itWell that was an odd bug. The terrain didn't load or something. Mac could walk on it, but when I tried I just fell to my death. lol
Apparently the late game is super tedious and poorly planned and padded.SO i have been playing this game, and its really fun. Why is it getting low reviews?
Apparently the late game is super tedious and poorly planned and padded.
I'm waiting for some gaf impressions of that stage of the game first too, as I'm super keen on this.
Apparently the late game is super tedious and poorly planned and padded.
I'm waiting for some gaf impressions of that stage of the game first too, as I'm super keen on this.
Man, I'm really enjoying this game, but I dislike the tug of war thing so much