Can you get away with not burning the bodies in the Residence since you're not there as long?
He must have died during the final fight which can happen. Or you have to check up on him if he was unconscious. It's one of the two.I did not, should've mentioned that.
Use the jvolt and save yourself some ammo and health items.As jill.
He was definitely unconscious..He must have died during the final fight which can happen. Or you have to check up on him if he was unconscious. It's one of the two.
Use the jvolt and save yourself some ammo and health items.
Can you get away with not burning the bodies in the Residence since you're not there as long?
Oof, that's going to be quite a difficulty spike, isn't it? I mean, Chris is considered a harder play through in general, right?
I know this as old as the internet itself almost, but I still laugh my ass off at this silly audio clip lol
My friend brought it to my attention while I was playing this on steam lol
I know this as old as the internet itself almost, but I still laugh my ass off at this silly audio clip lol
My friend brought it to my attention while I was playing this on steam lol
I know this as old as the internet itself almost, but I still laugh my ass off at this silly audio clip lol
My friend brought it to my attention while I was playing this on steam lol
Still having trouble figuring out how to get the elevator in the mansion part of the map to be not red. Trying to get 100% completion on this run. I'll buy someone a Jill sandwich if they can help.
Do you have to ride the elevator?
I mean, I've been on it, I'm about to go down to the laboratory. I'll keep dickin' around.
Elevators are always in a perpetual state of red as they aren't really rooms.
I know this as old as the internet itself almost, but I still laugh my ass off at this silly audio clip lol
My friend brought it to my attention while I was playing this on steam lol
I know this as old as the internet itself almost, but I still laugh my ass off at this silly audio clip lol
My friend brought it to my attention while I was playing this on steam lol
Someone mentioned recently, and I regret that I forget who but it was in that Grim Fandango trophies thread (as that game can be played with "tank controls"), that the tank controls are actually superior than any other control method in Resident Evil and I completely agree. I spent the first 2/3 of the game playing with the new alternate method (free directional control). I recently switched over to Type-C, and I find it vastly superior. Sure, I've had that experience of playing these games with their original controls, but the way that the game's forward momentum in addition to the fixed angles are set up, I think that the free directional controls are too wonky and I constantly found myself having to readjust the forward direction upon each angle switch, and there are a lot.
While this is just an opinion, I think it's insane and even a little beautiful at how the originally-intended control method that so many people hate and can't seem to grasp are, at least for me, the absolute best way to play this game.
Oof, that's going to be quite a difficulty spike, isn't it? I mean, Chris is considered a harder play through in general, right?
For those using the door skip mod, what's your fastest time so far? Here's mine but kind of lamed it with the Samurai Edge and 9 saves (didn't die but it made it much less risky):[img][/QUOTE]
Mod is useless since time stops at doors/elevators/anykindofloading
I know this as old as the internet itself almost, but I still laugh my ass off at this silly audio clip lol
My friend brought it to my attention while I was playing this on steam lol
Mod is useless since time stops at doors/elevators/anykindofloading
i tried the new controls for like a minute and couldn't do it. having to constantly reorient yourself to the angles is terrible IMO. tank controls are a little clunky in combat scenarios, but i honestly don't think the alternative is that great at all. but i've played all the old RE games around release so it's second nature to me
Are you sure about that? I'm pretty sure someone said otherwise the other day and I don't ever remember getting a time that low on GCN.
Even in normal and hard it's extremely easy to end up with a huge excess of handgun ammo. I usually dump the handgun as soon as I acquire a shotgun.Made some good progress in my game today. When I started playing I had just gotten the Armor Key, and by the time I put the game down I had just foughtand gathered up the fourYawn. I've explored pretty much every single room that I can in the mansion, and I solidified my favorite routes through the mansion, which will help in my next playthroughs. I should really kill that first zombie you come across in the game, the one who hangs out in the hallway by the dining room. I keep thinking I'll be able to dodge him but I've used probably three defense items on his dumb ass. I'll definitely be taking him out the next time I play. I've also found it's super helpful to kill theDeath Masksin the arrowhead hallway. I use that hallway probably more than any other hallway on the west side of the mansion.Crimson Head and decapitate the fat zombie
Man, I've forgotten what a great a game this is. I'll definitely be playing it on Normal next, since I have 100+ handgun ammo right now on Easy. To be fair though I'm avoiding killing zombies as much as possible, probably more than I should. Still, I'm doing pretty well so far (no deaths) so I'm gonna keep up with it.
AFAIK it's the only time where the in-game clock stops counting.
Even in normal and hard it's extremely easy to end up with a huge excess of handgun ammo. I usually dump the handgun as soon as I acquire a shotgun.
You could be right. I looked up some speedruns for the GCN version and there are some as low as 1hr 47min.
How many in this thread is it the first time playing? Never even realized there was this huge segment of people that never played the game...but i guess it makes sense being only on the gamecube and wii. Reading all the posts is entertaining.
How many in this thread is it the first time playing? Never even realized there was this huge segment of people that never played the game...but i guess it makes sense being only on the gamecube and wii. Reading all the posts is entertaining.
"Why can't Resident Evil walk forward?"
So, I got the "second" Stone and Metal Object (the one you have to put together), yet the first is still nowhere to be found.I guess I was mistaken in thinking I had it, because apparently, I don't. Somehow. I really don't know what to do other than start over.I have checked the coffin (even though I remember picking it up after the fight with the prototype), my inventory, and my chest - multiple times.
How many in this thread is it the first time playing? Never even realized there was this huge segment of people that never played the game...but i guess it makes sense being only on the gamecube and wii. Reading all the posts is entertaining.
So, I got the "second" Stone and Metal Object (the one you have to put together), yet the first is still nowhere to be found.I guess I was mistaken in thinking I had it, because apparently, I don't. Somehow. I really don't know what to do other than start over.I have checked the coffin (even though I remember picking it up after the fight with the prototype), my inventory, and my chest - multiple times.
If you've found the second one, maybe you should go back to the door that leads into theSo, I got the "second" Stone and Metal Object (the one you have to put together), yet the first is still nowhere to be found.I guess I was mistaken in thinking I had it, because apparently, I don't. Somehow. I really don't know what to do other than start over.I have checked the coffin (even though I remember picking it up after the fight with the prototype), my inventory, and my chest - multiple times.
Did you check the path leading to the courtyard?
It's in the wall at the door to the entrance of the courtyard / residence.
If you've found the second one, maybe you should go back to the door that leads into the. Maybe you left something stuck in the wall around that area.residence and cabin areas![]()
How many in this thread is it the first time playing? Never even realized there was this huge segment of people that never played the game...but i guess it makes sense being only on the gamecube and wii. Reading all the posts is entertaining.
Well let's just be happy you didn't start over in desperation![]()
Well let's just be happy you didn't start over in desperation![]()
Or uninstall the game entirely lol.
How many in this thread is it the first time playing? Never even realized there was this huge segment of people that never played the game...but i guess it makes sense being only on the gamecube and wii. Reading all the posts is entertaining.
i tried the alternate controls holy mother of gamebreaking mechanics.