User 479360
This game just keeps getting better I don't want it to end
How much more do I have leftTrinity just broke through the glacier, while I was busy bombing gates and killing those big guys
Not much at all
This game just keeps getting better I don't want it to end
How much more do I have leftTrinity just broke through the glacier, while I was busy bombing gates and killing those big guys
Not much at all
I'm confused on how restarting levels work. I don't want to complete challenges.
Then just don't bother with them? I mean they are optional.
I know how to remove them but is my item progress being saved? The region summary doesn't show up in Expedition mode.
No. You can't collect stuff in expedition mode and have it count towards your percentage. Why would you want to do that this way anyway? The whole world is accessible after you completed the game and you can get any collectible or challenge you missed.
Find a base camp and use "Fast Travel" to explore previously visited areas to collect unfound rewards.I missed a relic in Syria. Is there a way to go back to that level later on?
Yes once you have completed the story 3 base camps will be available in Syria. It resets some other stuff in other parts of the world as well so you can still complete everything. Kinda like Mad Max did it. Smart design choice.I missed a relic in Syria. Is there a way to go back to that level later on?
Yes once you have completed the story 3 base camps will be available in Syria. It resets some other stuff in other parts of the world as well so you can still complete everything. Kinda like Mad Max did it. Smart design choice.
Obviously for story purposes Syria is currently flooded so you can't go back.
Oh ok, thanks. I was confused cuz I thought you used Expedition mode to do that. I should have known it was gonna follow the same formula from the first game.
At first I wasn't a fan of the new face for Lara, I missed the 2013 one, but the more I see of this one the more it grows on me.
What's the trick to diving into the well? Damn thing never works.
Where's the best seat in the house and the funeral?
Unless I'm wrong, it is a narrative spoiler. I haven't found it myself, but I'm guessing that it's end-game content. After the credits roll there is a post-credit sequence.Could be totally wrong though.Given that both Ana and Jacob are dead, I'm assuming that the funeral achievement comes from finding one of their graves in the post-game runaround.
Bring up the broadcast overlay in the options menu. It'll show in the lower right hand corner of the screen.
Something about the aiming feels very off to me. Maybe it's the input lag, or the lack of aim assist, but it's just very janky.
Am I the only one who -- despite thinking this is really good -- prefers the reboot?
Can someone explain the card system to me? At a loss.
So I picked this up but haven't opened it yet. I had a few questions:
- I loved Uncharted 2 (1 was okay, 3 not so much). I liked it because of the story and exploration / survival vibe it had. Is this similar?
- I like exploration, etc. in these types of games, not so much combat. Can anyone who is pretty far in the game comment on the amount of exploration vs combat?
I'm excited to play it but worry it won't be what I'm expecting and hoping it is which would be a 70% exploration 30% combat experience with at least a pretty good story.
Christ those gifs. I really don't even give a shit about the game itself at this point, I just want to get it for the eye candy alone.
Either way, does this consensus on this seem to be that's an Uncharted 1 -> 2 quality leap?
Wow, right near the end too. Sorry to hear that.
Complaint about collectibles and aiming.
Have you seen what they did to Jonah? They turned him from a darker skinned Hawaiin dude with a Mohawk into a straight up black dude with a light fro. Shit is ridiculous.
Unfortunately I've encountered a bug that doesn't allow me to finish Challenge Tomb:. Other people are reporting this bug on the official forum. I captured a video and uploaded it to Youtube so they could see it. Hopefully it gets fixed, because not being able to finish one of the first Challenges is pissing me off.Voice of God
Hopefully this will be the last time they change it. They don't really have an excuse anymore... TR2013 was originally quite tech limited and then TRDE changed it to make it look more next-gen but now that they've made a fully next-gen iteration I doubt they'll change it substantially. That said, Nathan Drake changed faces every game so... we'll see.Yeah I like it now too, though it is weird they keep changing it.
AwwwI thought this was nice. Posted by Crystal D Game Director.
I just want a button prompt for Lara to take her glow stick into her hand. When entering a dark area she turns the glow stick on, holds it for a second up in the air before her and then immediately puts it away to the back. Possibly a bug?
Here's my collection of screenshots so far. All from the first hour of game play.
Unfortunately I don't have an Xbox but I heard a glowing review of this game on a podcast earlier, does it live up to the first game which was awesome?
The ice in this game is fantastic.