The cast of this game is just insane. They're all too good! And none of them are really unlikable either.

Oh btw, here's the list of rewards and titles that you can get, just typed them out:
The solution to optimal or preferred fusion solutions is definitely not as simple as you make it sound. Often there can be 10 or more fusion pairs for a given demon, and only one has a possible root that you can trace to inherit a given skill into that demon. It becomes even more challenging when you want to consider specific stat boosts and planning the inheritance of more than one skill.
Ugh, I forgot this game would use the dumb Overclocked NG+ system instead of the helpful DS one.![]()
Well the original New game+ system was kind of broken
It's a NG+ mode, that's the whole point. It lets you speed back through, making all the decisions during the game however you want, to get the other endings. That's the whole reason Chrono Trigger invented NG+ in the first place.
This way means you're constantly throwing away all your effort and you basically have to play the whole game again for real, minus a few minor gimmes, each time. I might as well just Youtube the endings if it's going to take 200 hours of repetitive play to get all of them.
Wait... the new game plus is like the grade system in the Tales game? o___O
Supposedly I want to play the game from the beginning for the third time... does my "points" over the last two playthrough accumulate or not? Say if I do an "A" in my 1st playthough that netted me 200 points, will my points become 400 if I do "A" again in my 2nd playthrough?
No. But when you unlock something you unlock it permanently.
It's a NG+ mode, that's the whole point. It lets you speed back through, making all the decisions during the game however you want, to get the other endings. That's the whole reason Chrono Trigger invented NG+ in the first place.
This way means you're constantly throwing away all your effort and you basically have to play the whole game again for real, minus a few minor gimmes, each time. I might as well just Youtube the endings if it's going to take 200 hours of repetitive play to get all of them.
Haivng problems with early Day 3.
Yes, this concerns ghost Q, but perhaps not in the way one would have expected. At 07.00 am I was forced between three people-meeting events. I went with Io over Daichi and Makoto (iirc). Then Ghost-Q popped up. The problem is that no matter what Io will pop up in the cutscene and ghost Q will run away. How do I prevent that? My MC is more than strong enough to beat up everything.
Wait is it possible to be unable to purchase all the unlocks even after subsequent playthroughs?
You needed to face him while the MC was still alone :/
Ah, thanks. I still have a save from before, but that would make me fight merak again. By your estimation, is ghost Q worth that?
It's a NG+ mode, that's the whole point. It lets you speed back through, making all the decisions during the game however you want, to get the other endings. That's the whole reason Chrono Trigger invented NG+ in the first place.
This way means you're constantly throwing away all your effort and you basically have to play the whole game again for real, minus a few minor gimmes, each time. I might as well just Youtube the endings if it's going to take 200 hours of repetitive play to get all of them.
Can you make a hard save just before the last day, and then use Suspend saves to save your progress on the last day?
That's how I saw all the endings on Devil Survivor on the DS without having to play thru the whole game half a dozen times.
Hit another wall. This time it's the last boss and its final form, which wipes out my whole team before I can even try attacking it twice. Back to grinding and fusing!
Yes. Finally managed to beat Ghost Q and knock that smug grin off his face.
Involved a lot of warping around and stumbling onto a loophole with a evil wave demon.
It was on one side 6x2 obstacle and I across on the other side. I think it didn't want to move because doing so would increase the distance between us. When I moved one square to attack I different demon it used phantasm reach me and attacked directly, instead on wait one more turn to position itself for a long distance attack.
I'm catching up. One Day 6 now! I just did the first battle of the daywhere you first encounter the Mizar splinters. Fumi and Airi blew them all away in like 2 turns, lol.
Feel free to post your teams + levels and i'll try you in any way I can.
I'm catching up. One Day 6 now! I just did the first battle of the daywhere you first encounter the Mizar splinters. Fumi and Airi blew them all away in like 2 turns, lol.
Since I'm at the end game it probably wont be broken, but I managed to get Megami Isis with Drain and Anti-Phys, and Diety Mithra. Sadly I couldn't get any ice resistance on Mithra. But this means when they are paired with my MC I have: Awakening + Megido + Megido + Drain...
So much holy power!
Sadly I had worthwhile to fuse Odin with, so he will be with Fumi as "fuck everything up with magic" team 2.
I'm also going to miss Genma Kresnick and that delicious Phantasm ability. But meh.
Is there a fast way to re-load a save game from inside the game instead of resetting the DS...?
Is there a fast way to re-load a save game from inside the game instead of resetting the DS...?
Start + Select + L + R does a quick reset to the title screen.
Hasn't Start + Select + Shoulder buttons been a standard way to reset a game to start screen for a while now? Like going way back to the PSX?
Finally made it to Day 4. If I could rename characters,would henceforth be referred to as "Duck Puncher." The boss monster is situated a square or two away and all the lousy, albeit overpowered, bastard can do is punch the duck monster on the other sqaure. At least he's strong enough to survive the AI's suicidal tendencies =_=Ronaldo
Start + Select + L + R does a quick reset to the title screen.
Lots of NDS games have a soft-reset, they all use this code.![]()