The Xtortionist
I absolutely hated Stardust for whatever reason but Resogun clicked with me instantly. Will probably go for the plat. Got 1CC tonight on my second try and cleared veteran a few nights ago.
Share your secrets.Made it to 4th in the Master leaderboard. I now understand how it's possible to attain the score the others got.
Share your secrets.
I absolutely hated Stardust for whatever reason but Resogun clicked with me instantly. Will probably go for the plat. Got 1CC tonight on my second try and cleared veteran a few nights ago.
Game is freaking incredible.
this game is simply fantastic. the more I play the more I understand its nuances and that just makes me want to play it even more.
I hear ya.
I could see myself playing Resogun for PS4's entire lifecycle.
Let's hope Kate doesn't see this, heard she doesn't want him to have one
Ha, I wish I had some great secret technique or something. It's more like if you can keep onto your multiplier while saving humans and using Overdrive at the right moments, your score can increase exponentially and it gets to the point where I can see how people got to the top of that leaderboard that way.
Basically, the multiplier is the most important thing and must be kept at all costs.
Is there a benefit to using overdrive in any situations?
Ha, I wish I had some great secret technique or something. It's more like if you can keep onto your multiplier while saving humans and using Overdrive at the right moments, your score can increase exponentially and it gets to the point where I can see how people got to the top of that leaderboard that way.
Basically, the multiplier is the most important thing and must be kept at all costs.
You're invincible during overdrive and it's the key to getting the big points.
The trick is saving it for the best scoring opportunities but sometimes you need to use it as a get out of jail free card just to be able to survive.
Oh sweet! So you get more points for kills with overdrive?
.I very recently started messing around with video editing so I decided to have some fun with what little footage I managed to upload on my crappy internet.
There were alot of cool moments during that run that got lost because of the 15 minute limit on PS4 but for now this is what I could get.
Also had a problem with the sound but I tried my best (with my VERY limited editing skills) to make it entertaining.
I very recently started messing around with video editing so I decided to have some fun with what little footage I managed to upload on my crappy internet.
There were alot of cool moments during that run that got lost because of the 15 minute limit on PS4 but for now this is what I could get.
Also had a problem with the sound but I tried my best (with my VERY limited editing skills) to make it entertaining.
I very recently started messing around with video editing so I decided to have some fun with what little footage I managed to upload on my crappy internet.
There were alot of cool moments during that run that got lost because of the 15 minute limit on PS4 but for now this is what I could get.
Also had a problem with the sound but I tried my best (with my VERY limited editing skills) to make it entertaining.
Oh shiiiiii!
Did you lose the multiplier because you didn't save the human?
Curious about the ships and your thoughts about Phobos...Yes! Couldn't get that boost to recharge in time hah!
If anyone is interested in learning about the scoring system I'll be streaming at around 8PM eastern. I'll try to explain how it works (I'm sure I don't understand EVERYTHING about it yet though) and what you should try to aim for to get a high score.
I'll post the link here when I go Live.
Don't you miss the homing ability that comes with Nemesis? I love being able to fire at a direct line of enemies while still taking doing damage on those above/below me.
But that's not a part of the pre-hero difficulty levels right? Interesting (and great) that they changed it up for the hardest difficulty.Yes! Couldn't get that boost to recharge in time hah!
Maybe it's still encoding? I've never uploaded to YT (I think I might have uploaded something direct from Noby Noby Boy at some point) so I'm not sure, but I'm sure people have mentioned that it makes some of it available while it's still processing.P.S. What the hell did youtube do to my video? It added this disgusting wobble effect that definitely isn't there on my source file.... I might have to take it down and reupload it, it looks AWFUL lol!
But that's not a part of the pre-hero difficulty levels right? Interesting (and great) that they changed it up for the hardest difficulty.
The differences between the ships are monumental. Amazing how much it changes the way you can/should play based on your selection. Shocked to see the number of top tier players saying Phobos is the best ship. I used it once and didn't really give it another thought.
Don't you miss the homing ability that comes with Nemesis? I love being able to fire at a direct line of enemies while still taking doing damage on those above/below me.
