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Rise of the Tomb Raider OT | Feat. 20% more tombs and 75% more chastising OP's title


Well that was certainly a better start than TR13. Nice set up with some traversal mechanics and a set piece then bam! Straight into tomb raiding. The language mechanic is a nice touch, although it probably does amount to just more busy work but at least it's kind of fitting in context. And certainly not a bad looking game either (love the per object motion blur implementation in this already).

Yeah that is all it ever really amounts to. It works in context but I hated exploring an area then having to go back to pick up coins lol. There are 2-3 more nice tomblike areas on the main path and the "nested puzzles" get more complex and clever though never really difficult. There is a lot of decent platforming in comparison to the Reboot too. The optional tombs are pretty great so be sure to do those. There are 5 really good ones with puzzles spanning large spaces and more than 1 room sometimes.


Really nice to read all these positive impressions. Almost done with the Uncharted 3 remaster so I can go straight on to Tomb Raider.

Would you recommend the Collector's Edition or isn't it worth the extra 75 euro? Still haven't made up my mind on which version to get. It looks really nice but it's also more than twice the price of the regular edition.


I really, really hate UPS Mail Innovations. The game has been in my home state of New Jersey for two days. It's an hour away yet it takes them three days to deliver it.


Well I think I'm just going to re-start the game (fully uninstall/reinstall) this weekend as I don't want to wait for them to patch the glitch I have. It should go fast as I'll skip the cutscenes till I get back to where I was.
ehh...I don't see how anyone can say this is 'the same' as the last game. It's a very solid evolution of it.
The different ammo types and crafting is a pretty solid addition, instead of just having infinite arrows from retrieval in the first game, the platforming is significantly more involved and less hand-holdy even though THAT part is largely the same in terms of what you can do. Combat is very different with the huge emphasis on crafted/thrown items and more verticality in the areas for heavy stealth or ambush kills, also survival instincts showing you who is 'isolated' in packs of enemies may feel cheesy but it's absolutely necessary to try and ghost a game like this where it feels frustrating and random when you're seen otherwise, so that's a solid touch.

Also, as much as everyone tried to claim hitting X to grab with your pick is a QTE in the 'first 45 minutes of gameplay' last month - I have yet to encounter a single QTE, and I'm about halfway through the game. X to grab onto shit is the closest you get, and that's a legit mechanic in these games anyway (Seeing as you can force it even in unintended areas just by making a poor jump, for example). Significantly less holding up and sometimes jumping, significantly less falling/sliding (twice for the former thusfar, and once for the latter, after 10 hours of gameplay).

More importantly than what is actually CHANGED in terms of mechanics, which is more than you would expect but no, not a ton, the design mentality of this game is shifted so much farther from uncharted style and more towards the parts of the first game that were different, which is awesome. This is so much more about exploration and just playing around in the wide open spaces, the first game HAD that, but it all just led to more salvage or whatever other bullshit you may or may not have cared about - it was just there for completion's sake. Now you get outfits, guns, resources, whatever. All of these things feel valuable, which is a huge difference.

I think all told the first game had pretty significant things that set it apart from Uncharted, but it didn't encourage you to engage with those aspects of the game other than getting a higher percentage on the file select screen, so it led to all of those comparisons. This one just ramps up all of those things - the open aspects of the game, and has significantly less of the 'go go go shoot everything and run away from explosions' kind of bombast that people try to shit talk the game for.

It's definitely an evolution, but took and feel is the same to me. It's hard to explain because you could say this about Uncharted as well (or probably any sequel), but Uncharted 1 to 2 was a single island to a globetrotting spectacle, whereas Tomb Raider and Rise of the Tomb Raider operate in the same hub worlds style with the same type of progression system, upgrades, and movement. It's more of a testament to how solid Tomb Raider was than anything negative about this game. It is a completely different game than Uncharted, which I mentioned in my last post. They are both in the same genre of game but their playstyles couldn't be more different.

Also, for anyone wondering how to check playtime and couldn't figure out the broadcast overlay like me, if you go to the Leaderboards and click on someone's profile to show their gamercard. it''ll display their time played and yours as well. I'm at 18 hours and 69% complete, but I'm not sure if that means just story % or overall % including side stuff. Going to play right now so we'll see!


