Managed to improve my Master score to 96 million but I made some dumb mistakes that cost me 40+ million
Couldn't unlock Hero mode either, died right before the last boss again, it just gets too crazy by that point.
Trying really hard to get that one great run but it's very demanding. I'm sure I'll manage to pull it off eventually!
What the hell? Are you using some secret fourth ship that is permanently in Overdrive mode?
I beat it with Ferox the first time around on Rookie. Played all of Experienced with Nemesis but it didn't give me the trophy for beating the game with Nemesis. Anyone know what gives?
Owning any PlayStation product without PS+ is doing it wrong! (Even more so now that it's required for online)So, my friend bought a PS4 out of the nowhere and I'm trying to convince him to buy this game. Interesting enough, searching for videos of the game to send to him is making me want to buy a PS4 only to play it, but I don't think this is going to happen now, but... oh well...
Loved Super Stardust, Resogun will probably be the first game I'll buy when I get a PS4 next year.
Surprised at the amount of people with the platinum on this one, but at least it gives me hope!Just got my first ever platinum trophy with this game, so frustrating but so fun.
I'm not sure if I understand how to play this game. The humans keep on dying even though I'm keeping the enemy ships away from them.
I'm not sure if I understand how to play this game. The humans keep on dying even though I'm keeping the enemy ships away from them.
Ugh final boss at 1/4th health left at Master. So close.
Has this been posted?
Devs are going to post daily scoring tips. First two (about the keepers) are up.
Beating the game on Master does not unlock hero mode...
Save all humans + 1CC then? Pretty mental hah!
Kill the Keeper enemies in the correct order.
Have you noticed that starting from level 2 some Keepers appear in an ordered group?
There's a specific order in which you have to kill them. The first one is always marked with a green glow and a target, while the others are marked in red.
If you accidentally kill the wrong Keeper and break the kill order, the human from that group will be lost.
I have no idea how to beat the very last part of the boss. I've gotten him down to 1/2 of the health of the last bar multiple times with no luck.Wow, still has to feel good to be treading on uncharted land like that.
At least we know that whoever unlocks hero mode first will most likely have 'Joe' in their name.
I have no idea how to beat the very last part of the boss. I've gotten him down to 1/2 of the health of the last bar multiple times with no luck.
He's in the phase with the red circles for this. Usually I save up an overdrive and blast my way through this phase, but it's not enough. Even having an extra life to spare isn't enough.
I started using Nemesis, and all those rockets are handy, but damn are they distracting.
This helped a lot, thanks.I find the red circles phase to be the easiest. Keep moving backwards, shooting the opposite direction. Dodge the circles as much as you can, but if there's red circles behind you and you're going to hit it after he pops out, just do a short boost. Using this method you should always stay out of range of him. I actually use the exact same method for his vertical columns phase. Keep moving backwards, occasionally boosting.
This helped a lot, thanks.
Beat the boss/stage on my first attempt today, pretty funny how sometimes taking a break makes things so much easier. Beating Master definitely doesn't unlock Hero difficulty.
can't find anyone for online coop
Beat it on rookie, can't get back 3rd level on experienced lol.
Veteran isn't too bad, just takes a lot of fine maneuvering. In Veteran you can use boost to your advantage pretty well in terms of taking out large groups of enemies.Err.. Glad I could help. For some reason I thought you were playing an earlier difficulty level. I still am stuck on the last level of Veteran >.> I usually end up losing all my lives on the parts leading up to the boss, and the boss I don't have as much trouble with.
It's kinda scary how good some of you guys are at this game. Teach me your ways.
Honestly though, wish I had more time to play this game and get really good at it. Damn you, work.
I'm not sure if I understand how to play this game. The humans keep on dying even though I'm keeping the enemy ships away from them.
Humans in boxes are trapped. To free them, watch out of "keeper" enemies, which are regular enemies that glow. Destroy a set of them (almost always the same type of enemy, IIRC) whenever you hear the lady person say "Keeper Detected". If you destroy the enemies marked as Keepers, and a glowing streak of light will shoot toward its respective human box. That human then is freed and runs along the ground waiting for you to pick him/her/it up.
You HAVE to pick them up within a certain amount of time or they die. To pick them up you simply touch them. Then bring them over to their safe-zone beam thingy, those machines up at the top of the play area with a green beam pointing down that sometimes dispense power-ups. You can only pick up one human at a time. If you take too long to kill the "keeper" enemies the human will die. If the human is freed but runs around for too long a UFO-like enemy will appear above them and attempt to lift them via UFO-like tractor beam. The human dies if he/she/it gets captor by the UFO, but you can destroy it to save him.