Here's a handy tip: don't drop off your last human until the boss is spawned. When delivering the human you get a temporary weapon powerup which really helps with boss fights. Also you get a shield on one of the levels, which is nice.
I can't fathom doing that with this game with trophies like "save every human on every level" and play through an entire arcade run on Experienced difficulty without losing all lives..
the save all humans one is actually nothing special, just play on Easy and be wary of the two special humans each level tied to multiplier or specific order of shooting.
i would say this game has a very easy platinum once you get a handle on a single ship. You can rack up most of the trophies by playing on Easy.
Don't expend all of your boost, use it in short bursts. It recharges so quick on Nemesis you're hardly ever without it.The thing that really gets me is like I will boost to kill a bunch of enemies and a projectile emitter will spawn like RIGHT ON TOP of me, immediately after my boost is done... Gets me everytime
I haven't dug much into this game as much as I'd like because of some other launch titles but I want to start.
Are there any videos explaining how to get the highest scores/multipliers? Also really not sure how to save the humans. I see how to pick them up when they are out of those boxes and where to bring them but how and when do they become "available" to save?
Perhaps I should read the manual. =D
- If you're after high scores, then Phobos is really the only option (due to its overdrive).Questions:
* What is the best ship for setting high scores on harder levels? I love the homing missiles from the Nemesis, but the thing is useless in bossfights. Also having a shitty overdrive sucks.
* What is the best strategy for high scores? I still want to save all the humans, but that more often than not bites me in the ass. I feel it's better to ignore the humans and just focus on keeping the multiplier up and not dying.
Two myths that keep floating around: 1) You should restart immediately if you lose a human and/or 2) you should restart immediately if you lose your multiplier.
Yeah if you want top 5 or so, then it's probably true. But I'm pretty convinced a top-10 score is attainable even with a few mistakes.Ugh, that sounds miserable. It's might be true for GOTTA BE #1 runs by the fanatical, but for everyone else it doesn't make a lot of sense.
Maybe I just stink at it, but this game is pretty tough! I like the challenge though based on how easy so many games have been last gen.
Anyway, I'm sure this was answered in the thread already so I apologize ahead of time: I randomly get the "human lost" message when I don't even see an indicator showing that they're available for me to pick up. What gives?!
It is because you don't have a high enough combo multiplier. Certain humans require you to have a high enough multiplier. Make sure to keep your combo going. If it is about to run out and no enemies are around use boost quickly to get close to some or use a bomb
Other reasons humans might be dying is that you didn't kill the required enemies in the proper order and sometimes if you have released a human you might shoot it and have it fall off the map or in to water and kill it
Ahh gotcha. Makes sense. Wasn't aware of the killing enemies in the right order thing though. How do you know the proper order?
The green highlight. When you hear keepers detected be careful where you shoot because it's easy to hit the wrong one by accident. You'll see a group come up and the one you are supposed to kill first will be that bright green color or have a target looking thing around it. Kill that one first the next one gets highlighted. Sometimes they'll be lined up and you can just boost through them.
- If you're after high scores, then Phobos is really the only option (due to its overdrive).
- Best strategy for high scores is to keep your multiplier going. At all costs. Once you get the timing down, if you feel it's about to expire, fire off a bomb to keep it going (this is literally the ONLY thing I use bombs for; I always save them to get out of a bad situation). Also, use your overdrive on large groups of enemies.
Two myths that keep floating around: 1) You should restart immediately if you lose a human and/or 2) you should restart immediately if you lose your multiplier.
For maximum points, you should save humans in groups rather than one at a time (you get a points bonus for saving them in quick succession, as well as a brief weapon bonus).
I placed in the top 30 (144 million points) on the veteran leaderboards losing multiple humans and my multiplier more than once. If you start off level 1 bad...sure, restart. But if you have a good run going, then just push through (even if you lose a human or the multiplier). You may surprise yourself.
If you do happen to lose your multiplier along the way, the end boss of level 3 is a great way to build it back up. Just take your time and shoot every single voxel until he no longer spits them out.
