It looks like you're starting to hit your stride. Awesome ♪
What day are you on?
Hasn't Start + Select + Shoulder buttons been a standard way to reset a game to start screen for a while now? Like going way back to the PSX?
Cu Chulainn is so fucking broken...I'm already in day 7 and this level 43 guy is still one-shotting most enemies with his brutal combination of Pierce, Phys Boost, +Stone and Assassinate.
Oh man. The WEIRDEST thing about the AI in that fight was howif the boss is COMBINED, he will always target the boss. But when the boss is separated and actually vulnerable, he will NEVER attack the boss as long as there is another enemy in range. It was really hilarious.
Fun fact, I brought the bosses HP to 1 (yes I was that unlucky -_-) and when Ronaldo attacked its fused form he actually killed it by doing 1 damage. It seems NPCs will always deal at least 1hp to invincible enemies
Every single time Ronaldo attacked the fused form, he would do damage. Sometimes he would do 17 damage, once I think he did 38 damage or something. I'm not sure how he was doing it, maybe we should study his skill set and demon combination to find out...
Fun fact, I brought the bosses HP to 1 (yes I was that unlucky -_-) and when Ronaldo attacked its fused form he actually killed it by doing 1 damage. It seems NPCs will always deal at least 1hp to invincible enemies
Obsessed, you will suffer. A lot. If you lose, come back and i'll tell how to win without telling you how to win ;0
Start + Select + L + R does a quick reset to the title screen.
Oh man. The WEIRDEST thing about the AI in that fight was howif the boss is COMBINED, he will always target the boss. But when the boss is separated and actually vulnerable, he will NEVER attack the boss as long as there is another enemy in range. It was really hilarious.
Just had a long and grueling battle on day 6. The one where you have to4 spots, despite them telling you there are 3 important spots. It just so happened I didn't have any demons with phantasm or flight, so I had to take the long path to all the points. The enemies were slowly whittling me down, and I only had 2 sources of Recarms (fortunately on separate teams). There were a few times I was close to losing both teams, and anyway my constant Recarming had them running low on MP. Fortunately my main assault team practically had infinite mana thanks to Alter Pain and a fallen's racial ability, and the other team had a Tyrant. I was really pissed when they showed the last point as being right next to where you started.
For some reason I'm not remembering this battle at all.
He's talking about the battle where you have to pick up the 3 pieces of the demon, I think. It was a pretty easy battle because you really only have to pick up the one at the bottom, while wiping all the enemies below. After that you should just camp the escape spots if you're not going to be fast enough to chase them.
No, he is talking about the battle where you have to take out the seal thingy in order to use the Dragon Stream against the self-replicating Angel.
No, he is talking about the battle where you have to take out the seal thingy in order to use the Dragon Stream against the self-replicating Angel.
Oh, but that one was pretty clear. It said you have to start the terminal, and then push the 3 buttons on the pillar as it rises. Even if you are confused about the initial instructions, the location of the first switch is very obvious, and once you start the terminal, unless you're really poor at observation, you'll see where all 3 switch points will be as the pillar rises.
I understand that, but I can see why someone that skips through the non-story-related text would go along with the explicitly mentioned number 3.
Day 2 spoilers
Seriously fuckhaving to use that red haired chick in the mission where I have to save Keita. I'm already used to my members dynamics, I don't want her.
But she's really good!.Seriously, amazing STR/AGI out of her
Also worthy of note: my first playthrough of DS2 will be my first attempt at making a melee MC. Every MC build in the first game used nothing but magic. Trying to mix things up a bit.
Finished Day 3. The battles throughout Day 3 were pretty solid in general. Lots of fun. The story and characters in Devil Survivor 2 are really kinda.... disappointing in a way. It's not that they're particularly bad or anything, but I'm kinda annoyed that instead of making a proper sequel to the first game, they decided to take the gameplay and make a totally new story and setting instead which honestly feels much less like the more classic SMT tone that the first game had, and instead goes in the direction of a more modern-Persona sort of tone.
That's the build I always go for, and had fun making it through this game. I only had huge issues with two battles near the end. Never found the STR-based Almighty skill, so I wonder if I just missed it or if it wasn't available on the path I'd selected.
An interesting point. The story of the first DS has the distinction of being my favorite SMT story, period. Was it "too good"? I don't know if there's such a thing. It felt darker, more apocalyptic. In DS2, I don't feel like the world's really on the line (yet). It all still feels like friends out on a school trip. Of course, I'm only on Day 2. I hope this changes.this. after my first few hours, this. even the music (particularly during the 'goofy' parts) feels flat. was the first game simply too good?...
but the gameplay's great, & i'm in for the long haul, so, whatever...
No problem Obsessed, hope it's of some use for the upcoming battles!
But she's really good!.Seriously, amazing STR/AGI out of her
this. after my first few hours, this. even the music (particularly during the 'goofy' parts) feels flat. was the first game simply too good?...
but the gameplay's great, & i'm in for the long haul, so, whatever...
The only carryover from SJ(aside from animated sprites) that this game would've been awesome with were demon codes for sharing your creations, but I guess there's not as much potential awesome as there was in SJ.
Never bothered with her too much.
Also anyone else finding STR to still be the lesser choice by endgame? My party have pretty much been at its best when I use Magic MC/Otome/Fumi, and then a STR user with Pierce/Marksman. When I've used two STR users I've focused on the second STR user using an assassination build.
I mean there are a lot of great STR skills now, but I find at the endgame a lot of enemies come with resistance. With magic users I can easily swap out what element I'm using pre-battle. With STR users I only have one Pierce to go around, and Pierce seems mandatory late game.
Obsessed: see, I told you, didn't I?![]()
Make you sure set up a super star demon squad. The demons Mitama posted are invaluable (especially Fairy Titania... oh baby) if you're at lvl 65, grinding will not help you.
I'd also get Culebre for evil flow (super snipe basically)
I have Culebre. He is ace. I'm not level 65 yet. I'm going to set up a super-squad.
Where can I get Dragon Asp?
edit: Nevermind, didn't need it. Mitama, you are a lifesaver. Thanks for that epic list.
edit: What demons make up Elemental Aquann/Erthys?
edit: Free battles are starting to get stale, but I must grind MORE MACCA.
The only carryover from SJ(aside from animated sprites) that this game would've been awesome with were demon codes for sharing your creations, but I guess there's not as much potential awesome as there was in SJ.
Also, grinding to LV65 is really unnecessary. I imposed several restrictions when creating those fusions:
Also anyone else finding STR to still be the lesser choice by endgame? My party have pretty much been at its best when I use Magic MC/Otome/Fumi, and then a STR user with Pierce/Marksman. When I've used two STR users I've focused on the second STR user using an assassination build.
I mean there are a lot of great STR skills now, but I find at the endgame a lot of enemies come with resistance. With magic users I can easily swap out what element I'm using pre-battle. With STR users I only have one Pierce to go around, and Pierce seems mandatory late game.
Thanks again Mitama. Also I didn't grind for that reason. I had to grind for macca though. My demons basically mopped the floor with every enemy except the final one.