Can you use them in difficulties you haven't beat yet? Like, say, superhuman and still get the trophy?dralla said:enabling the enemies using secondary fire and using power weapons is a great "cheat", going to play through Super Human with those on. Also being able to use all the weapons from the start is great and was a big omission in R1, they even give you ammo that shouldn't be there. So there will be mutator ammo in the first level and so on.
BeeDog said:From what I can remember, KZ3's singleplayer runs and looks better than R3's singleplayer, but the KZ3 MP runs shittily with more players.
What about the one that turns the HUD off?dralla said:enabling the enemies using secondary fire and using power weapons is a great "cheat", going to play through Super Human with those on. Also being able to use all the weapons from the start is great and was a big omission in R1, they even give you ammo that shouldn't be there. So there will be mutator ammo in the first level and so on.
dralla said:I think it's just the 3 that give you an advantage that disable the SH trophy.
Has anyone unlocked the 'Remembering R1/R2' videos? I'm trying to save up for infinite ammo so I don't want to buy them but would like to see them. Hopefully they'll be on youtube soon
dralla said:I think it's just the 3 that give you an advantage that disable the SH trophy.
Has anyone unlocked the 'Remembering R1/R2' videos? I'm trying to save up for infinite ammo so I don't want to buy them but would like to see them. Hopefully they'll be on youtube soon
MoonsaultSlayer said:Let me get this straight... I can't pause cutscenes anymore since I've beaten it? Instead, pressing start skips the cutscene? Not fair.
Achtius said:Is it easier to play SH alone or in co-op? Not sure if they buff the enemy when you are playing in coop.
MoonsaultSlayer said:Multiplayer makes me want to vomit. I can't stand this kind of bullshit. I've got people transforming, shields, glowing with power, hula hoops, restricted weapon loadouts... Fucking christ. All this and I'm being stuck with the "hi, welcome to resistance online. You're too stupid too figure things out so here's the absolute, fuck you over, basic" loadout to help get me accustomed.
Too bad no one was playing hardcore mode when I tried. Shit online is SHIT!
Love the SP though.
They did, but still wait for it to be releasednjean777 said:they didn't fix the mp yet did they?
It can't be as bad as Resistance 2 on Superhuman, especially considering that Normal in R3 is easier than Casual in R2. R2 Superhuman was one of the worst things I've ever done in my gaming career. Painful all the way through.Achtius said:Superhuman is too hard. I am giving up
Dat Auger fire.
RoboPlato said:It can't be as bad as Resistance 2 on Superhuman, especially considering that Normal in R3 is easier than Casual in R2. R2 Superhuman was one of the worst things I've ever done in my gaming career. Painful all the way through.
They patched it but, yeah you could. I did not learn this until after I played through the whole thing. I was also one of the first people on GAF to do it (about 5 days after launch) so no one else had good strategies to share. OMGWTFBBQ is the pride of my trophy collection but everyone just assumes I cheated to get itAchtius said:You can get the trophy in R2 by just beating the last stage in Superhuman. I think you have to beat every stage in R3, please correct me if I am wrong.
Achtius said:Superhuman is too hard. I am giving up
Dat Auger fire.
MrPliskin said:Don't give up!
There are a few tricks to really playing through Superhuman effectively. What area are you at? I can give some pretty good pointersI've played through Superhuman twice now (before release up to NY, then again after launch to complete everything).
Any problems in particular? Also, the best weapon to use for most normal encounters is the bullseye, as it's ammo is plentiful, and will allow you to use the exotic weapons in times of need.
dark10x said:I'm not trying to prove anything, though. I'm simply commenting on the fact that the low framerate was hurting my experience. Killzone 2 in single player (which is what I'm judging) runs MUCH smoother than Resistance 3. Slow down is isolated and infrequent.
Killzone 3 isn't as smooth as KZ2, but it's still pretty solid and much smoother than Resistance 3. Again, I speak only of single player as I typically do not play multiplayer games.
Thunderbear said:Am I the only one who feels this game is criminally underrated? It's metacritic is 83, Resistance 2 has a metacritic of 87 and while that had more quantity this game is way more quality (except for the characters). Thoroughly enjoyed this game and it is one of the more atmospheric and fun games of this year.
eshwaaz said:Early on, there's a moment where a soldierso the impact of that scene was ruined.gets his head ripped off by a Chimera - unfortunately, leading up to that moment the solider was just a floating head and gun with no body,
DigiMish said:Ran into a game-breaking bug where it would freeze on the skull loading icon before the main menu. Tried to delete the R3 game data off my HDD, but it froze. I restarted the system, it now shows as corrupt data.
Launched the game, re-installed, and re-downloaded the patches.
This curious hassle never happened to me in any other game.
Hope it is released by Thursdaykingschiebi said:They did, but still wait for it to be released
"It's looking like Resistance 3 patch 1.03 will still be in Sony testing until tomorrow. We'll update you as we know more." (4 hours ago from IG FB)
FeD.nL said:The killstreaks themselves are fine too imo, nothing like dashing by a shielded enemy and killing him from behind. I'm rank 28 now and I hope it will have a lasting community by the time the other big shooters are out.