I got a few pack unlocks pop up while playing, what are they used for?
Score attack mode or chapter replay.
Good to see this thread getting some traction after all the Fallout hype.
is that a chibi nathan drake?
I am enjoying this game ten fold more than Fallout 4. I appreciate all of the polish and attention to so many little details. It's also fun as hell.
I was going to post a screenshot to show off the little details, I mean even the snow trails have thier own system, the storm slowly covers you tracks but the faint imprints can still be seen. I didn't expect this from CD, theyre reaching ND/Remedy/Rocksteady status imo
You know, we're not even gonna get proper sales numbers for ROTR until like 2017. So if they're gonna do a follow-up, will CD not get a greenlight until then? It's unlikely they'll do it just with one platform's sale.
I've only played the first 30-45 minutes or so but I'm already reminded why I loved the first game so much. It was a sleeper to me but quickly became one of my favorite games ever. I love the cinematic nature of it.
It's funny you mention that, because the other night I was playing and said to myself, "CD is another Naughty Dog." No doubt about it, they are that damn good. I would argue they are even better when it comes to level design and even with all of Lara's little animations and expressions.
The game isn't out a week yet
It will probably have been greenlit already or in the pitch process. Doubt they're going to sit on this engine and tech, twiddling their thumbs for a year.It's a question worth asking, I think
You know, we're not even gonna get proper sales numbers for ROTR until like 2017. So if they're gonna do a follow-up, will CD not get a greenlight until then? It's unlikely they'll do it just with one platform's sale.
Is anyone buying the season pass? As it's $30, I figure it would be cheaper to double dip on the PC version during a Steam sale than to buy the season pass for the Xbox One (unless Square-Enix is brave/stupid enough to charge full price for the game and not include the season pass content with the PC/PS4 releases).
CD another Naughty Dog?
RoTR likely game of the year?
I am ACHING to play this next year...
my GOTY. Seriously good!
Same, I haven't even finished it yet but atm I'm on the fence between this and Arkham Knight.my GOTY. Seriously good!
Thanks for this.IMPORTANT
there is a game breaking bug near the end, make sure you always have pistol ammo as there is a scripted section that requires you to shoot an enemy, if you are out of ammo you cannot shoot the enemy which results in death. There is no way to get any pistol ammo at this point. I need to wait for a patch to finish the game I'm pretty pisssed.
Thanks for this.
It's up there with The Witcher 3 and Bloodborne for my GOTY as well. I can never pick just one.
You know, we're not even gonna get proper sales numbers for ROTR until like 2017. So if they're gonna do a follow-up, will CD not get a greenlight until then? It's unlikely they'll do it just with one platform's sale.
The game is absolutely gorgeous, but good God the aiming is bad. There's a massive delay with the right stick movement, I really hope they fix this soon.
You know, we're not even gonna get proper sales numbers for ROTR until like 2017. So if they're gonna do a follow-up, will CD not get a greenlight until then? It's unlikely they'll do it just with one platform's sale.
Is anyone buying the season pass? As it's $30, I figure it would be cheaper to double dip on the PC version during a Steam sale than to buy the season pass for the Xbox One (unless Square-Enix is brave/stupid enough to charge full price for the game and not include the season pass content with the PC/PS4 releases).
Same, at the start of the year I would have thought MGS V would be my GOTY, but for me it is probably this or Witcher 3 wth Bloodborne and Halo slightly behind.
How do I get other outfits/costumes?
This game is absolutely incredible. Witcher 3 to me is the best game ever made and is my default GOTY for 2015, but outside of that ROTR is easily the GOTY for me. It has completely blown me away in my 6 or so hours with it so far.
I think Lara is the most detailed character I've ever seen in a video game to this point. Take a look at her face next time you are in a Tomb or some wondrous place. She is looking at things and making faces of awe and stuff. Absolutely incredible. Add to that all of her facial animations, wringing out her hair when its wet, shivering and clattering teeth when its cold, and of course the insanely realistic hair. Incredible stuff.
If the gunplay was a bit better, this game would be in legendary status. Maybe that will be fixed on PC with 60fps. I will most certainly double dip on this game, can't imagine it looking EVEN BETTER on PC.
Honestly, this is easily one of the most graphically and artistically impressive games ever made.
Its s a grandiose statement yeah, but quite frankly its true. I just reached the Geothermal Valley, and the sequence you do to reach it is astounding.
This feels cinematic in a way which I adore, because the slight film grain and the choreography and rhythm of the action and combat scenes make it feel like a film in the best possible way!
It's up there with The Witcher 3 and Bloodborne for my GOTY as well. I can never pick just one.
The past four relics I've picked up haven't vibrated at all whilst I've rotated them around. Is this a glitch of some kind?