Does it really look THIS good in-game?
The game is incredible looking. See my gifs, lol
Does it really look THIS good in-game?
That does not answer my question.The game is incredible looking. See my gifs, lol
That does not answer my question.
Does it really look THIS good in-game?
Any hope for a sequel?
Any hope for a sequel?
Any hope for a sequel?
Picked this game up today and started playing on the difficulty below legendary and been playing the last few hours. This game is amazing. The combat is immensely satisfying and it's an absolute treat to look at. Glad I picked it up. After I finish it up, I'll probably end up playing on legendary.
I played through this game this weekend. I enjoyed it so much I immediately started a 2nd playthrough. I understand the complaints about this game being short, but this was really fun. Once you get a grasp for the combat it is really addicting to keep coming back to and all of that Roman military stuff was really cool.
I hate that games that are very good but short get inevitably slammed by reviewers and message board posters, while games that are mediocre but long (Dead Rising) get much more consideration and leeway. If Ryse was a 20-hour open-world game that was padded out with long travel sequences, cut-and-paste world design, braindead AI, and pointless minigames I think it would have a MetaCritic score that is 10 points higher.
I don't think the game uses any Screen space reflections, cause I haven't noticed any...wish it did though.
I agree. I'd rather have a shorter tight campaign, than a longer padded campaign. I don't have time and patience for needless sequences thrown in just to extend playtime.
Chapter 3?
Dropping to $39.99 digitally from tomorrow:
I'll probably bite at that price, partly as people say its way better than the reviews, and partly because theres a level set where I live.
edit: How the hell do you quick throw accurately? Every time I try it the spears are way off the mark. I am at part where you have to take care of all the archers on the rooftop and in legendary it takes two hits for each one. I barley get half before it says I've failed.
Just got Ryse and Dead Rising 3 in the mail.
What's the best way to play this if I'm going for the 1000/1000? Hardest difficulty first? Or is there a learning curve such that I would be better off playing a lower difficulty and then diving into the hardest one the second time around? Any missables to worry about?
I missed the Twitch stream introducing the next Ryse DLC. Anyone catch it?
Looks like it's this, but only 30 mins?
I'm with those that say Ryse is the best looking next gen game. KZ:SF was my top but this outdoes it.
I like the addition of Tier 6 items and the rebalancing of the pack costs. I think gold payouts should have gone up too, but it's a start.
But that is what he said. You earn more XP and gold in survival mode compared to the regular MP.
Aw man I thought you could start the game while it's not fully downloaded? I am at like 75%. game started, I chose new game and now it's on an install screen :/