Do the little jade, gold, silver dragons ever make an appearance in the reboot games?
Weren't those only in Tomb Raider 2 (through maybe I recall some of CD games have a three secrets of those colors each level)?
Do the little jade, gold, silver dragons ever make an appearance in the reboot games?
Game is AMAZING.
Game is fucking grea
Can't stop playing this. What a blast this has been so far.
Some of my screenshots .. BTW this game is awesome
Guys, I'm "sorta" new to XB1 (I've had it for a while but I pretty much only use PS4 until now). I'm curious to know how to capture video footage (using XB1's built in features rather than an external device) and if it can easily be loaded onto a usb, and while I could probably go research it I was hoping someone could just tell me real quick.![]()
To record a clip, you double tap the home button and hit X (This records the last 30 seconds)
Tapping Y will take a screenshot
To record longer clips, you double tap the home button and scroll down to the app snap selection menu. Choose GameDVR and then "end clip now" to capture up to the last 5 minutes. You can also use this app to start recording.
As far as getting access to it off the xbox, you can upload directly to Onedrive through upload studio, another app.
But if you wanna a simpler method, allows you to download your clips as soon as they are available online (about 30 minutes after you record them) and all you have to do is type in your gamertag. Screenshots as well.
Hope that helps.
Do the little jade, gold, silver dragons ever make an appearance in the reboot games?
By the way, this Lara face is so much better than TRE where they made her look kind of weird IMHO.
It's a really impressive game especially considering the XB1 hardware.
Was really nice to see a port that's not half-ass. Wonder if the exclusivity helped in that regard.
Something about Lara's brutal killing still doesn't quite feel right for the character. I guess we have to suspend disbelief a bit since it's a video game.
So im looking everywhere, where can I enter a code on the new xbox UI ?
EditL Found it. Wow they really hid that. For anyone wondering go to the store section, select browse all game, and then all the way to the right.
It does at various places throughout the game, combat or not. It hasn't bothered me at all, to be honest. The game looks pretty damn amazing. I tried TRreviews state the fps drops below 30 in combat. is it that bad?
Guys, there is a survivor difficulty achievement. Is there a way to replay the missions on it? Or do I have to start all over again?
And will I keep the cards I got for challenge mode?
Anyone think Lara drops a surprising amount of f-bombs? Maybe they figured they were getting an M for violence so they made her curse like a sailor but it seemed a little unecessary. Not that women can't curse, it just doesn't seem like her personality.
All these positive impressions of this game are making it real hard to wait for it to come out on PC.![]()
I almost might just cave in and get it on Xbox One at this point. I really loved playing through the first one earlier this year.
This game is literally one of the best reasons to own a X-box One at the moment. can't believe people are sleeping on this game so much. It may be the game of the year.
All these positive impressions of this game are making it real hard to wait for it to come out on PC.![]()
I almost might just cave in and get it on Xbox One at this point. I really loved playing through the first one earlier this year.
This game is literally one of the best reasons to own a X-box One at the moment. can't believe people are sleeping on this game so much. It may be the game of the year.
This game is literally one of the best reasons to own a X-box One at the moment. can't believe people are sleeping on this game so much. It may be the game of the year.
It came out at the wrong time
This game is worth spending $400 on an xbox.
This game is literally one of the best reasons to own a X-box One at the moment. can't believe people are sleeping on this game so much. It may be the game of the year.
and thenYour move Uncharted 4, this one is gonna be a tough one to top.
I know this is a Playstation podcast, but If you can get your hands on an Xbox One...borrow from a friend. Just do something and play this game while you can.
It does at various places throughout the game, combat or not. It hasn't bothered me at all, to be honest. The game looks pretty damn amazing. I tried TRE tonight just to see the difference, and wow, it's a huge jump from that game to this!