Originally Posted by methane47
The thing that really gets me is like I will boost to kill a bunch of enemies and a projectile emitter will spawn like RIGHT ON TOP of me, immediately after my boost is done... Gets me everytime
Great tips guys - Thanks! Another question - what's the throw human button for? Usage? Which situations to use it in?
Great tips guys - Thanks! Another question - what's the throw human button for? Usage? Which situations to use it in?
Who wants to play some co op? On right now. I'm not that good though lol.
Add me:hostile_drunk_08
I just cannot beat the game in one go.
Mefitis just has too much crap going on... Or Maybe I should just use Ferox instead of weak ass nemesis.
Was surprised that the jump up to master wasn't steeper. I suppose they want to ease you into the idea of revenge bullets, since they are a hell of a thing and I can imagine when things get more hectic they become impossible to deal with.
I'm awful at this game ._. I love it tho. Need to give it some more love. Is there any posted summaries of tips and such?
I haven't played it on master yet, but a quick tap of boost was enough to keep me out in front on veteran.On the final boss, how do you stay ahead of the tentacles as phobos? Weave in and out of them? There's no outrunning them, boost or not.
On the final boss, how do you stay ahead of the tentacles as phobos? Weave in and out of them? There's no outrunning them, boost or not.
I actually got it without trying while going for the Nemesis trophy.Any consensus as to what the best ship to do the 1CC trophy is? Nemesis has been my go-to ship for trophies so far, but just wondered if Phobos' extra power might be helpful.
That feeling when you get to the final boss with 2 lives to spare on your 1CC run and choke.
I have that with the level 4 boss. Haven't mastered him yet at all, tricky b ...
I got the platinum for this earlier in the week, only my second one and the only 100% game I have bothered with. They handled trophies way better than most games which want you to find every crappy item or something completely uninteresting involving grind.
Thanks to random coop dude for the 1CC trophy, got to the final boss alone after he died early with one life left and 'knew' I was going to fuck up as I always did against that boss but somehow pulled it off. Jumped around like an idiot.![]()
Exactly my logic behind my purchase.Glad I got a PS4 earlier rather than later, there isn't all that much I plan on picking up in the future, although I know I would have picked one up before any kind of price drop anyway, so why not now?
And this game is straight up ace, I don't even want to play anything else.
Dare I say.... This is the most next-gen game out right now.
1080p60fps. Destruction and physics at a truly next-gen level.
I love when the voice goes ''Armageddon'' ...
Got to read the manual if I want to advance in experienced...I still don't know what ''Keepers detected'' means and what I should do about it I love the voice coming from the controller in this game...
The most retro thing I've done this week...
Two friends who havent played games together for over 25 years met up online to play Resogun, which is essentially a remake of the Williams arcade classic Defender, but with glorious next-gen graphics. We chatted over our headsets while we whiled away the hours, blasting our way through level after level, and, as we took down one of the more difficult bosses, I suddenly realised we were back. Like time had rewound itself and every moment in between had been swept away, here we were, two friends taking on the bad guys and bringing down the end of level boss you go for the weak spot, Ill cover you.. just like the good old days. It was magic and it brought about that oh so special emotion that I had previously thought was solely reserved for retro discoveries the super kick of warm fuzzy nostalgia you get when you revisit an experience and are pulled right back to the first time you ever played that certain game, beat that boss, or got that lovely new computer or console. It just shows that sometimes you can have an old school experience even on the very latest tech.
And in a roundabout way that brings me to the reason Ive written this article. It was an article which I had originally intended to be a review of Resogun, but as I started to write it, it dawned on me that it doesnt really matter how good Resogun is. In fact it doesnt matter how good the PS4 is either, because when all is said and done what this wonderful pastime of ours is really about is enjoying new experiences, appreciating old experiences, and reconnecting to those moments in our lives that are special to us in some way. And while I certainly wont be abandoning my retro gaming habits in favour of modern gaming, Ive got to admit that I am loving playing Resogun on my new PS4. Im also really happy to be gaming again with my old friend but, having kicked some butt on my next-gen tech, I think its time to take the nostalgia to the next level:
Its time to dust off the old Amiga, dig out the blue bed sheet and invite him round for some F29 Retaliator.