Nice. Thanks, Joe!Fun times with Hero Mode.
Shows off how to evade the homing shots on the Stage 4 Boss.
Nice. Thanks, Joe!Fun times with Hero Mode.
Shows off how to evade the homing shots on the Stage 4 Boss.
Nice. Thanks, Joe!
So, what ship to use, guys? Do you feel a certain ship is better for certain levels/difficulties? Phobos' shot is BEAST, and OD is insane, but I just can't beat some of the bosses with it. It dodges way too slow. Well, I dodge way too slow but the ship certainly doesn't help!
Question about the Humanist trophy: does this pop after you unlock the bronze for each map individually or do you need to save all the humans in one straight play through?
You can just level select. It pops when you get all bronze trophies.Question about the Humanist trophy: does this pop after you unlock the bronze for each map individually or do you need to save all the humans in one straight play through?
I just need a 15x multiplier and beat the game twice more with the other ships to get my plat. But the ship trophies aren't unlocking for me![]()
You can just level select. It pops when you get all bronze trophies.
I just need a 15x multiplier and beat the game twice more with the other ships to get my plat. But the ship trophies aren't unlocking for me![]()
They only unlocked for me while doing arcade mode and all stages in one go. Its rather easy on rookie.
The 15x multiplier was the last one I needed for the platinum. I personally found it to be the toughest, more so than the one credit clear trophy.
phobos can you get the 15x easy.
Seems this is wide of the mark (it is true, but not what they're hinting at with the blue arrows).When you rescue a human your weapons fire much faster for a couple of seconds. I never noticed the arrows on the retrieval thing turning blue before though. Just saw it today, pretty cool.
Get juggling.ok.... so you just keep protecting your humans til you get atleast 3 ready to go.... launch the 1st into the pod, while its blue launch the 2nd and while its blue from that launch the 3rd... do this on every level... I just made a close to perfect run and jumped to the top of the leaderboard on rookie difficultie by a fair margin but once people begin learning about this I want be up there all by myself for long....
Looking forward to finally getting to play this tomorrow. ^_^The Overdrive minigame
Wait, what? There's an Overdrive-related minigame? Well, kind of. There's a way to make the Overdrive bestow more points than usual. Did anybody figure it out yet?
Get juggling.
Did nobody know this? Found it the first time I used OD.There's more to it than that
And about the Overdrive minigame, try holding down R1 instead of just tapping it. The circle is the key!
Who taps overdrive?
You can achieve so much more awesome by timing itI thought it was just tap to activate it.
Yep. I had the hardest time trying to get all humans on the last level the first few times since I was busy shooting everything a stray bullet would wind up hitting a keeper out of order during the last phase. Once you memorize the patterns its nice. Although on Master it gets tricky with every enemy dumping revenge bullets ha!I'm still loving this game. Today I finished up all but 1 trophy, I need to beat it on experienced without losing all lives. The game is tough but I found the key is to know the levels and after dying enough times you get to know which enemies come out and their movements.
That is my favorite ship as well. However, I kept hearing positive things about the Phobos. Played the last map and got blown up pretty quick.I'm partial to Nemesis myself.
Also, damn if this game doesn't get tough in a hurry. The difficulty spikes are pretty insane even on Normal difficulty setting.
Someone had already taken your score by a small margin. I died like 6 times so there's obviously a higher ceiling. You can do it!
It's all for naught. JoeFenix found out about veteran mode and shat all over it with some obscene score.
This game looks sick. But I have to say, I think Super Stardust HD had way more style.
Can't wait to see what that studio would be able to do on PS4 hardware.
It's the...very same studio responsible for Super Stardust! oO
The Retro Camera
If you dig into the options menu, you'll notice there's the possibility to set camera mode to "Retro". The legend tells our devs decided to include it for real nostalgics... and score chasers. The main difference between Standard camera mode and Retro is that Retro camera doesn't pan around. It's a bit less spectacular, but it gives you a better view of the playfield if you're breathing on the neck of another player's score, try it out!
What's the best ship?
Let's be clear, there's no "best ship" in Resogun, it all depends on your playstyle and what you're trying to achieve at the moment. Is it a trophy? Your best score ever? Just mindless destruction?
Nemesis is by far the fastest ship in the game, its boost recharging quickly and its speed making fun of most enemies, boss included. On the downside, the homing missiles are weak and its Overdrive is the less effective among the 3 main ships.
Ferox is the balanced one. Jack of all trades, master of none? Not really, as Ferox is the favourite ship of many Resogun devs, you just have to make up for its average Overdrive with very good skills when it comes to rescuing (and throwing) humans.
Phobos is by far the most difficult ship to use, but also the one that can grant you the craziest scores. Very powerful against enemies, Phobos can't boost for long and is very slow in recovering. On the plus side, its Overdrive used at the right moment can grant you a ton of extra points.
Feels fine to me. Using the D-pad would limit range of movement to 8 axis. No thanks. Having UP/down on the right analog along with shooting would also limit movement. Using analogs allows the player to make subtle movements in any direction the analog can face.Controls don't feel right having movement on the left analogue stick, end result is you can't move left/right at a constant speed if you're also changing height - and the D pad can't be used.
Pretty basic failing, how did nobody understand that it compromises the feel of the game - it's immediately obvious if you've ever played arcade games. Could have been fixed having U/D on right stick with any amount of L/R to fire, or by simply enabling the D pad.
Feels fine to me. Using the D-pad would limit range of movement to 8 axis. No thanks. Having UP/down on the right analog along with shooting would also limit movement. Using analogs allows the player to make subtle movements in any direction the analog can face.
Play the game on Master where every enemy throws a revenge bullet and your screen is literally filled to the brim with enemies and projectiles that want to kill you. Moving at top speed to avoid one bullet can lead you into another.
Greater control of your ships trajectory and speed are paramount to surviving later levels on Master as you dont want to blow OD, Bombs or boost if you have an opportunity to outmaneuver projectiles. D-pad would cripple this game. Nooooooo thanks.
This ends our discussion. My opinion is my opinion. I suppose you think every game that slaps a learning curve and restrictions to mechanics is also "wrong" because every game needs to play like every other game and can't have its own mechanical identity.I said enable the D-Pad, not mandate it. There are a lot of us out there playing games a lot more intense than this with microswitched joysticks. You're wrong about
When keepers arrive, kill them. They are highlighted with a green glow. Some have to be killed in a specific order. When you kill the last keeper you will see a spark fly up and towards the human leaving a trail through the map. If you can't see it due to OMG on screen, a green arrow appears on the reticule around your ship pointing to the nearest human ready for pick up. Fail to pick them up and an enemy will pick them up and take them away.Just started playing. How exactly are you supposed to keep all the humans alive? Sometimes I can save them but most of the time I can't even see which one is in danger and they die about 2 seconds after it gives me the warning.
Just started playing. How exactly are you supposed to keep all the humans alive?
Right above your post. Also, there is another thing to keep in mind that not all humans are freed by keepers. I'll let you guys figure it out. Its not hard.Does somebody also know if it is possible to actively free the humans from their "cells"? Or do I have to wait until they come out?
Phase 1: just fly and shoot.wah, I suck at this game. I can't beat the last level's boss. I'm using nemesis and don't have a problem saving all the humans but I am out of lives by the time I get to the end. Tell me your secrets platinum'ers