You really shouldn't let IQ stand in the way of you playing a fantastic game. If everyone were like that, how would we ever enjoy stuff like SMG?![]()
That's how SMG looks for me, my friend. ;D

You really shouldn't let IQ stand in the way of you playing a fantastic game. If everyone were like that, how would we ever enjoy stuff like SMG?![]()
I have a question, when playing the beta and the demo, the game seemed to have a very low resolution?
Is the not scaling well to my Full HD TV? I would like to know this, because this is the biggest problem I'm seeing for getting the game.
That's how SMG looks for me, my friend. ;D
Congrats to you and the other 1,500 people who enjoyed it "more" because you invested in a beefy PC? Not sure what your post is getting at, outside of showing that you're more the tech enthusiast than a gamer
Skipping on any good ge because it isn't "pretty enough" for you will always be utterly stupid in my book.
Congrats to you and the other 1,500 people who enjoyed it "more" because you invested in a beefy PC? Not sure what your post is getting at, outside of showing that you're more the tech enthusiast than a gamer
Skipping on any good ge because it isn't "pretty enough" for you will always be utterly stupid in my book.
Man, it's really hard for you, isn't it? It's not like one thing comes with the other. Saying that I'm more tech enthusiast than a gamer as someone who probably invested years of lifetime in videogames (OH MY GAWD, I need to stop thinking about that) is just utterly stupid and you know that. I'm both. And I'm not skipping a good game because of bad tech, never did that. But would R3 @1080p @60FPS @perfect IQ enhance my enjoyment? Certainly.
And besides that gaming as a virtual medium was always (ok, at least till the soccer moms came) about technical improvement as well. The combination of tech and gaming enthuisasm is what defines gaming for me. Other than that go play monopoly or chess or whatever, great games, you can make up great stories in your phantasy as well, cool 2 to 6 player mode (splitscreen even), great replayability.
Let me put it like this: You denounced R3 as being a title not worth the new sticker price almost entirely based on visuals and nothing more.
R3 is far from an ugly game. Maybe it's not cutting edge like a Crysis, or Uncharted, but it's actually fun, which should always be at the forefront of every video game purchasing decision.
Also, what do soccer moms have to do with anything? Does Minecraft not exist to you? MMO's? There are LOTS of games that aren't pretty but are embraced by gamers world wide.
Let me put it like this: You denounced R3 as being a title not worth the new sticker price almost entirely based on visuals and nothing more.
I bet it was B&T? (The clan you ran into)
Yes! Haha.
How come I seldom/never see other GAF players ? I run into Cornsnake78 once and tha_con quite often.
Yea, those are just the "play alots". None of them are great, but together they spam the "shit" and kina ruin things. You'll never catch them playing w/out crutches.
How does Resistance play with Move? is Move basically a gimmick or will it actually be fun (just recently bought a ps3)
That really depends on what you like. I really enjoy shooters with Move (in Single Player). I had fun with R3 after the move controls were tightened up, and didn't feel it was a gimmick at all. Do you already own move, or will this be your first move game?
I didn't know you guys still had the game, I may get back to playing it if we can organize something.![]()
It's mostly for my girlfriend who wants to play Time Crisis and House of the Dead. I was debating between the Resistance 3 bundle or the Goldeneye bundle since they are cheap right now. I loved Goldeneye on the N64 but I hear Resistance is great too.
It's usually just me. 8^/
But I have improved. *nod* *nod* Not afraid of your vacuum cleaner anymore.
How does Resistance play with Move? is Move basically a gimmick or will it actually be fun (just recently bought a ps3)
People in doubt should really consider trying this game and not wave it away because of its supposed ugliness. I was in doubt too, and skipped it because I wanted Rage. Resistance dropped to 25 euros at MediaMarkt recently and I decided to give it a shot. 3 days later I was done with the campaign and all I can say is that I regret choosing Rage over this.
Resistance 3 was, after a somewhat bad first few levels, one hell of a fun ride. Best SP I played this year alongside Crysis 2. Amazing set pieces that are among the best of this gen, great weapons (although too many perhaps; some feel useless) and the best thing of all is that you have to scavenge for health and that you can keep all the weapons. The lack of auto health restore kept the shootouts tense while the weapons let me decide how to tackle an enemy wave and change it on the fly. Its ridiculous that so many present day shooters omit these two things because they actually add so much to the experience.
The graphics aren't shit. The game has its own distinct style and them graphics managed to impress me here and there. Dark areas are impressive, and genuinely scary.
Crysis 2 was shitty and gerenic as hell...
Noticed today that the maps I complained about (the ones that were missing) are available on DM Small... which no-one plays. Ever. So I guess that's that.
Tried Motorpool on a private game and it is way better map than Prison etc. Considering that is just a scene from SP that's pretty good.
I also never get Terraformer anymore, I wonder why :|
That's exactly how I feel about the game and it's pretty reasonable. For detailed impressions read my post in the Crysis 2 OT.
I'm just poking fun man. I feel the Crysis franchise is also fairly "generic" in that it doesn't have much of an identity or any interesting lore behind it. The game play itself is rather fun, though the first was leagues better due to the "open ended" nature of it.
You think you have improved? how can you be so sure about it if you haven't faced me and my vacuum cleaner in a while?![]()
Noticed today that the maps I complained about (the ones that were missing) are available on DM Small... which no-one plays. Ever. So I guess that's that.
Tried Motorpool on a private game and it is way better map than Prison etc. Considering that is just a scene from SP that's pretty good.
I also never get Terraformer anymore, I wonder why :|
Do you know this shop? Reliable? Do they ship to germany?
Do you know this shop? Reliable? Do they ship to germany?
You're in mainland Europe and you still haven't discovered the joys of importing cheap games from the UK? You're missing out dude.
I did, but 1. it's not that much cheaper anymore and 2. I don't know this shop.
Hey, how many people play this on a daily basis? Are their any numbers anywhere for it? I haven't played it in a couple weeks for the simple fact that there was no challange. I mean, playing TDM and winning almost every match and it not even being close 3/4 isn't that much fun. Most of the classic Resistance clans just didn't stick around and/or together outside of [501] ; )_~~
So, new R3 DLC next week. Is this the alleged co-op DLC?