I hope we can still be friends after I sort of spoiled it for you.MoonsaultSlayer said:Just beat it. The hardest part is right at the endthrough the cresitting.dits lmao
Excellent game. One of the best I've played this gen. Those ending areas? Holy shit!
Insomniac, I love you. Seems you can't count though. We have R1 then R3. Now we need R2 =P.
Haha no hard feelings. ALTHOUGH... with what you said coupled with other people's reactions, I actually thoughtMush said:I hope we can still be friends after I sort of spoiled it for you.
And yeah, I sat though the entire credits expecting something to follow afterwards, and nothing happened.
It's hard there. Do like me and camp. Pick a spot and just pick em off.Evolved1 said:I'm kind of stuck... I was flying through the game and I'm pretty sure only died one time on a boss fight due to some jank. Then I get toand I'm immediately handed my ass repeatedly. This is my fault, no jank... just getting owned.NY, NY
I'm feeling a little bored of the game and guess I just want to see the end... theimo was a huge uninteresting misstep that soured me on the campaign, and so instead of challenging, I'm finding the sudden difficulty spike somewhat annoying.prison
Lol I might not finish this. First half of the game was pretty cool. Second half... eh I don't know.
MoonsaultSlayer said:It's hard there. Do like me and camp. Pick a spot and just pick em off.
If you're in for the story only, switch to easy. That's probably how I'll play whenever I just want to see the story through in the future.
Evolved1 said:It feels like they just spawn infinitely... do they? Seems like the waves just keep coming...
lowrider007 said:I've asked this before and haven't received a clear answer tbh, I'm halfway through my second play through and intend to see if they do or not.
patsu said:Someone from B3D killed everything before moving on. No infinite spawn so he concluded.
Half.ghostofsparta said:Can anybody tell me how far I am? I Just.saved the priest
gcubed said:I found hard to be relatively easy, but I agree withthe prison, was easily my least favorite part of the game
caligula13 said:i read that the Move-controls are horrible. especially the placement of the actions on the buttons. any truth to this?
TTP said:
caligula13 said:i want to buy it if it is as good as Killzone 3.
TTP said:Just finished R3 for the first time. On Hard, with Move, took me 6:42 (36 deaths).
Quite an enjoyable ride. Very similar to the first Resistance in terms of level design, especially the second half.
tch said:I have a hard time believing that anyone could find R3 more enjoyable.
kingschiebi said:Did you give it a try with the sharpshooter?
I started the second play through to get a couple more points for the extra videos and tried it out. I don't know why, but it seems as if all settings for the deadzone go out of the window once it is attached.
TTP said:I did try the SS and no, the settings remain the same. It's just the inertia of the Sharp Shooter that leads you to believe otherwise. That's why ADS feels so horrible with the SS compared to the vanilla Move.
SOCOM 4 compensates the added inertia by reducing the minimal deadzone and increasing the cursor sensitivity (on top of the SS specific camera assists in place), but Resistance 3 does nothing, just like KZ3. In KZ3 you have the option to activate camera assist tho, which is basically necessary when using the SS. Resistance 3 doesn't provide such option.
I tried MP quickly and got 8 kills and 7 deaths (IIRC) on my first TDM in a never before seen map. ADS system here is less bearable than it is in SP since targets are moving much faster and you have no time to wait for the camera assist to help you out.
kingschiebi said:Hmm, maybe it is because something went wrong while switching mid-play. I had set the deadzone to minimum before switching and had to move the cursor much closer to the screen edge to get it start turning afterwards.
kingschiebi said:I wouldn't be wondering if that is a bug though as I had some other glitches after playing for a prolonged time (about 4 hours) and the game did not recognize the melee gesture anymore.
It got fixed after reloading the last save, but I was't in the mood to start investigating if it is the same issue with the SS yesterday evening.
madmackem said:Whens the online patch due?.
TTP said:You can simply pause the game and recalibrate to get your melee action back
Oh, welcome to NeoGAF![]()
CozMick said:Just go into matchmaking without you and it's lag free, no joke!
I've played hundreds of rounds and no lag whatsoever :\
madmackem said:Lies too many people with shitty BT internet connections complaining about it. You playing today like.
Meisadragon said:Btw did the standard edition come with four demos? Or was it only for the Special edition?
Paz said:Kind of annoyed right now, it seems that the PSN pass codes are region locked and I can't use my game code on my accounts region....
May be worth adding to the OP, to warn people that you need to match your purchase region to your PSN account region or no multiplayer for you.
I've emailed Sony so we'll see what they say.