This fucking game is the shit. Most fun I've had since, I dunno, Skyrim? So beautiful, so polished, so entertaining, so BIG. Playing on 360 and all! I salute you CD. now bring me Legacy of Kain.
I might be dumb, but the puzzles in optional tombs 8 hours in are starting to stump me.

Same here. The one where you need to raise and hook platforms stumped me.

I don't know what to think about the languages thing. It's kind of poorly implemented and a bit dumb. She just looks at languages and learns them? Plus it takes for-fucking-ever to upgrade the skills to full.


Gold Member
Has anyone seen how well the twitch implementation works for expeditions? I'm reading about it and it seems like it could be pretty cool.


For the bolded, can you explain how to do this? I see three options for broadcasting in the Options menu, but it's just On/Off toggles. I'm not familiar with the Xbone OS so if this is an OS function, can you explain it? I'm at the end of the game and I've done an assload of side crap so I"m curious just how much I've played lol.

It's the Broadcast Frame toggle. Just turn that one on and play.

Also, for anyone wondering how to check playtime and couldn't figure out the broadcast overlay like me, if you go to the Leaderboards and click on someone's profile to show their gamercard. it''ll display their time played and yours as well. I'm at 18 hours and 69% complete, but I'm not sure if that means just story % or overall % including side stuff. Going to play right now so we'll see!

The system time in Achievements seems to just track the time the game was actually up and running. Not actual time playing. Could be menus. Paused, etc.

The in game clock just seems to track play time.
I might be dumb, but the puzzles in optional tombs 8 hours in are starting to stump me.

Tbh, I think the puzzles are not that complicated. Two optional tombs can be a little tricky because you need to have a good timing, but overall, the solution is pretty straightforward.


Unless already mentioned...

You can unlock the explorer card pack if you read through "Lara's Wall" on this website:

Send me back to Yamatai if old...

I went to the site and after exploring Lara's wall got a different card pack, I got the completionist card pack.

Dr Dogg

Must say TresFX 3.0 is absolutely fantastic in action it has to be seen. Way better than the implementation in the PC and DE versions and even makes Nvidia's HairWorks look a little lacklustre.

Yeah that is all it ever really amounts to. It works in context but I hated exploring an area then having to go back to pick up coins lol. There are 2-3 more nice tomblike areas on the main path and the "nested puzzles" get more complex and clever though never really difficult. There is a lot of decent platforming in comparison to the Reboot too. The optional tombs are pretty great so be sure to do those. There are 5 really good ones with puzzles spanning large spaces and more than 1 room sometimes.

Ah well thought as much. Well the first tomb segment had about half the amount of puzzles as the reboot had it total so it's definitely living up to my expectations. Lack of decent tombs and/or puzzles was really my only gripe with the reboot.

I went to the site and after exploring Lara's wall got a different card pack, I got the completionist card pack.

That's the one I got as well. But I'll take big head mode over extra magazines any day of the week :p
Got the 360 version in the mail today, can't wait to start this. Actually played a while of the reboot on 360 earlier just to get used to the graphics again. Didn't look too bad at all actually.
Still having fun but man there are some very annoying trail-and-error scenarios here. The one with the
bear chase took me several deaths and load screens before I realized what the game expected from me, but the ambush by two waves of armored guys running and gunning, where you learn to craft bombs from cans was the worst. Even on the normal Tomb Raider difficulty those troopers could down me in a heartbeat, down me as I scurried between cover, down me when scurrying takes me an inch beyond cover, down me by shooting through cover, or down me as I try to back away from them. Even taking out the first trio of armored guys quickly just leaves you dealing with a very quick rush of several more armored guys.

What a crazy difficulty spike out of nowhere, and when I was done I felt like I had just gone through the very exacting motions required, no more, no less.
Am I alone in having to redo that section a bunch of times?


It's everything the first game was and more.

Puzzles are actually more than a dimly lit cave and 10 seconds of thought.

Graphics are beautiful.

