Ignis Fatuus
Looks really good!
Jelly? BEARD.Jeez, Ryan Paton looks like such a huge douchbag in that video. Is he wearing a dead squirrel?
Regardless, game still looks interesting.
dog collar and pyjamas outfit make no sense.
dog collar and pyjamas outfit make no sense.
Fuck, I'm rolling.
Still looks like a shit concept.. and surprised he got funded.
Good for them that they are doing something
Yeah I was thinking about this game the other day...
I do too on occasion. And my thought process is almost always like this:
Oh, remember that game a bunch of game's journalist went around parading and suckered me into supporting, what happened to that? To their credit, it definitely wasn't all of them. Giant Bomb, for example, made it an explicit point to maintain a critical distance rather than proselytize in a hardsell for Ryan Payton and his game the way many other sites and podcasts did.
Everytime I get an update on the project, I just think about how naive I was and everytime Payton gets on his high horse about breaking the mold or whatever, I just get annoyed because, yeah nobody in the history of media has ever done a "Evil Big Brother" narrative before.
Payton seems like Peter Molyneux except at least Molyneux actually has interesting ideas.
Why may I ask?
LOL holy crap at that youtube video. Why is he dressing like that?
Looks like he's going to go slap some hos after the interview is over.
It looks like it's not really going to be much fun to play. I'm not huge stealth game guy to begin with, and honestly it pretty much looks like it's going to be a puzzle game with a cool looking skin.
The concept to me sounded boring to begin with, but I still followed it because the whole KS fiasco with TA and the like.
Also, beard plus coat = bad bad look.
a pimp named SlickbeardSeriously, never mind the game. What in the world?
Oh, so it's just that you don't like the genre. Got it, for a second I thought you had actual arguments to back that bold statement of yours.
Is Ryan Payton going to wear a crown in the next video?
Huh? It's not just the genre, but the game itself just really doesn't look all that interesting when you take out who is making it and all the PR surrounding the KS. From a concept, it just doesn't look like it'd be all that intriguing... especially considering how much hoopla went around the KS thing.
oh.. and...
Now the team's pissed at me (well, my beard) for diverting attention away from our new build of the game!
I think the beard is early on set depression from the break up of Mars Volta.
As for the game, very nice to see prerendered backgrounds gone, they're awful.
It reminds me a little of In Cold Blood I think. Looking forward to the PC release.
Another beard incoming.Oh my god, please no.
Now the team's pissed at me (well, my beard) for diverting attention away from our new build of the game!
Now the team's pissed at me (well, my beard) for diverting attention away from our new build of the game!
Now the team's pissed at me (well, my beard) for diverting attention away from our new build of the game!
Now the team's pissed at me (well, my beard) for diverting attention away from our new build of the game!