All these positive impressions are making me really want to give this one a go. I think I'll wait a couple months though in hopes of some updates to the Xbox version to hopefully improve the loading times.
Play Anywhere is truly fantastic. I get the TV tonight since South Park is back but that meant letting my wife watch whatever she wanted at 9 PM. She chose one of her awful shows.
I said I would be back in an hour.
Fired up Recore, load times on PC are literally like 10x faster, got to play a bit and it flew by.
Back downstairs. South Park is beginning.
Brilliant. Just brilliant.
Well, I'm not sure.. I could imagine a super frustrating end game could sour the whole experience. So i'm waiting to see what people here think.If it's padding ala metroid prime or wind waker, I could care less. Or If not how else does the end play out to completely ruin everything I played prior?
So is anyone else having problems with waypoints disappearing or not updating? Im up to the bit where you use cores to open a gate to another area but once i enter my waypoint doesnt update.
Meh, not loving the game so far. Finished Pylon 512 (first area basically) and just find the FOV really bad, the controls awkard especially in combat, and the whole world/dungeon system ugly. Everything feels a bit awkward and badly put together, like it still needs a few more months of polish.
I still don't really understand boss fights, the 512 boss took me like 10 minutes because I kept getting it low, trying to extract, and failing. It never got me below 90% health even when I was just sitting there trying to figure out how the hell extract is supposed to work on bosses. I'm not even sure what I did to win, just kept trying to extract over and over and one time it worked.
Probably going to trade it in soon, just not really feeling a fun vibe with the game. Performance and load times on xbox one are just fine for me, load times are sometimes a little too long but after Deus Ex its really not a big deal.
The FOV really bothers me when combined with doggy-pet, I'm staring at some random loot box trying to figure out how to get to it and then I hear a bunch of beeps and whistles and I think its an enemy but its just the dog roaming around. Or it does turn out to be an enemy and I can't figure out where the hell it is.
On the plus side I got a cool plushy hat with my best buy pre order, my granddaughter is going to love it I think.
I had a similar issue on the second dungeon. Probably what you are refering to, no? I got one of the cores I just ignored it cause everything seemed to be fine otherwise.
Wait....WHATSo apparently the 5th bot, the Tank has been cut from the game but all the assets and parts are in the game. Very disappointing.
There are five slots on the menu screen though isn't there? Seems strange.No one has been able to unlock the frame yet. Even people who have 75 cores.
I don't think the store's working for me. It's saying "The thing you're looking for isn't here."
Yeh i think so. Its the access granted objective. "Use the collected cores to open the gate". I open the gate and then the objective doesnt uodate so i have no idea where to go or what to do next.
Yeah, same one. If you opened the gate, an enemy(boss?) with a core should appear. Thats the 4th core you need.
So apparently the 5th bot, the Tank has been cut from the game but all the assets and parts are in the game. Very disappointing.
That sucks. I was wondering what theparts were. Maybe they put it off to get the game out, and it'll be a DLC thing.T8-NK
There are two secret achievements that no one that I know have found, but hopefully there's DLC.
Pretty much just unsold me on the game with that.As expected the game is insultingly handholdy to the point where it has screwed me over; twice I was platforming or shooting enemies in a dungeon while it pauses and goes to a cutscene slowly panning over to where I'm supposed to go, and then puts a green objective marker on it.
After watching the Quick Look on Giant Bomb...
Is the ground really that bright all the time? It's really annoying and tiresome.
How would you guys explain the dungeons to me?
Really disheartening to hear how hard the game dropped off for them after it sounds like they really liked it in the beginning. I'm still enjoying it and I have a little bit less than 10 hours (according to my xbox profile), but I've been having fun doing all the side stuff so hopefully it won't stop being fun for me.
SO i have been playing this game, and its really fun. Why is it getting low reviews?
I've played for 8hr and 51min according to Xbox and still having fun. I'm searching for prismatic cores before going into the Eden Tower.I'm at the point where I have to fight Victor. I died once and said eff it, I'm gonna go explore.
I was thinking the same thing yesterday when I was playing, was scaling the side of the structure in a, let's just say a not so sauve fashion, and I kept saying man this reminds me of traversing the side of a mountain in an open world Bethesda game. Or as you put it, elder scrolls-ing. Which is to say, I enjoy the ability to do so in that manner. Reviews be damned, I'm having a blast playing this game. Sometimes a game doesn't need to be perfect, it just needs to be fun and certain flaws don't bother me as much because of it. Other than the load times, which just allow me to text or read something on Gaf real quick, I am finding myself enjoying each passing hour more and more.Just got Duncan. I really love how vertical these levels can get. In some cases you can bypass the optimal jump route by just elder scrolls-ing your way around on some rocks.
I'm at floor 3(well need more cores to open it) and I'm gonna say it's safe to assume there's a few more floors. I definitely reached the part where it becomes tedious.I just past that point where you are.
I think this is where reviewers got pissed.
spoiler:Motherfucker make me leave the dungeon to find more cores to continue on in the dungeon? God... dammit!
This games soundtrack