Lara controls fluidly and her animations are fantastic. Plus she's got a whole "I'm not exactly new to this type of shit" attitude throughout the game that's really refreshing after the innocent bunny turned rambo we got last game.

Thanks, sounds really excellent. Can't wait to get my hands on it.


It's everything the first game was and more.

Puzzles are actually more than a dimly lit cave and 10 seconds of thought.

Graphics are beautiful.

Lara controls fluidly and her animations are fantastic. Plus she's got a whole "I'm not exactly new to this type of shit" attitude throughout the game that's really refreshing after the innocent bunny turned rambo we got last game.

Big fan of the attitude she's got here, it's the right level of not give a fuck/self assuredness imo.

Best line of the game thusfar for me (about 14 hours in):
3 guys standing in the temple area
"She's here!"
"You're damn right I am!" BOOM BOOM BOOM all 3 dead.



*Playing some Tomb Raider, see wolf in the distance as it begins to run toward me*

Me: "Man, that's a pretty big wolf."



Played for about 2 and a half hours today. Luckily GameFly came through and got it to me in 2 days and I took today off from work. Was actually hoping to play way more, but alas, the adult angel on my shoulder talked me into taking care of some shit.

Anyway, definitely really enjoy it so far. Looks damn good. Plays damn good. Everything about it right now is super solid.
My only critique, and it is potentially a pretty big one, is the hand holding the game does. I had read about it in one or two of the reviews I skimmed, and it is pretty damn obtrusive. I say this without realizing how the game would be without it, so perhaps it is there so my dumb ass does know exactly what to do next, but right now there is no real sense of exploration at all. It is very much go here to get this, then go there to do this.

It just feels like the game has really told me everything to do so far.

Perhaps this changes the more time one puts in. I kind of hope it does.

Otherwise the game is real solid. Love everything else about it.

Dr Dogg

Lara 1 Bear 0. Well that's not strictly true as I got clobbered a couple of time trying to grab a screenshot but I had the last laugh. What I do like is crafting and healing on the fly is pretty simple and only a couple of button presses without having to dance about in menus.
It's the Broadcast Frame toggle. Just turn that one on and play.

The system time in Achievements seems to just track the time the game was actually up and running. Not actual time playing. Could be menus. Paused, etc.

The in game clock just seems to track play time.

I turned that on and I can see the borders but I guess because of the frames it cut off the time location. I'm not sure how to adjust the borders in the game, I don't think you can unless you start a new install or something. There's nothing in the options, which is weird.

I just beat the game with 84% completion and approximately 21.5 hours of play time. My opinion stays the same as my initial impressions, so I won't rehash them. This series is fun to play, but they could really use new writers because there's too much cringe in both games. I'm playing entirely for the gameplay and exploration, and not for the story. Wish I could have both (whynotboth.gif).

Now I think it's time to sell my Xbone because I only bought it for the MCC, Halo 5, and Tomb Raider!


This game just keeps impressing me more and more. I love some of the new abilities. Like the *gear spoiler*
arrows you can shoot into walls to climb on, the rebreather and of course the grapple which has some new abilities
. One of them leads to a couple of pretty cool encounters where you can
swim underneath the ground to get behind enemies and stealth them and stuff like that (I guess perhaps you could do this without the rebreather, but these are still cool fights)
. I just love this game so much. Incredible so far.


I hope the puzzles are woven into the main game and aren't optional.

Will be playing this next year as I don't have an xbox.

There are some puzzles woven in. There are 4 tombs/areas with nested puzzles which consit of 2-3 smaller puzzles each. Then there are 9 optional tombs. There is also another smaller puzzle In the main story that feels like it was orignally planned as a challenge tomb since you read a codex and get an ancient ability like all the ofher ones.


Welp, thanks to Target's B2G1, I bought this.

Played for a few hours and, once I got past the intro, actually enjoying it. The first optional Tomb was a joke like so many in the first game. Hoping those get more challenging.

I am enjoying the exploration and actual stealth elements.

Reading through the thread, hoping the tombs do get tougher.

Game looks amazing. Presentation is tops blooby.


Welp, thanks to Target's B2G1, I bought this.

Played for a few hours and, once I got past the intro, actually enjoying it. The first optional Tomb was a joke like so many in the first game. Hoping those get more challenging.

