invisible mode knife run is kicking my ass
I cant beat plant 42. Cant even see the tentacles
. I mean you get an idea but cant aim to hit them when they are dropping acid. any tips? chris run btw.
You can time it so that the knife hits a tentacle just before it slaps you. Just listen for that whip sound, and when they stop trying to hit you (meaning the melee vines are dead), just swing wildly all over the balcony and hopefully you get them all.invisible mode knife run is kicking my assI cant beat plant 42. Cant even see the tentacles
. any tips? chris run btw.
Would you recommend playing them back to back? Never played REmake and I only played RE1 back in 96. Would like to see the differences. I'm afraid playing REmake first will spoil me. But I don't want to wait, either.I completed the PS1 version several times (most recently, just before Christmas on my Vita), but I only played an hour of the Gamecube version back in 2002.
Finally beat it yesterday, and started a Chris playthrough straight after. Brilliant game.
I know this as old as the internet itself almost, but I still laugh my ass off at this silly audio clip lol
My friend brought it to my attention while I was playing this on steam lol
So after starting the chris playthrough, i tried the alternate controls holy mother of gamebreaking mechanics.
You can incapacitate them for several seconds if you shoot them with your sidearm, but they will get back up for another go.
The best way to ensure they don't get back up is to blow their head off with a shotgun or put enough rounds into them that they bleed on the ground. That's the visual cue that they're actually dead.
edit: Your situation sounds like a glitch though. If it wasn't a bug, then the crimson head would've remained in the same room.
How many in this thread is it the first time playing? Never even realized there was this huge segment of people that never played the game...but i guess it makes sense being only on the gamecube and wii. Reading all the posts is entertaining.
This game really fucking makes it evident how game quality has dropped since the early 00s. What an amazing game that even today is a far more polished and immersive game than anything on the market.
I got to that first save room under the stairs and not gonna lie when the music kicked in I got such a nostalgia bomb I almost started crying. Phenomenal.
Actually, can they open doors? I don't think I've seen them do that before.
90% of the time. Is not a guaranted decapitation anymore. Is a one hit kill? Always.
What? Why the hell did they change that. :|
I tried so hard to play this game... with the new controls. I couldn't do it, I just couldn't... I tried and tried and every time I would move into the next screen it got me all confused on which way to press the analog stick to move. So I switched back to classic and said to myself "much better!" Am I in the minority of preferring the classic controls to the new ones? #Tankcontrolsrock
Wait, what? That can't be! I thought zombies couldn't move between loading points. Even in the original, I don't think they could even climb stairs.Yes they can. Regular zombies too.
The D-pad allows for much better control and accuracy. You'll thank me later.
Wait, what? That can't be! I thought zombies couldn't move between loading points. Even in the original, I don't think they could even climb stairs.
By Original you mean the PSX or the GC? Beacuse that was in the GC version.
Sorry, I meant PSX. I knew they could climb stairs in the REmake, but they can open doors too? Fuck. This is why I can only play this game for 1-2 hours a day max. Or if I die 20 minutes into the game, that's it for the day lol.
Edit:I know about the scripted zombie door opening in the basement.
How far am I from the end? Don't want to look up a walkthrough.
Killed Yawn the second time, went down into the hole where George Trevor's grave was that reveal a passage with a spider that killed me. I have the Eagle and Wolf medals.
Is there really that much ammo? And healing items or ink ribbons?
From playing the game several times through over the past week, they happen in these areas if you leave zombies alive:In several places. It's scripted but still surprising.
I didn't even use them all, still had a bunch in my crate. so yes? lol
What difficulty was that played on?
Which one is which? Based on the wording, I thought I had picked Normal difficulty...but maybe I didn't now that I realize I did have so many healing items.
Which one is which? Based on the wording, I thought I had picked Normal difficulty...but maybe I didn't now that I realize I did have so many healing items.
Which one is which? Based on the wording, I thought I had picked Normal difficulty...but maybe I didn't now that I realize I did have so many healing items.
Top to bottom it's
-very easy
TheSo, not sure where I should be going.
Got the Second Key, and have unlocked all the doors I found....have to be missing one though. I tried toWhere should I go next?bring the snake bite victim the serum, but was too late, and I got the death mask from the room with the jewelry lighted glass paintings.
So, not sure where I should be going.
Got the Second Key, and have unlocked all the doors I found....have to be missing one though. I tried toWhere should I go next?bring the snake bite victim the serum, but was too late, and I got the death mask from the room with the jewelry lighted glass paintings.
LOL!LMAO OMG this is the first time I hear this LOL XD
Whoever made is is a pure genius XD
Go back to where Richard died, there's a door in there you need to go through. Well, two of them actually, but you can only enter one right now.
I'd just like to add that shotguns were pretty consistent for me against hunters. Just gotta be sure to fire when enemies are near.Just got the plat on PS4. Some brief thoughts from a first time player (never played any RE before RE4)
-Outstanding atmosphere and level design
-...except in the Mines. Good god, what were they thinking with level? Linear as hell level design and no atmosphere to speak of. I still can't believe how terrible this area is.
-Some of the puzzles are tedious. I hate it when it takes a long time to physically solve a puzzle after mentally solving it. The closing wall statue puzzle next to the study and rotating statue puzzle in the Mines can fuck off. So boring and tedious. And while not a puzzle, the same goes for those three fucking boxes in the Aqua Ring.
-Combat feels haphazard. Look, I understand that a key tenet of this game is player disempowerment, and that's fine, but it doesn't mean my guns have to behave more or less randomly. For any given handgun shot, the enemy's head might pop, they might fall down, or nothing may happen. There's no telling if it'll take 4 shots to knock them down or 8. The shotgun is pretty consistent against regular zombies, though it seems random against hunters and crimson heads with regards to knockdowns. Carefully managing resources is fun, but playing the lottery every time I fire my gun isn't.
-Fucking door animations. If I was reviewing this game, that would be a whole point off right there.
Reading the above, my opinion on the game seems pretty negative, but I really loved it in the end (enough for five playthroughs at least). As stated, the atmosphere and level design are absolutely outstanding. Anything I didn't mention is probably good-to-great. Some of these issues just really got to me.
How far am I from the end? Don't want to look up a walkthrough.
Killed Yawn the second time, went down into the hole where George Trevor's grave was that reveal a passage with a spider that killed me. I have the Eagle and Wolf medals.
So will a knife only run count on very easy?