Has Insomniac said anything about myresistance.net being down and when it'll be back up? I need...more, skins.
It's in Sony's hands right now. They own the site and do all the maintenance, Insomniac just does the community Management.
Has Insomniac said anything about myresistance.net being down and when it'll be back up? I need...more, skins.
Picked this up today. Is the lip syncing supposed to be so awful? It's like one of those old japanese movies where their mouths are moving seconds before or after voice comes out.
anyone up for some competative custom matches tomorrow night?
about 9pm Eastern? Cmon guys/Gals...!
Just played multiplayer for the first time, and I have absolutely no clue what's going on. I just run around and die a lot from god knows what. I swear sometimes I run into an empty room and the walls attack me.
I'll be 100% honest with you guys, I never noticed this during my play through. I'm at work but I will pop the disc in when I get home and verify.
I'm down. No mic though. Tokubetsu on PSN.
I'll play. PSN is someday, just like on here. I'm just ok, depending on how the other team plays. I don't like using overpowered weapons and therefore, tend to die often.
IT would essentially be against another big clan that has gotten all fat and happen in R3 and is looking for a good challange.. I was kinda hoping NA GAF clan would rise up and give these guys a nice punch in the mouth.....
anyone up for some competative custom matches tomorrow night?
about 9pm Eastern? Cmon guys/Gals...!
IT would essentially be against another big clan that has gotten all fat and happen in R3 and is looking for a good challange.. I was kinda hoping NA GAF clan would rise up and give these guys a nice punch in the mouth.....
I had quite a few audio issues. I only noticed the lip synch bit right at the start with Susan though. My problem was the fact that the audio would drop out or lag behind what was going on on screen fairly often. Like during a melee, or a big explosion etc.
Wait a minute, you guys playing now ?
I only see the posts today. 8^(
Too late to reschedule my life.
Looks like it's a Double XP weekend.
I'm on chapter 19 so far, how many more chapters do I have left? I'm really not liking New York so far. Resistance 3 started off with a bang, I fell in love with it. Right now, it feels like a typical FPS. Does the game gets better, or am I screwed?
It's about to end but yea, those last 2-3 chapters are basically gauntlets.
I've considered picking this up, but I hear the multiplayer has been Medal of Honor dead. This can't be true, right?
The difficulty was definitely balanced well with the health pack system. I ended up running around during the final battle with 1 point of health and surviving. It just wouldn't have been as epic with regenerative health.
I just finished it about 10 minutes ago, really loved it except for the last 2 chapters or so. Add yet another game to the list of games this gen that just kind of fell apart and got sloppy at the very end.
That being said it was a great game overall and there were times where I was just blown away, usually when there was wind whipping thousands of tiny pieces of debris around as you're in a full out battle with dozens of friendlies and enemies. Really impressive shit.
I hated R1 and didn't even make it past a few chapters in 2 because of how bad it was, but I'll gladly take an R4 if it's like this.
finished it last night.
Enjoyed it for the most part, pacing was a bit off. What was built up to be an epic journey to NYC was a horrible boat ride, a filler train ride mixed with Ravenholm and Nova Prospekt. i didnt see any thanks to Valve in the credits...
its well worth a discounted buy, but insomniac need to aim a bit higher with their next release.
Bolded parts are so true. I've actually started a new run through HL2 after finishing R3 on Superhuman.
R2 for all it's faults did not keep reminding me of another game as I was playing it!
finished it last night.
Enjoyed it for the most part, pacing was a bit off. What was built up to be an epic journey to NYC was a horrible boat ride, a filler train ride mixed with Ravenholm and Nova Prospekt. i didnt see any thanks to Valve in the credits...
the cinematics had too much hit and miss, Joe enters a house from the snow to get warm...but doesnt close the door??? small detail yes, but it shows the lack of attention to the details which elevates 'ok quality' to 'great quality'. The game is riddled with little things like that.
its well worth a discounted buy, but insomniac need to aim a bit higher with their next release.
oh i agree. stephen king gets a big nod from Valve.
full concept lifting???? practically right down to colour palette? give me a break Pliskin.
if you are going to shill, do it in style son.
its like watching a fish out of water...
give it a rest dude![]()
How was the superhuman run? I'm thinking about it but it sounds like a headache...
Right, so if I went into an HL2 or Portal thread and started talking about the movies and books they "aped" you'd be right there with me to agree? Or would you be rational and understand that most of these ideas and concepts are really common, and definitely not fresh, new, or unique? I can't help it that I've grown tired of pompous gamers who have shit for history in any other entertainment medium and simply fall back to the most successful title with said plot / mechanic / art style / color pallets / etc.
If you start with at least some upgrades (well, most likely if you start with no upgrades at all too) it's not that much harder than normal. I found out that any tough situation (usually related to jumpers) can be handled with abusing checkpoints anyway by rushing to them (hellooo Sniper parts) and most battles are rather easy anyway. I recall that there was only one part where wasn't any checkpoints in the middle of the battle (running up the stairs while protecting the guy with power orb).
Like with any modern FPS's, checkpoints are so plentiful that dying is hardly a punishment and in R3 you get some health and weapons too IIRC
How was the superhuman run? I'm thinking about it but it sounds like a headache...
Their first game was a FPS.Insomniac needs to return to their roots