Anyone else have issues with the sound? Like there's a bit of lag between it and the visuals. Mainly only happens with explosions and melee attacks.
I don't believe that the DLC will be released next week, but we'll get details on it. I assume you're referring to Insomniacs FB/Twitter post?
I've only encountered sound issues in MP.
It's probably something on my end. I have to run my ps3 via optical through a DAC to my old ass receiver. It's just funny because this is the only game I've noticed sound issues in (With one weird thing in UC2 that im chalking up to a glitch since it only happened once).
Got this on black Friday and started it last night. It's so much better than Resistance 2. My biggest issues I have with the game are the super low FOV and everything in the game looks low res. I even checked on my TV to make sure it was getting a HD signal from the PS3 and it said 720p so I guess it's just the game.
Yea, the game sacrifices resolution for some very awesome particle effects and motion blur.
You know what was nice about R2? I could jump on, find a game that interested me, jump into it, and have fun. Now, I've got to deal with the "quick match" BS. For lord's sake developers, your quick match options aren't nearly as useful as you seem to think.
This was 90% of my time spent with with R3 today: Look for a Team Deathmatch game, end up in a room alone. Look for a Team Deathmatch game, end up in a room alone. Look for any type of game, end up in a room alone. Sit there waiting for somebody to join, one person does after like two minutes, then they leave. Search for any type of game again, find a room with four people, sit there waiting for a minute or two, half the room bails. Look for a...
In like 10 minutes of trying to find a game, I was successful once. In R2, I would have brought up the game browser, and been in and playing in like 30 seconds.
Man, I could not agree with you more. Them taking out the custom game browser was as stupid, if not more so, than taking out their co-op mode. Cannot begin to understand their thinking there.
It's the trend I guess. I will never understand why it is a trend or why would anyone just keep matchmaking but I either have to dealwithit.jpg or stop playing online games. Fuck.
I'd say yes actuallySo, as a fresh PS3 owner who is interested in some alien butt-kicking. How should i get started with this trilogie? Is it ok to jump right to the third one?
This has a lot to do with these titles having smaller online communities, and if custom games were an option then the ranked matchmaking would be a ghost town.
So, as a fresh PS3 owner who is interested in some alien butt-kicking. How should i get started with this trilogie? Is it ok to jump right to the third one?
So, as a fresh PS3 owner who is interested in some alien butt-kicking. How should i get started with this trilogie? Is it ok to jump right to the third one?
So, as a fresh PS3 owner who is interested in some alien butt-kicking. How should i get started with this trilogie? Is it ok to jump right to the third one?
Man, it's a real shame this doesn't output at 1080p. Aside from the lower resolution (and lowres textures) this is a pretty great looking game. The lighting is often really impressive and it has great atmosphere. Just hit a point in the story where it took a bit of a dark turn but I'm loving it. First ps3 game!
So, as a fresh PS3 owner who is interested in some alien butt-kicking. How should i get started with this trilogie? Is it ok to jump right to the third one?
R3 does sure have an amazing single player campaign. It puts other FPS to shame. Great atmosphere, and brilliant weapon selection.
Which level are you at?
You can remove it it will just take like 1 hour+ to delete. They cannot fix it, apparently it is an OS sw bugDid they ever fix the broken delete data? I want to know if I can remove the data safely. Lol.
The only thing negative about playing R3 first is that it spoils R2's big end game cliffhanger.
Just hit NYC.I was referring to Malikov's death. Didn't think he'd go out like that =/
Did you like the village level, and jail level? I thought they were great. Malikov´s death was expected. The way he died was deserved.
I did, particularly.the jail level but "satan" was cool. Glad over zealous preacher man made it out alive lol
On FB they said there would be some R3 news today. Wonder what it's going to be.
New DLC. I really hope it´s free.
A Game that has an online pass... is trying to deter the used market by off-setting it by making them pay $10 to access the online portion of it (be it by the publisher strong-arming into it)... yeah free all the way, of course that is the way
They've already added free content to the game before. And I didn't have to pay $10 to play online.![]()
DLC comes out this week according to the Playstation podcast.
Finally tried the game in 3D this weekend and, while the effect is nice, I couldn't believe how low the framerate can get. I started from the mines section and worked up to the prison. Fighting that huge underground beast at what felt like 15 fps was pretty painful.
I did notice that performance in 2D seemed better than it was at launch, however.
I didn't even realize there was already dlc out. Survival pack worth it?
Any chance we are going to get a campaign expansion out of this DLC? Because otherwise I'm not interested![]()
Any chance we are going to get a campaign expansion out of this DLC? Because otherwise I'm not interested![]()
The game mode is extremely fun, sadly not a lot of folks bought it. If the GAF crowd buy's it and we set up some custom games, it'll be 100% worth it. The skins are pretty cool too.
Also willing to bet this next DLC comes with Skins as well.
DLC Details:
Brutality Mode - Survive waves of on-coming grims on the Seaside map (at night, hazy). Also comes with some (7) tracks from Mastadon, and I think some new Skins.
So, not co-op, but we'll see how this plays out. Should be released tomorrow. I'll post impressions then I suppose!
Edit: Also, 2-player co-op confirmed for Brutality Mode. And it's only $4. BUY IT.