I am enjoying the exploration and actual stealth elements.

Reading through the thread, hoping the tombs do get tougher.

Game looks amazing. Presentation is tops blooby.

Yeah the rest substantially better. None of them are too difficult but most at least have a clever solution. Some take place in much larger areas and some span 2-3 rooms. Getting to some is a lot of fun too with some traps and platforming.


I turned that on and I can see the borders but I guess because of the frames it cut off the time location. I'm not sure how to adjust the borders in the game, I don't think you can unless you start a new install or something. There's nothing in the options, which is weird.

I just beat the game with 84% completion and approximately 21.5 hours of play time. My opinion stays the same as my initial impressions, so I won't rehash them. This series is fun to play, but they could really use new writers because there's too much cringe in both games. I'm playing entirely for the gameplay and exploration, and not for the story. Wish I could have both (whynotboth.gif).

Now I think it's time to sell my Xbone because I only bought it for the MCC, Halo 5, and Tomb Raider!

You need to fix the overscan settings on your TV.


This game just keeps impressing me more and more. I love some of the new abilities. Like the *gear spoiler*
arrows you can shoot into walls to climb on, the rebreather and of course the grapple which has some new abilities
. One of them leads to a couple of pretty cool encounters where you can
swim underneath the ground to get behind enemies and stealth them and stuff like that (I guess perhaps you could do this without the rebreather, but these are still cool fights)
. I just love this game so much. Incredible so far.
The first thing you should do right now is to get the perk that lets you use the arrows with your hands.


I'm really enjoying Score Attack mode - I got my last gold stars and achievement today. Yay! Great work CD, this is definitely my GOTY.


Is it me or is the suspend/resume juste doesn't work for that game? Everytime I try to go back to the game I always get a message saying that my profile something changed and it kicks me back to the main menu.
You need to fix the overscan settings on your TV.

How? I don't have this problem with any other games. For example, in Blops 3 all the HUD elements are in the right place. The game itself was fine, it just didn't readjust when I enabled the border outline.

The first thing you should do right now is to get the perk that lets you use the arrows with your hands.

Haha I just realized I unlocked that ability but never used it.
Game unlocked at midnight here in the UK, it's now 2am and I have work tomorrow or should I say I'm going to be late for work tomorrow.

Game is fantastic so far, after playing the DE version through GwG recently I was kind of expecting it to look the same. On my 50inch screen it looks fantastic and the controls are just as tight if not better than the last one. Haven't got into many firefights yet so can't comment on the shooting but already this is pushing into one of my favourite games this year.

Congratulations Crystal Dynamic. Splendid job :)


Is it me or is the suspend/resume juste doesn't work for that game? Everytime I try to go back to the game I always get a message saying that my profile something changed and it kicks me back to the main menu.

Yeah it is due to the connected online stuff with the card marketplace etc. Doesn't work with that disabled either though.


Gold Member
I posted this a few pages back, but "this game"!!

I swear it's responsible for the increased levels of dopamine that seem to be coursing through my body.

PC only owners and PS4 only owners, you guys are in for a treat!


For anyone on the fence, this is maybe slight spoiler (no plot stuff in video though) from the second half of the game showing how much better even the 'action' chase sequences are.


Thusfar: 0 QTE still, and the few chase sequences have been like this one - clearly scripted but still full of player agency, I could easily go the wrong way and kill myself on the explosions, but it's obvious where they're coming so it's up to me to avoid them, similarly rather than just falling into everything ti's all jumps or jumps and grapples etc.
Am I the only one who feels the aiming is fine? I'm playing on survior difficulity and have no problem taking headshots with my bow as I progress in a stealthy manner. Did you guys update your controller? There's a new update that came today with the major dashboard one, just a heads up.


Man, the visuals for some of these optional tombs are great. Like, really inspired. They need to be a hell of a lot longer though. Granted, I'm only on my third or fourth one.
I went into a cave and 3 wolves came charging at me out of the dark. It felt like this:

Yep, it's pretty intense encountering them in caves.
I'm not a cat, but that was my expression during that entire fight.
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