I want to like this game but I have no idea how to play it.
How do you get the ship trophies? I've finished the game multiple times with the same ship but nothing ever happens.
Damn, when I saw your posts I thought "wtf, I don't remember writing this here!", and then I realized what was happening. Having the same avatar as someone else can be pretty confusing at times![]()
I think I enjoy this more than anything else in the game. I do get carried away with it though, which often costs me (particularly on the fourth and fifth planets).I also need to start boost throwing humans because going to the drop zones is killing my multiplier a lot.
That's one thing you really need to train yourself to do when just trying to beat the game on harder difficulties: The only humans that matter are the ones that give extra lives and bombs. The rest you can do without. It pays to know which humans give what and under what stipulations on each level.
Just got the Platinum for this game! First one on the PS4!
I love this game.
Now it's time to try and get in the top thousand on Veteran and then top hundred.
Here's a tip for the last boss. When he starts firing shots everywhere use your boost to go in the little safe zone under him where he is arched. Carry on firing at him. When the arch opens up at the back just use boost again to go back to another arch.
Also I don't know what ship you are using but Nemesis is the best beginner's ship. Lots of boost and homing missiles. When you start to get good you can move your way up to the other 2 ships.
You have to go through arcade mode in one sitting.
Yep, I do wish there'd be an update to the trophies. I completely understand why they do the trophy list the way they always do it. They make it accessible to a lot of people instead of going the insane hardcore route like a Wipeout game. They want more than 17 people in the world to feel like they can work toward the platinum.Man. Did my first real run at Master... Broke my 9m record and set it at 11m, but I lost all 3 lives within the span of 1 minute on Level 2 lol. Accidentally wasted a bomb last level, and miscalculated when my boost would fill up, leading me into an inescapable situation.
....Maybe it's just me, but wouldn't anyone else love a Trophy firmware update?
I know there will be more DLC and presumably trophies, but I'd love some additional trophies just to show off.
I'm talking trophies like:
"Reach 50 million points"
"Reach 100 million points"
"Reach 500 million points"
I just feel so proud when I play this game. Such great satisfaction, similar to beating bosses in Demon's Souls.
Also, I really love how your activity feed highlights your scores!!
I wish I could sticky or "pin" down those tiles and keep them forever. Sony should allow for certain activities to be permanently commemorated on your profile. Sort of like a "My Gaming Moment" badge to show everyone on your friend's list.
Love this game, too. Wondering, what's the max distance you can boost throw a human? Can you toss them a fair distance with boost throwing? This would really help me to preserve my multipliers.
I think you'll be singing a different tune if you keep playing this for a bit longer, I thought so at first, but now I love it for sure as much as SSDHD. I really wish they'd port SSD to PS4 though so I have both on one machine.Great game but not as good as SSHD IMHO.
The huge destruction sequence at the end of the level appears to run at 30fps? No big deal but not entirely 60 fps ;-)
wow. lol. thats pretty tough. Does it matter what difficulty?
I think you'll be singing a different tune if you keep playing this for a bit longer, I thought so at first, but now I love it for sure as much as SSDHD. I really wish they'd port SSD to PS4 though so I have both on one machine.
Explosion at the end is 40FPS. You can tell it's the boss explosion slowdown moment inherited from various Treasure shooters where they overload the scene intentionally. Half of me loves it, the other half wishes it was toned down a bit to remain locked 60.
wow. lol. thats pretty tough.
I don't think there's an argument.Still can't quite believe this was a PS+ freebie given that it's arguably the best PS4 launch title.
I did it! I got in to the top 100 on Veteran Arcade!
I could have gotten at least 10 million more, but I got over excited when I looked up at the score and pretty much instantly lost all my lives on the last level.
Still have a LOT to learn. I also need to start boost throwing humans because going to the drop zones is killing my multiplier a lot.
I've been playing this on Remote Play (haven't touched it yet on the PS4 lol).
This game is so fun. So strange not playing a FPS game.
Picking up a human resets the timer. Saving a human resets the timer.
If you aren't worried about saving humans and want to work on your multi, always keep one on your ship at all times WITHOUT turning them in and keep one on the ground. Use these two to pad the timer in the event you can't get to an enemy quick enough. Don't just pick them up and turn them in unless your timer goes yellow-red.
Let some enemies go gold. They become harder to kill. Use Nemesis since it is weak, simply hitting an enemy without killing them resets the timer.
Only use OD to clear your immediate area in the event you are trapped, out of boost and will probably die. Don't go balls out destroying everything on screen. Clear the area around your ship until you are safe then stop.
DO NOT KILL ANYTHING DURING A PHASE SHIFT. Your timer multi will be BLUE until you hit the first enemy at the start of another phase which initiates the timer. Keep enemies alive.
When the shit hits the fan and you don't have boost or OD and you MUST use a bomb to survive - try to time it so that the bomb goes off as new enemies are spawning, if the white voxels are forming they will not be killed by your bomb. Follow the blast wave to the other side if that's where they are spawning.
By all means - kill slowly. Peck away at enemies. You should be good to go.
Beat a couple levels on Veteran last night. Awesome!
I never know which ship to use though... are certain ones better for certain levels?
I understand now that hoarding humans and saving them one after another after the last human is released is the optimal way to play if scores are the goal, but man I can't get the hang of it. I'll lose multipliers, die from stray bullets while flinging humans, get frazzled from fighting off UFOs, and generally have a bad time. The throw human button is finally seeing some use though, so L2 must be happy.
Can someone explain the meters to me?
I am trying to do the Drivers License trophy and keep dying stupidly as I think I have boost when I don't so just fly into enemies. I thought it was the meter at the bottom of the ship, now I think its the top one but the colouring makes no sense to me when it has recharged or not.
After Trine 2, I really want this game to have 3D patched in to play with it. Although that could be a while away as I am sure they would prefer to make some DLC first.
Can someone explain the meters to me?
I am trying to do the Drivers License trophy and keep dying stupidly as I think I have boost when I don't so just fly into enemies. I thought it was the meter at the bottom of the ship, now I think its the top one but the colouring makes no sense to me when it has recharged or not.
After Trine 2, I really want this game to have 3D patched in to play with it. Although that could be a while away as I am sure they would prefer to make some DLC first.
Can someone explain the meters to me?
I am trying to do the Drivers License trophy and keep dying stupidly as I think I have boost when I don't so just fly into enemies. I thought it was the meter at the bottom of the ship, now I think its the top one but the colouring makes no sense to me when it has recharged or not.
After Trine 2, I really want this game to have 3D patched in to play with it. Although that could be a while away as I am sure they would prefer to make some DLC first.