Interesting. I cracked top 75 with Nemesis on Experienced. I need to test this further on veteran to see if it's truly not feasible to use Nemesis and be top-tier. I will say the Nemesis is really tough to use on the bosses. It takes forever to wear them down.The homing ability is nice but that's not how you get high scores. Overdrive is garbage with the Nemesis and its one of the largest providers of score. As someone else said its all about keeping your multiplier (first and foremost), saving all humans, and using overdrive at the right times. The Phobos' overdrive lasts quite a bit longer than the Nemesis and I think it charges faster as well.
Interesting. I cracked top 75 with Nemesis on Experienced. I need to test this further on veteran to see if it's truly not feasible to use Nemesis and be top-tier. I will say the Nemesis is really tough to use on the bosses. It takes forever to wear them down.
Will this streaming be available through my PS4? I've not messed with that feature too much yet.If anyone is interested in learning about the scoring system I'll be streaming at around 8PM eastern. I'll try to explain how it works (I'm sure I don't understand EVERYTHING about it yet though) and what you should try to aim for to get a high score.
Nice info. Can't wait to get home and test it out more. I feel like I learn something else about the game every time I play. I didn't realize overdrive had that much of an impact on scores. Honestly, I've been saving it for the bosses most of the time.Unless there's a part of the scoring system that I don't know about yet I really don't think Nemesis can compete in terms of scoring. Overdrive is essential to getting the big points and Nemesis has a terrible Overdrive.
It also gets quite difficult to kill the later enemies on higher difficulties with Nemesis, it's just too weak. Boosting through them is your best bet but that can put you in bad situations.
Will this streaming be available through my PS4? I've not messed with that feature too much yet.
Awesome! I presume your username will be the exact same as it is here on NeoGAF? I don't know if I am more excited to see you play or that I can actually see you play through my PS4. Haha!It should be yes.
I think it's in the Live from Playstation section, just search for the name of my stream when it goes up and you can watch from there.
Unless there's a part of the scoring system that I don't know about yet I really don't think Nemesis can compete in terms of scoring. Overdrive is essential to getting the big points and Nemesis has a terrible Overdrive.
It also gets quite difficult to kill the later enemies on higher difficulties with Nemesis, it's just too weak. Boosting through them is your best bet but that can put you in bad situations.
I see. I thought it was specifically because you missed that human, but yeah I understand how the multiplier builds.It's the same in all difficulties, I explained myself poorly.
To keep the multiplier going you have to constantly perform actions that reset the combo timer. You'll see the multiplier go from Green to Yellow to Red and then you'll lose it if you don't do anything.
Shooting any enemy, picking up a human, saving a human... all those actions reset your multiplier back to green. It only takes a couple seconds for the multiplier to go from healthy to being lost so it's a constant battle to keep it going.
The combo timer is shorter on higher difficulties and it's VERY short on Hero mode, it's quite tricky to hold on to it at that point!
That's what I do when I play Nemesis... boost through the tough enemies. Can't believe how much stronger the Phobos shot power is though. I miss the agility but the Phobos makes me a bit more deliberate and careful. Gonna stick with it for awhile.
I don't keep up with them at all but would be interesting to know what she said.
Interesting. I cracked top 75 with Nemesis on Experienced. I need to test this further on veteran to see if it's truly not feasible to use Nemesis and be top-tier. I will say the Nemesis is really tough to use on the bosses. It takes forever to wear them down.
I very recently started messing around with video editing so I decided to have some fun with what little footage I managed to upload on my crappy internet.
There were alot of cool moments during that run that got lost because of the 15 minute limit on PS4 but for now this is what I could get.
Also had a problem with the sound but I tried my best (with my VERY limited editing skills) to make it entertaining.
Edit: Reuploading the video because youtube decided that it would look better with a ridiculous wobble effect for some reason....
Yea it doesn't seem like it is due to overdrive. Once you kill a giant group of guys with it you will see how much of a difference it makes in points, its ridiculous haha. Agreed on the bosses. I used the Nemesis to get my 1CC trophy on Experienced (its so nice having all that boost) but bosses took forever! Now trying to beat Veteran and unlock Master.
I had to upload a new version of the Hero mode video because youtube messed up the first one, sorry about that.
I had to upload a new version of the Hero mode video because youtube messed up the first one, sorry about that.
That's cool, please don't take my word as the final answer though. I haven't played with Nemesis nearly enough to be able to definitively state that you can't compete with it.
Game is new, so much to learn still!
Yes!Is there any visual cue for when boost is recharged, or when overdrive is available besides the announcer?
Nice video. How far have you made it?